Chelonus carinatus Provancher, 1881

Sandoval-B, Ada L., Shaw, Scott Richard, Herrera, Henri W. & Sarmiento, Carlos E., 2024, Diversity and differentiation of the Chelonus (Microchelonus) species of the Galapagos archipelago (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Cheloninae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97, pp. 825-848 : 825-848

publication ID 10.3897/jhr.97.130713

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Chelonus carinatus Provancher, 1881


Chelonus carinatus Provancher, 1881 View in CoL

Fig. 1 B View Figure 1

Chelonus carinatus Provancher, 1881: 199 View in CoL . Type locality: Canada.

Chelonus (Microchelonus) carinatus (Provancher): McComb 1968: 5, 7, 34. View in CoL

Microchelonus carinatus (Provancher): Shenefelt 1973: 878. Papp 1999: 189. Papp 2010: 175. Papp 2016: 243.


Female. Body length 3.82–3.88 mm. Head black. Mandibles yellow with basal and apical areas brown. Antenna shorter than the body, penultimate flagellomere longer than wide. Scape yellow to brownish. First half of flagellomeres yellow to brownish. Carinae between ocelli and eyes present. Mesosoma black. Scutellum rugose. Foreleg: Coxa, femur, tibia and basal tarsomere brownish to yellow, trochanter light yellow, last tarsomere brownish to black. Middle leg: Coxa and trochanter brownish yellow, femur and tibia mostly brown to black with proximal and distal apex turning yellow, tarsi 1–4 yellow, last tarsomere black. Hind leg: Coxa black with apex yellow, Trochanter light yellow. Femur brown to black with proximal and distal apex turning yellow, tibia black to brownish with a proximal light-yellow band. Tarsi 1 to 3 mostly yellow, tarsi 4 and 5 brown. Fore wing stigma brown, veins RS, M, RSM and C + SCR light-yellow. Metasoma black with two lateral proximal yellow maculae, apical part also pale colored. Carapace in dorsal view with a pair of basomedially longitudinal carinae. Apical foramen of carapace absent.


C. carinatus has been recorded as occurring widely in Canada, USA (Florida), and Central America ( Papp 2016). This is the first record of the species in the Galapagos. C. carinatus is distinguished by the carapace being long and narrow (0.4 × as wide as long in dorsal view), wings strongly infumated, and mesoscutum with dense confluent punctation. The carapace sculpture dorsally is distinctively longitudinally rugulose. The specimens collected in Galapagos present the apical part of the carapace pale colored while the descriptions provided by McComb (1968) and Papp (2016) indicated this is entirely black.

Specimens studied.

Ecuador, Galápagos – Floreana • 30 ♀♀; Cerro Pajas ; 1°17'38.256"S, 90°27'27.396W; 580 m a. s. l; 22–29 May. 2019; J. Avendaño, D. Albuja leg.; Humid zone; malaise trap; ECESPOCH- ICCDRS GoogleMaps Isabela • 1 ♀; 0°50'44.736"S, 91°3'22.355"W; 527 m a. s. l; 05 Jun. 2019; J. Avendaño leg.; Humid zone; swp; ECESPOCH- ICCDRS GoogleMaps Santiago • 1 ♀; 0°11'33.396"S, 90°47'43.008"W; 42 m a. s. l; 23–26 Jun. 2021; H. Herrera, J. Avendaño, P. Picón leg.; malaise trap; ECESPOCH- ICCDRS GoogleMaps San Cristobal • 4 ♀♀; 0°54'55.224"S, 89°26'2.184"W; 149 m a. s. l; 14–17 Jun. 2019; J. Avendaño, D. Albuja leg.; dry zone; PanTrap; ECESPOCH- ICCDRS GoogleMaps Santa Cruz • 1 ♀; 0°41'24.9"S, 90°13'18.804"W; 21 m a. s. l; 25 Sep. - 02 Oct. 2018; J. Avendaño, Y. Campaña, P. Picón leg.; malaise trap; ECESPOCH- ICCDRS GoogleMaps .


Royal Scottish Museum














Chelonus carinatus Provancher, 1881

Sandoval-B, Ada L., Shaw, Scott Richard, Herrera, Henri W. & Sarmiento, Carlos E. 2024

Microchelonus carinatus (Provancher): Shenefelt 1973: 878 . Papp 1999: 189 . Papp 2010: 175 . Papp 2016: 243 .

Papp J 2016: 243
Papp J 2010: 175
Papp J 1999: 189
Shenefelt RD 1973: 878

Chelonus (Microchelonus) carinatus (Provancher): McComb 1968: 5 , 7, 34.

McComb CW 1968: 5

Chelonus carinatus

Chelonus carinatus Provancher, 1881: 199 . Type locality: Canada .