Anomalotragus morrisi, Clarke Abstract, 2010

Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S., 2010, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iii: New Genera And Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50 (16), pp. 239-267 : 242-243

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492010001600001

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scientific name

Anomalotragus morrisi

sp. nov.

Anomalotragus morrisi View in CoL sp. nov.

Fig. 2A View FIGURES 1‑3

Holotype female: 8.25 mm. Deposited at MNKM. Diagnosis: females of the two species in this genus are morphologically similar, but A. morrisi may be readily separated from A. recurvielytra by the following colour differences: antennae almost uniformly pale in colour (in A. recurvielytra antennal segments dark chestnut, annulated yellow at base); pronotum almost entirely chestnut; band across prosternum, and most of metasterna, dark chestnut (in A. recurvielytra only centre of pronotal disc chestnut, and sterna almost uniformly, paler chestnut); humeri yellowish (in A. recurvielytra basal two-thirds of elytra entirely chestnut); most of mesofemoral clave chestnut (in A. recurvielytra mesofemora entirely yellowish); general pubescence whitish (in A. recurvielytra yellowish).

General colour: opaque, chestnut to dark chestnut, and translucent orange to yellowish. Mouthparts and antennae yellowish, antennomeres VII-XI slightly duskier. Head yellowish, apex of mandibles, frons between antennal tubercles, and vertex chestnut. Most of pronotum, transverse band crossing basal two-thirds of prosternum, and sides of meso- and metathorax dark chestnut. Elytra mainly pale chestnut, humeri yellowish, transverse band preceding apical lobes slightly vitreous. Abdomen mainly chestnut, urosternite I paler and more translucent. Legs translucent yellowish, most of mesofemoral clave chestnut, and metafemoral clave dark chestnut.

General pubescence and surface ornamentation: much the same as A. recurvielytra , with the following notable differences: general pubescence silver-grey; abdomen more closely and finely punctured (especially between females), with isolated large setiferous punctures at midline; pronotum distinctly more profusely punctured; and elytra less pubescent with distinctly larger, and less dense punctures than both sexes of A. recurvielytra .

Structure. Head: rostrum (0.20 mm) about 1/3 as long as inferior lobes of eyes. Clypeus and frons depressed at middle, leaving latter somewhat convex adjacent to inner border of inferior lobes; frontal suture somewhat short, but well demarcated. Inferior lobes of eyes: ratio of interocular distance to width of lobe 2:1. Superior lobes of eyes: interocular distance (0.50 mm) four times more than width of lobe. Antennomeres VI-X slightly thickened at apex; scape (0.60 mm); antennomere III (0.85 mm), IV (0.50 mm), V + VI (0.65 mm), VII (0.55 mm), the rest gradually shortening to X (0.40 mm), XI more elongate (0.50 mm). Prothorax: cylindrical, sides evenly and weakly round- ed, longer (1.50 mm) than wide (1.15 mm); anterior constriction almost absent; basal constriction represented by shallow depression. Pronotum convex with feint, smooth calli: one just behind middle at midline, short and suboval, and one pair of broader, elongate, arced calli occupying basal two-thirds; apical and basal margins subequal (0.70 mm), the former with narrow raised margin. Mesothorax: elytra flat, 3.30 mm long, 2.4 longer than width of humeri, length of lobe about 0.85 mm; humeri (1.40 mm wide) covering sides of mesothorax, wider than base of pronotum, prominent, slightly projecting, outer angle slightly rounded; sides from just behind humeri narrowing to base of lobes, exposing metepisterna; humero-apical costa broad to pre-lobal constriction, epipleur almost vertical for basal half of elytra, evanescent for apical half; surface depressed to inside of humero-apical costa, this depression running from base of elytra (where it is narrow) to pre-lobal constriction (before which it is deep and broad, and reaches sutural margin); sutural margins narrowly bordered, slightly raised, straight to pre-lobal constriction; dehiscence moderately strong, leaving lobes projecting outwards; lobes elongate, slightly thickened and almost flat, almost parallel sided, then narrowing to evenly rounded tips. Legs: length of middle leg 4.7 mm, and hind leg 6.6 mm. Middle (2.0 mm) and hind tarsi (2.3 mm) unequal; metatarsomere I (0.45 mm) longer than II + III (0.35), slightly longer than onychium (0.40 mm).

Measurements (mm): 1 female: total length 8.25; length of pronotum 1.50; width of pronotum 1.15; length of elytra 3.35; width at humeri 1.40.

Type material: Holotype female, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Amboro Rd above Achira Campo , 18°07’43”S /63°47’98”W, 1,940 m, 1 female 09-11.X.2004, Morris & Wappes col. ( MNKM).

Biology: as the single female of A. morrisi had pollen grains lodged in its body parts, it seems that both species are anthophilous

Etymology: this species is named in honour of Roy Morris, indefatigable hunter of cerambycids in Bolivia.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute

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