Phaonia trimaculata sordidisquama Stein, 2024

Michelsen, Verner & Pont, Adrian C., 2024, Macaronesian Muscidae (Diptera). V. The genera Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy and Muscina Robineau-Desvoidy, Zootaxa 5458 (4), pp. 581-596 : 587

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5458.4.6

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Phaonia trimaculata sordidisquama Stein

stat. nov.

4. Phaonia trimaculata sordidisquama Stein View in CoL , stat. nov.

( Figs 3B–F View FIGURE 3 )

Phaonia sordidisquama Stein View in CoL ; Becker 1908a: 94 ff. (Gran Canaria, Tenerife); Frey 1936: 135 (Gran Canaria, Tenerife); Hennig 1963c: 872 (Gran Canaria, Tenerife); Santos Abréu 1976: 163 ff., fig. 24 (Gran Canaria, Tenerife); Báez 1983: 184 ff., pl. 4 figs. 5, 6 (Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Hierro).

Taxonomic note. This western Canarian taxon is morphologically inseparable from the variable and widespread central and western Palaearctic Phaonia trimaculata View in CoL . Hennig (1963a) used colour differences and the absence of setulae on meron to separate Phaonia sordidisquama View in CoL from P. trimaculata View in CoL , but we found that the number of meral setulae varies from 0–4 in both taxa. Because of its distinctive colour we rank the Canarian population as a subspecies of P. trimaculata View in CoL .

Material examined. CANARY ISLANDS: [ BMNH, MZH, NHMD] GRAN CANARIA: Moya, 1♀ 26.viii.1931 (R. Storå) GoogleMaps ; Tasarte , 27°54’N 15°46’W, 270m, 2♂ 22‒25.xi.2014, 3♂ 28‒30.xi.2014 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; El Valle , 27°54’N 15°32’W, 730‒935m, 4♂, 2♀ 19‒24.i.2017 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; Bco Guayadeque , 27°56´N 15°29´W, 550‒1000m, 2♂ 21.xi.2014 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; La Montaña , 27°55´N 15°33´W, 690‒710m, 4♂, 1 ♀ 1‒6.ii.2018 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; El Risco , 28°02’N 15°43’W, 150‒200m, 1♂, 1♀ 7‒12.i.2014 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; La Rueda , 27°54’N 15°33’W, 580m, 1♂ 25‒30.i.2018 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps . TENERIFE: Las Mercedes, 1♀ 17.viii.1931 (R. Storå), 1♀ 3.vii.1974 (M. Báez) GoogleMaps ; Tacoronte, 1♂ 1931 (R. Frey) GoogleMaps ; San Diego, 1♂ 8.ii.1953 (J.M. Fernández) GoogleMaps ; Arico, 1♀ 16.i.2006 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; La Zarza, 3♂ 20.i.2006 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; Los Carrizales, 28°19’N 16°51’W, 350‒700m, 4♂, 1♀ 9‒10.ii.2008, 4♂, 2♀ 18‒23.i.2012 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; Carrizal Alto, 28°19’N 16°51’W, 640‒730m, 1♂ 30.i‒3.ii.2016 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps . LA GOMERA: Agulo, Lepe , 4♂, 1♀ 11‒13.i.2006 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; La Laja, 28°06´N 17°11´W, 480‒600m, 2♂ 22‒29.i.2016 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps . Los Loros, 28°09’N 17°16’W, 520‒770m, 7♂, 6♀ 31.i‒7.ii.2008, 2♂, 1♀ 18‒23.i.2012 (V. Michelsen GoogleMaps ; Roque Blanco, 28°10´N 17°14´W, 700-900m, 3♂ 30.1‒ 5.ii.2020 (V. Michelsen) GoogleMaps ; Lomito Fragoso, 28°07’N 17°10’W, 220‒250m, 1♂, 2♀ 19‒24.i.2019, 1♂ 24‒29.i.2020 (V. Michelsen). GoogleMaps

Description. Only distinguished from the nominal subspecies by colour differences: Darker grey pruinosity of the body with a distinct bluish tinge, along with the dark-tipped scutellum, blackish infuscated calypteres and brownish halter. Legs extensively black, sometimes with hind tibia translucent reddish brown. Male frons possibly less variable than in P. trimaculata , at narrowest point slightly narrower than distance between posterior ocelli inclusive and fronto-orbital plates always separated by frontal vitta. Likewise, 1–2 p setae apparently always present on fore tibia. Katepimeron with 0–3 fine setulae as in P. trimaculata . The male terminalia ( Figs 3D–F View FIGURE 3 ) agree closely with those of the nominal subspecies.

Distribution. A Canarian subspecies found exclusively on the western islands Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, Hierro and La Palma.


Finnish Museum of Natural History














Phaonia trimaculata sordidisquama Stein

Michelsen, Verner & Pont, Adrian C. 2024

Phaonia sordidisquama

Baez, M. 1983: 184
Santos Abreu, E. 1976: 163
Frey, R. 1936: 135
Becker, T. 1908: 94
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