Bemlos bidens Myers, 1988

Myers, Alan A., 2009, Aoridae *, Zootaxa 2260 (1), pp. 220-278 : 234

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Bemlos bidens Myers, 1988


Bemlos bidens Myers, 1988 View in CoL

( Figs 11 View FIGURE 11 , 12 View FIGURE 12 )

Bemlos bidens Myers, 1988b: 293 View in CoL , figs 24–25. — Lowry & Stoddart, 2003: 67 (catalogue).

Material examined. Not collected in the current survey.

Type locality. Great Detached Reef, near Raine Island , Queensland (11°43'S 144°03'E) GoogleMaps .

Description. Based on holotype, male, 4.0 mm, AM P37430 ( Myers 1988b).

Head. Head lateral cephalic lobes apically truncate. Antenna 1–2 unknown. Lower lip with fine setae and stout setae. Maxilla 1 inner plate with 1 long pectinate apical seta. Mandible, palp article 3 longer than 2, posterior margin straight or weakly falcate, posterior margin with setae of two distinct lengths, long setae and an under-story of much shorter regularly spaced setae.

Pereon. Pereonites 2–4 with apically acute sternal spines. Gnathopod 1 coxa unproduced anterodistally, rounded; basis robust, twice as long as broad, posterodistal margin with few setae; ischium anterior margin without flange, posterior margin with one long seta; merus not greatly elongated, fused along its entire length with carpus, posterior margin with few setae, with acute posterodistal spine; carpus two thirds length of propodus, with few setae, anterior margin with no spine; without an oblique row of long setae on inner face, posterodistal margin with stout spine; propodus anterior margin moderately setiferous, posterior margin straight, palm delimited from posterior margin, margin entire, palm defined by subquadrate corner, with robust seta defining palm, without spine near base of dactylus; dactylus more than half length of propodus, significantly overlapping palm. Gnathopod 2 subchelate; basis anterodistal margin without flange, posterodistal margin without robust setae; with few setae along length of basis; carpus shorter than propodus, with short sparse setae; propodus with dense setae, palm with robust seta defining palm. Pereopod 3 without brush of long setae on merus. Pereopod 6 basis weakly produced posterodistally. Pereopod 7 150% length of pereopod 6.

Pleon. Epimeron 3 posterodistal margin rounded. Uropod 1 rami subequal, peduncle much longer than broad, distoventral spine shorter than peduncle. Uropod 2 biramous; peduncle with distoventral spine shorter than peduncle. Uropod 3 biramous, inner ramus 1.5 x length of peduncle. Telson with distal fine setae only.

Female. Unknown

Habitat. Reef flat.

Remarks. This species is known from a single male ( Myers 1988b). It is unique among Great Barrier Reef aorids in having a well developed spine on the posterodistal margin of both the merus and the carpus on the male gnathopod 1.

Distribution. Australia. Queensland: Great Detached Reef, near Raine Island, ( Myers 1988b).














Bemlos bidens Myers, 1988

Myers, Alan A. 2009

Bemlos bidens

Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E. 2003: 67
Myers, A. A. 1988: 293
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