Bujurquina mabelae, Careaga & Miranda & Carvajal-Vallejos, 2023

Careaga, Matías, Miranda, Guido & Carvajal-Vallejos, Fernando M., 2023, Description of two new species of Bujurquina (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the Bolivian Amazon, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 220093) 21 (2), pp. 1-21 : 11-15

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1982-0224-2022-0093

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scientific name

Bujurquina mabelae

sp. nov.

Bujurquina mabelae , new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E5FED743-7DBA-45A0-B708-68A6D847CD44

( Figs. 7–8 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 ; Tab. 1)

Holotype. UMSS 18502 , 1 , 63.9 mm SL, Bolivia, Cochabamba Department, Chapare Province, Amazon basin, Río Mamoré drainage, Río San Pedro, 16°48’47.72”S 65°21’33.63”W, 9 Aug 2006, J. Zubieta, R. Bigorne & N. Moya. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. All from Amazon basin, Bolivia. UMSS 789 , 12 , 50.9–68.7 mm SL, Santa Cruz Department, Ñuflo de Chávez Province, Río Iténez drainage, Río Quizer , 16°29’07.60”S 62°29’04.00”W, 19 Oct 2005, F. Carvajal-Vallejos, C. Zawadzki, E. de la Barra, A. Argote & D. Gonzales. UMSS 922 , 2 , 57.9 –60.0 mm SL, Santa Cruz Department, Ichilo Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Surutú , 17°29’02.20”S 63°40’49.50”W, 17 Oct 2005, F. Carvajal-Vallejos, C. Zawadzki, E. de la Barra, A. Argote & D. Gonzales. UMSS 3794 , 1 , 64.5 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Chapare Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río San Pedro , 16°48’47.72”S 65°21’33.63”W, 9 Aug 2006, J. Zubieta, R. Bigorne & N. Moya. UMSS 12351 , 5 , 50.1–57.2 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Carrasco Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Leticia , 17°00’19.73”S 65°07’35.11”W, 5 Jun 2003, J. Zubieta, C. Ibañes & R. Bigorne. UMSS 12365 , 2 , 56.4–70.4 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Chapare Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Chipiriri , 16°44’42.64”S 65°18’14.68”W, 4 Oct 2002, F. Carvajal-Vallejos. UMSS 12380 , 2 , 50.4- 50.6 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Tiraque Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Ibuelo , 16°58’22.96”S 65°21’53.83”W, 6 May 2003, L. Córdova, J. Camacho & M. Maldonado. UMSS 12383 , 2 , 58.0– 67.1 mm SL, Santa Cruz Department, Ñuflo de Chávez Province , Río Iténez drainage, Río Quizerna , 16°22’07.74”S 62°30’15.91”W, 4 Sep 2003, L. Córdova & M. Maldonado. UMSS 12427 , 1 , 50.1 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Carrasco Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Ivirgarzama , 17°02’18.75”S 64°52’32.14”W, 13 Sep 2002, F. Carvajal-Vallejos, C. Zawadzki, E. de la Barra, A. Argote & D. Gonzales. UMSS 16641 , 1 , 53.6 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Carrasco Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Eñe , 16°59’37.41”S 65°12’09.33”W, 25 Sep 2004, F. Carvajal-Vallejos. UMSS 17210 , 2 , 50.7–70.5 mm SL, Santa Cruz Department, Ñuflo de Chávez Province , Río Iténez drainage, arroyo San Miguelito, 16°22’10.75”S 62°30’16.35”W, 1 Jun 2006, M. Jégu. UMSS 17211 , 8 , 50.3–71.2 mm SL, Santa Cruz Department, Ñuflo de Chávez Province , Río Iténez drainage, Río Quizer , 16°29’07.60”S 62°29’04.00”W, 2 Jun 2006, M. Jégu. UMSS 17212 , 1 , 54.1 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Carrasco Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Eñe , 16°59’37.41”S 65°12’09.33”W, 25 Sep 2004, F. Carvajal-Vallejos. UMSS 17218 , 1 , 55.0 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Carrasco Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Eñe , 16°59’37.41”S 65°12’09.33”W, 25 Sep 2004, F. Carvajal-Vallejos. UMSS 17219 , 1 , 54.0 mm SL, Santa Cruz Department, Ñuflo de Chávez Province , Río Iténez drainage, arroyo San Miguelito, 16°22’10.75”S 62°30’16.35”W, 1 Jun 2006, M. Jégu. UMSS 17348 , 1 , 63.1 mm SL, Cochabamba Department, Chapare Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Chapare , 16°59’05.67”S 65°24’45.35”W, 10 Sep 2003, J. Zubieta, C. Ibañes & R. Bigorne. CIRA 2147 , 1 , 62.7 mm SL, Beni Department, Cercado Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Mocovi , 14°43’60.00”S 64°54’00.00”W, 1 Sep 2009, T. Yunoki. CIRA 2280 , 1 , 69.9 mm SL, Beni Department, Cercado Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Río Mamoré , Laguna Río Viejo , 14°46’21.11”S 65°00’36.11”W, 1 Feb 2008, T. Yunoki. CIRA 3185 , 2 , 64.7–66.6 mm SL, Beni