Stultutragus crotonaphilus, Clarke Abstract, 2010

Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S., 2010, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iii: New Genera And Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50 (16), pp. 239-267 : 259-261

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492010001600001

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scientific name

Stultutragus crotonaphilus

sp. nov.

Stultutragus crotonaphilus View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 7A, 7B View FIGURES 6‑7

Holotype male: 8.8 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: separation of this species from S. mataybaphilus is discussed after the description of the latter.

General colour: black and translucent yellow. Head and mouthparts yellow except apex of mandibles black. Antennal scape yellow with elongate black fascia on dorso-mesal surface; pedicel black with base narrowly yellow; antennomere III blackish; IV-XI black at apex, base annulated yellowish, the annulations incrementally shorter towards apex. Remainder of body and scutellum yellow, the following black: pronotum with two irregular suboval fascia to either side of disc; metasternum with quadrant-shaped fascia occupying hind corner; apical 3/4 of metepisternum; all of urosternite III and apex of last visible tergite. Elytra black to dark chestnut, the following yellow: broad chevron-shaped fascia across elytra on basal third, extending narrowly forward to connect with scutellum; and similar, slightly narrower, transverse fascia on apical quarter. Front and middle legs yellow, claves with elongate black fascia on dorsal surface (broader and extending down sides on middle leg); dorsal surface of tibiae black (spreading to sides apically). Hind leg yellow, apex of clave black (more extensive on dorsal surface); apical third of metatibia black. Tarsi yellow, apex of meso- and metatarsomere I dusky, all onychia blackish, those on middle and hind leg with yellow base.

General pubescence: body almost glabrous, and entirely lacking long setae; shorter setae on the following: antennal segments I-VI; small lateral group on base of pronotum and base of elytra; sides and apices of femoral claves; and tibiae. Mesofemoral peduncle fimbriate. Moderately dense, fine pubescence, on sides of metasternum and all of metepisternum, and urosternite V.

Surface ornamentation: nearly all of dorsad heavily punctured, and nearly all of underside impunctate. Labrum with transverse line of six punctures; base of clypeus and adjacent area of frons and genae finely and irregularly punctate; frons between eyes partially punctate; vertex with dense, semi-confluent punctures of moderate size. Entire pronotum with somewhat irregular, large, alveolate punctures, less irregular to each side of midline; sides without apparent sexual puncturation. Elytra almost uniformly punctate, dense and alveolate, larger at humeri, smaller, denser, and somewhat scabrous apically. Underside of head carinate with scattered punctures. Centre of prosternum reticulate with irregular punctures. Midline of abdomen with sparse, shallow, transverse, small punctures, becoming denser and bevelled towards sides.

