Ctenitis flexuosa (Fée) Copeland (1947: 124)

Viveros, Raquel Stauffer, Rouhan, Germinal & Salino, Alexandre, 2018, A taxonomic monograph of the fern genus Ctenitis (Dryopteridaceae) in South America, Phytotaxa 385 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 01:06:22, last updated 2024-09-06 04:28:59)

scientific name

Ctenitis flexuosa (Fée) Copeland (1947: 124)


13. Ctenitis flexuosa (Fée) Copeland (1947: 124) View in CoL . Figs. 03B, 19D–E, 20B. Aspidium flexuosum Fée (1869: 138) . Nephrodium flexuosum (Fée) Baker (1870: 483) . Dryopteris flexuosa (Fée) Kuntze (1891: 812) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro, Glaziou 2458 (lectotype P 00170047!, designated here, isolectotypes BR 000000696547!, P 00642721!, P 00170048!, P 01630464!, P 02141716!).

Phegopteris camptocaulon Fée (1873: 60) . Dryopteris camptocaulis (Fée) Christensen (1906: 256) View in CoL . Type: — BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Alto Macaé, Glaziou 4668 (lectotype P 00170049!, designated here, isolectotypes B 20 0053216!, BM 001002002!, P 00170050!, P 00642718!, P 00642719!, P 00642720! R 36173!, RB 00842786!).

Stems not seen; leaves 82 cm long (or longer); petioles 48 cm (or longer) × 2.7 mm (or thicker), vascular bundles not seem, stramineous, scales 10.93–15.15 × 0.43–1.85 mm, stramineous, subclathrate, tangled throughout, twisted, flaccid, linear with truncate base and filiform apex, entire, with or without some or many short fimbriae at base and laterally, among dense proscales providing a lanuginose aspect, sparse catenate trichomes abaxially, glandular trichomes absent; laminae 34 cm or longer × 21–ca. 68 cm, width wider than 1/2 of length, 2-pinnate-pinnatifid basally, 2-pinnate-pinnatifid medially, 1-pinnate-pinnatifid apically, ovate, apex confluent; rachises flexuous, stramineous, scales like those on distal portion of petioles, catenate trichomes absent abaxially, glandular trichomes absent; pinnae 6 pairs or more, the basal ones stalked to 21.2 mm long, the medial ones stalked to 7.13 mm long, the apical ones stalked to 2.0 mm long or sessile, basal pinnae basiscopically enlarged, the medial 12.8–33.14 × 4.9–14.2 cm, lanceolate, apex acute or attenuate; adaxial pinnae axes scales not seen, stramineous,, catenate trichomes dense on pinna rachis and costa, sparse on costule and veins, bacilliform trichomes absent; adaxial laminar surface between veins glabrous or with sparse catenate trichomes; abaxial pinnae axes with scales dense on pinna rachis and costa, 3.1–3.7 × 0.4–0.7 mm, light castaneous, clathrate, tangled, flattish or twisted, flaccid, lanceolate with cordate base and filiform apex, dentate, with many long fimbriae at base and laterally, catenate trichomes sparse on pinna rachis and costa, bacilliform trichomes absent or sparse on costule and veins, glandular trichomes sparse on pinna rachis, costa and costule, filiform trichomes absent; abaxial laminar surface between veins glabrous or with sparse bacilliform trichomes; pinnules 5–10 pairs, the basal ones stalked to 3.0 mm long, the medial ones stalked to 2.5 or sessile, the apical stalked to 2.0 or sessile, the medial 1.9–7.7 × 1.0– 2.2 cm, lanceolate, incised 1/3–2/3 of the distance between segment apex and costa, basal segments longer than the next, apex rounded, acute or attenuate; ultimate segments 5–14 pairs, 2.4–6.8 mm wide, entire or repant, apex acute, rounded or truncate, margin with catenate trichomes, the distance from each other is narrower than segments width; veins simple or 1–forked, 4–11 pairs (before forked) per segment, the basal ones from adjacent segments end at margin well above the sinus; sori inframedial, indusia absent; spores not seen.

Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Hammonia (Ibirama), 1912, Luederwaldt 1890 ( UC) .

Habitat and distribution:— Terrestrial (probably). Brazil, recorded only to Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina ( Fig. 20B View FIGURE 20 ; Tab. 01) .

Notes:— Ctenitis flexuosa is a very distinct species in the Neotropics. It is the only 2-pinnate-pinnatifid with flexuous rachis (Fig. 03B). Moreover, its scales are light castaneous, lanceolate with many long fimbriae at base and laterally, which tangle with dense proscales, providing a lanuginose aspect on the axes, mainly abaxially ( Fig. 19D View FIGURE 19 ). Ctenitis flexuosa is a rare species, known only by type collections from Rio de Janeiro and curiously one collection from Santa Catarina. Although efforts have been made in Rio de Janeiro, at places where Glaziou passed by, this species was not found again over there and no other records from Santa Catarina as well. As the specimens have over a hundred years and on their labels there is no precise information about location, it is not possible to ensure where this species occurs or if it still exists at nature .

Fée (1869, 1873) described Aspidium flexuosum and Phegopteris camptocaulon without specifying either the holotype or the herbaria where the sheets were. For A. flexuosum Fée (1869) cited Glaziou 2458 and for P. camptocaulon he cited Glaziou 4668 ( Fée 1873). Several sheets of both collections are in P and in other herbaria. Supported by Art. 8.3, 9.2, 9.5, 9.11, 9.12, 40 Note 1 of ICN ( McNeill et al. 2012), we designate here a lectotype for each name. The sheets chosen are in P with Fée’s original large label with his signature.


Baker, J. G. (1870) Cyatheaceae et Polypodiaceae. In: Martius, K. F. P. & Eichler, A. G. (Eds.) Flora Brasiliensis. Vol. 1, part 2. Frid. Fleischer in Comm., Monachii & Lipsae (Munchen & Leipzig), pp. 306 - 624.

Christensen, C. (1906) Index Filicum, sive, Enumeratio omnium generum specierumque Filicum et Hydropteridum ab anno 1753 ad finem anni 1905 descriptorum: adjectis, synonyms principalibus, area geographica, etc. H. Hagerup, Hafniae (Copenhagen), 745 pp.

Copeland, E. B. (1947) Genera Filicum - The Genera of Ferns. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, 247 pp.

Fee, A. L. A. (1869) Cryptogames Vasculaires (fougeres, lycopodiacees, hydropteridees, equisetaees) du Bresil. J. B. Bailliere & Fils; V. Masson & Fils; V. Berger-Levrault & Fils, Paris and Strasbourg, 268 pp.

Fee, A. L. A. (1873) Cryptogames vasculaires (fougeres, lycopodiacees, hydropteridees, equisetacees) du Bresil. 11 e Partie: Supplement et Revision. J. B. Bailliere & Fils; V. Masson & Fils; Berger-Levrault & Cie, Paris and Nancy, 115 pp.

Kuntze, O. (1891) Revisio Generum Plantarum. Vascularium omnium atque cellularium multarum secundum leges nomenclaturae internationales cum enumeratione Plantarum Exoticarum itinere mundi collectarum. Pars II. A. Felix, Leipzig, 1011 pp.

Mcneill, J., Barrie, F. R., Buck, W., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud Homme Van Reine, W. F., Smith, G. F., Wiersema, J. H. & Turland, N. J. (2012) International Code of

Gallery Image

FIGURE 19. Some morphological characters of Ctenitis from South America. A–C: Ctenitis fenestralis (Salino 7285, BHCB). A: abaxial surface of a portion of a pinna. B: abaxial costa scale. C: adaxial costa scale. D–E: C. flexuosa (Luederwaldt 1890, UC). D: abaxial surface of a portion of pinnule. E: abaxial costa scale. F–G: C. grisebachii (Grayum 3707, MO). F: abaxial surface of a portion of pinnule. Scale bars = 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 20. Distribution of four species of Ctenitis in South America. A: C. fenestralis. B: C. flexuosa. C: C. glandulosa. D: C. grisebachii.


Upjohn Culture Collection