Department, Cercado Province , Río Mamoré drainage, Laguna Suárez , 14°53’01.63”S 64°52’20.99”W, 10 Nov 2011, T. Yunoki GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Bujurquina mabelae differs from its congeners registered in Bolivia in the following: from B. beniensis in caudal peduncle depth (15.9–18.7 vs. 14.2–15.9% SL), pectoral-fin length (32.7–42.5 vs. 26.2–32.0% SL), head depth (31.2–36.1 vs. 27.7–31.0% SL), and nape band (faint vs. distinctive); from B. cordemadi in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 33.3–35.3% SL; Kullander, 1986), snout length (8.9–16.7 vs. 6.6–7.4% SL; Kullander, 1986); from B. eurhinus in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 31.2–35.8% SL; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986); from B. oenolaemus on pectoral-fin length (32.7–42.5 vs. 28.6–32.2% SL; ranges resulting from combination of Kullander, 1987 and measurements obtained in present study), bar 6-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; differentiation resulting from combination of Kullander, 1987 and present study); from B. vittata in body depth (39.0–45.8 vs. 45.8–48.2% SL; ranges resulting from combination of Eigenmann, Kennedy, 1903 and measurements obtained in present study), head depth (31.2–36.1 vs. 36.1–40.6% SL; measurements obtained in present study). Furthermore, B. mabelae differs from other species of the genus as follows: from B. apoparuana in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 32.8–36.8% SL; Kullander, 1986), preopercular spot (absent vs. present; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), bar 6-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), longitudinal band (discontinuous vs. continuous; Kullander, 1986); from B. hophrys in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 32.9–36.1% SL; Kullander, 1986), preopercular spot (absent vs. present; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), longitudinal band (discontinuous vs. continuous; Kullander, 1986); from B. huallagae in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 31.8–35.2% SL; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), longitudinal band (discontinuous vs. continuous; Kullander, 1986); from B. labiosa in pectoral-fin length (32.7–42.5 vs. 28.5% SL; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), longitudinal band (discontinuous vs. continuous; Kullander, 1986); from B. mariae in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 33.3–35.7% SL; Eigenmann, 1922), number of scales in the E1 series (23–25 vs. 26; Eigenmann, 1922), number of lower line scales (6–10 vs. 12; Eigenmann, 1922); B. megalospilus in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 33.4–36.9% SL; Kullander, 1986) and snout length (8.9–16.7 vs. 5.3–7.9; Kullander, 1986); from B. moriorum in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 33.8–36.9% SL; Kullander, 1986), preopercular spot (absent vs. present; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), bar 6-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), longitudinal band (discontinuous vs. continuous; Kullander, 1986); from B. ortegai in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 32.9–34.1% SL; Kullander, 1986), bar 6-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986); from B. pardus in pectoral-fin length (32.7–42.5 vs. 28.5–31.8% SL; Arbour et al., 2014), bar 7-band longitudinal (separate vs. fused; Arbour et al., 2014); from B. peregrinabunda in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 31.4–33.5% SL; Kullander, 1986), snout length (8.9–16.7 vs. 5.8–8.4% SL; Kullander, 1986), preopercular spot (absent vs. present; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), bar 6-longitudinal band (separate vs. fused; Kullander, 1986), longitudinal band (discontinuous vs. continuous; Kullander, 1986); from B. robusta in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 32.1–35.0% SL; Kullander, 1986), bar 6-longitudinal band (separate vs. united; Kullander, 1986); from B. syspilus in snout length (8.9–16.7 vs. 6.9– 8.5% SL; Kullander, 1986); from B. tambopatae in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 32.6–36.0% SL; Kullander, 1986), bar 7-longitudinal band (separated vs. united; Kullander, 1986), bar 6-longitudinal band (separated vs. united; Kullander, 1986); from B. zamorensis in head length (37.1–40.2 vs. 33.3% SL; Regan, 1905), body depth (39.0–45.8 vs. 37.5% SL; Regan, 1905), pectoral-fin length (32.7–42.5 vs. 26.7% SL; Regan, 1905), number of scales in the E1 series (23–25 vs. 27; Regan, 1905).