Structure: head with eyes (1.4 mm), slightly narrow- er than pronotum; rostrum moderately broad and long (0.45 mm), about two-thirds length of inferior lobes of eyes (0.7 mm). Eyes convex and large; inferior lobes close, but far from contiguous on front, interocular distance (0.15 mm) about four times narrower than width of one lobe (0.65 mm); width of superior lobe (0.15 mm) about one-third interocular distance (0.40 mm). Antennae reach middle of urosternite II; moderately narrow; antennomeres III-V filiform; VI-X distinctly broader and serrate, the apex of the “teeth” blunt; scape subcylindrical, not much shorter (0.65 mm) than antennomere III (0.85 mm), IV short (0.5 mm), V (0.65 mm), VI and VII (both 0.6 mm), VIII (0.55 mm), IX (0.5 mm) X (0.4 mm), XI (0.5 mm) with small cone at apex. Prothorax: cylindrical, slightly longer (1.80 mm) than wide (1.55 mm); sides moderately strongly rounded, widest and slightly protuberant at middle; apical constriction weak; basal constriction short, but strong, front margin (1.25 mm) and hind margin subequal. Prosternal process slightly arched with sides raised, base short, widening to apical trapezium before middle of coxal cavity. Coxal cavities closed at sides and behind. Pronotum convex; middle half to either side of midline as far as sides of prosternum raised into one irregularly shaped callus; area of midline, especially towards base, depressed and broad, with vestigial carinas to either side of centre; side of base with single deep fovea. Mesothorax: mesosternal declivity abrupt; process moderately narrow (0.15 mm), about one-third width of coxal cavity; apex somewhat cordiform. Scutellum small, rectangular and bifid at apex. Elytra about three times longer (5.3 mm) than width of humeri (1.65 mm); flat, apex slightly convex, reaching apex of urosternite IV; humero-apical costa absent; epipleur inclined from immediately behind humeri, flat for apical half; base not inclined posteriorly but depressed laterally, leaving humerus well demarcated; humeri not projecting forwards, but hiding base of metepisternum; sides moderately strongly narrowing to middle, and slightly widening to broad apex; not dehiscent; suture straight, with moderate gape; apex slightly oblique, feebly emarginate, sutural angle with small tooth, lateral angle produced to form short, broad-based tooth. Metathorax: metasternum tumid; mesocoxae lying well below level of metasternum; metasternal suture entire, and deep posteriorly. Metepisternum large, very broad at base, moderately acuminate to apex. Metasternal process as a low triangle in shape, apex pointed and intimately connected with apex of mesosternal process. Abdomen: convex, narrow and subcylindrical, broadest at base, slightly narrowing from urosternite III; individual urosternites slightly rounded at sides. Legs: moderately robust, peduncles rather short; pro- and mesofemoral claves large and fusiform, weakly spiculate ventrally; metafemora not reaching apex of elytra, clave narrow and subcylindrical, slightly spiculate. Metatibia slightly flattened, only widened at extreme apex. Metatarsomere I equal in length (0.4 mm) to II + III.

Variation: the black areas on the elytra may be chestnut. The spicules on ventral surface of profemoral claves may be indistinct (but strong on metafemora).

Female ( Fig. 7B View FIGURES 6‑7 ): colour differences small, generally darker. Scape, apical antennomeres and tibiae almost entirely black, head and pronotum more orange, abdomen somewhat dusky, especially sides of urosternites II and III. Rostrum broader and relatively longer (0.60 mm) than length inferior lobe of eye (0.55 mm). Head with eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum. Eyes smaller and less convex; inferior lobes separated by 0.60 mm, width of lobe 0.50 mm, interocular flat, strongly and densely punctured. Antennae shorter, reaching middle of urosternite I. Length pronotum 2.1 mm, width 1.9 mm. Length elytra 5.8 mm, width humeri 2.1 mm. Apex prosternal process trapezoidal. Mesosternal process narrower, about ten times narrower than width of coxal cavity; elytra reaching base of urosternite V. Abdomen large and fusiform; widest at base of urosternite II; V trapezoidal, almost quadrate, apical margin truncate; abdominal process flat and not acuminate.

Measurements (mm): 6 males / 2 females: total length 7.20-8.80/7.80-10.00; length of pronotum 1.50-1.80/1.70-2.10; width of pronotum 1.25-1.55/1.50-1.90; length of elytra 4.40-5.30/4.90-5.80; width at humeri 1.35-1.65/1.60-2.10.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Tarija: 7 km W of Villa Montes , 21°18’S / 63°30’W, 500 m, GoogleMaps

05.I.2008, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col., on Croton sp. A flower ( MNKM).

Paratypes with same data as holotype GoogleMaps : 2 males, 05.I.2008 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 06.I.2008 ( MNRJ) ; 1 female, 06.I.2008 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 09.I.2008 ( MZUSP) ; 1 female, 09.I.2008 ( RCSZ) .

Paratype with different data from holotype: ARGENTINA, Salta, Oran , 1 male, X.1968, L.E. Peña col. ( MZUSP) .

Etymology: combination of croton the host flower genus, and Latin phila, to like, or be attracted to.


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