Description. Measurements summarized in Tab. 1. No apparent sexual dimorphism. Head slightly wider ventrally than dorsally. Body deeper than B. beniensis , lateral profile more convex dorsally than ventrally. Dorsal profile of head ascending, straight from tip of snout to posterior margin of orbit, straight with minor upward slope to insertion of dorsal fin; dorsal-fin base ascending, convex to about 5 th dorsal-fin spine, descending convex to end of soft dorsal fin. Dorsal and ventral caudal peduncle profile straight to caudal-fin base. Ventral profile of head descending, slightly convex from lower lip to insertion of pelvic fin, straight to insertion of anal fin, ascending anal fin slightly convex. Jaws isognathous, thin lips. Small mouth, maxilla does not reach vertical line from anterior margin of orbit.

E1 23(5), 24(32) or 25*(10); scales between upper lateral line and dorsal fin 3.5 anteriorly, 1.5 posteriorly. Scales on upper lateral line 14(2), 15*(19), 16(22) or 17(3), and on lower lateral line 6(4), 7(13), 8*(23), 9(6) or 10(1) with 0 to 3 scales continuing onto caudal fin. Two rows of scales between lateral lines. Circumpeduncular scale rows 15(6) or 16*(41). Predorsal scales 7(4), 8*(37) or 9(4).

Dorsal fin XIII,10(3), XIV,8(1), XIV,9(30), XIV,10*(12) or XV,9(1); anal fin II,7(1), III,6(3), III,7(33) or III,8*(9). Dorsal spines increasing in length from 1 st to 4 th. Remaining dorsal spines relatively equal in size. Lappets of dorsal-fin spines pointed or slightly rounded. Dorsal fin soft, slightly expanded, pointed, usually reaching one-third to one-half of caudal-fin length (fifth and sixth longest rays). Anal fin pointed, with third and fourth longest rays, reaching one-third of caudal-fin length. Caudal fin truncated, symmetrical. Pectoral fin long (32.7–42.5% SL), reaching insertion of anal fin, with fourth and fifth longest rays. Pelvic fin triangular, first ray elongated as filament, reaching first spines of anal fin.

Teeth in outer hemiseries conical, unicuspid, progressively smaller posteriorly. Three rows of smaller teeth behind. Dentary hemiseries with conical, recurved, unicuspid teeth, three to four rows of smaller teeth posteriorly. Eight external rakers in first-gill arch. Vertebrae 11+12, two of the 12 caudal vertebrae contained in the caudal peduncle.

Coloration in alcohol. Background color brownish yellow, darker dorsally. Chest, suboperculum, and interoperculum with pale coloration. Operculum dorsally darker. Suborbital stripe straight and broad, diffuse or marked brown, with extension towards anterior arm of preoperculum. Faint nape band. No preopercular spot. Broad brownish-gray interorbital band, between orbits and nostrils. Absence of stripes or buccal spots. Live specimens with iridescent green spots on preoperculum and operculum. Lateral bars faint but distinct, darker dorsally, with ventral extension to lower edge of caudal peduncle level. Bars 1 to 3 straight, bars 4 to 6 curved above lateral band, bar 6 discontinuous with lateral band. Bar 7 broad, around origin of dorsal fin, discontinuous with lateral band. Dark lateral band extending below upper lateral line to end of dorsal fin along upper edge of caudal peduncle. Lateral band continues anteriorly with dorsal spot of operculum and nape band. Lateral band discontinuous posteriorly between lateral bars, especially between bars 4–5. Mediolateral spot on bar 5 blackish, often larger than other spots on lateral band. Live specimens with iridescent green spots in horizontal rows on flanks. Gray lobes in dorsal fin with whitish edges. In live specimens, orange coloration above whitish border on dorsal-fin end. Grayish dorsal fin with row of hyaline spots on its upper part. Spiny dorsal fin immaculate in most specimens, but some with dark spots at base of fin. Soft part of dorsal fin with hyaline spots on its last five membranes. Grayish anal fin with dark lower edge and hyaline spots in rows on last three membranes. Caudal fin grayish immaculate with some dark spots at its base. Pelvic fin grayish with whitish anterior border. Small, vertically elongated, dark caudal spot above lower lateral line, without clear border. No coloration pattern on flank scales ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ).

Geographical distribution. Bujurquina mabelae is known from different localities in the Río Iténez and Río Mamoré drainages ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). These drainages are important tributaries of the Río Madeira, which flows to the Amazon basin.

Ecological notes. This species inhabits streams and riverbanks of white and clear water in the headwaters (i.e., piedmont; Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ) of the Río Mamoré and Río Iténez drainages. In addition, records of this species have been obtained in lagoons of fluvial and tectonic origin in the middle of the Río Mamoré drainage.

Etymology. The species is named in honor of Mabel Maldonado Maldonado for her valuable contributions to the studies of fish ecology and aquatic environments, and continued support to systematics studies of fishes in Bolivia. A noun in a genitive case.

Conservation status. Bujurquina mabelae is distributed in different tributaries of the Río Iténez and Río Mamoré drainages, with an Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of approximately 54,500 km 2. Since no specific threats are detected, this species can be classified as Least Concern (LC) according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categories and criteria (IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee, 2022).


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