Hapalogenys sennin Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005

Iwatsuki, Yukio & Russell, Barry C., 2006, Revision of the genus Hapalogenys (Teleostei: Perciformes) with two new species from the Indo-West Pacific, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (1), pp. 29-46 : 41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2006.63.6

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scientific name

Hapalogenys sennin Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005


Hapalogenys sennin Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005 View in CoL

New English name: Long Barbeled Velvetchin

Japanese name: Higedai

Figures 1H View Figure 1 , 3E–F View Figure 3

Hapalogenys sennin Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005: 861 View in CoL (type locality: Meitsu , Miyazaki, Japan).

Type material. Holotype: MUFS 11649 View Materials (fig. 1H), 232 mm SL, Meitsu, Nango, Miyazaki, Kyushu I., Japan (31°31.9'N, 131°23.5'E), set net, less than 30 m depth GoogleMaps . Paratypes (n =13, all from Japan): FAKU 38698, 234 mm SL, Oki I., Shimane ; FAKU 85960, 227 mm SL, Tateyama, Chiba , Boso Peninsula; FRLM 3715 View Materials , Shima-cho, Shima-gun , Mie ; KPM-NI 49, 208 mm SL, Kanagawa ; MUFS 2086, 176 mm SL, Miyazaki fish market, Miyazaki, Japan; MUFS 7149, 68 mm SL, mouth of the Kaeda R., Miyazaki, Japan ; MUFS 11678, 207 mm SL, female, Meitsu, Nango, Miyazaki ; MUFS 14627, 79 mm SL, mouth of the Kaeda R., Miyazaki ; MUFS 16060, 248 mm SL, Shirahama, Wakayama ; MUFS 20810, 194 mm SL, Moroyose, Hyogo , Sea of Japan; MUFS 21573, 296 mm SL, female, Meitsu, Nango, Miyazaki ; MUFS 22226, 46 mm SL, Hitotsuba Inlet, Ooyodo R., Miyazaki ; NSMT-P 60236, 174 mm SL, Suzaki, Chiba ; OMNH-P 2682, 183 mm SL, Moroyose, Hyogo , Sea of Japan, set net .

Non-type material. 21 specimens examined (49–296 mm SL, all from Japan) are listed in Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005 .

Diagnosis. A species of Hapalogenys with the following combination of characters: fleshy lower lip with dense cluster of long and short papillae and barbels on chin (figs 4E–F), not scaly posteriorly (on posterior abdominal part of each angular of lower jaws, fig. 4F); 10 pores on and behind chin (only 4 slit-like pores on angular on each lower jaw in young and then becoming covered in adults; fig. 4F); no scales on maxilla (fig. 4E); 2 faint oblique dark bands on body, 1st descending from nape to behind pectoral fin and then running to posterior part of soft anal-fin rays, and 2nd from base of anterior 3rd or 4th dorsal-fin spines and soft dorsal-fin base, curving backward through lateral line to upper part of caudal peduncle, or often becoming uniform dark-brown on body (fig. 4E–H of Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005); soft rayed portions of dorsal and anal fins strongly angulated posteriorly (fig. 1H, anal more strong angulated than dorsal); pelvic-fin tip not reaching to base of 1st anal-fin spine when depressed (fig. 1H); 44−45 (rarely 43 or 46) pored lateral-line scales; a procumbent spine-like process (exposed tip of 1st pterygiophore) at origin of dorsal fin, sometimes hidden by predorsal scales.

Description. A detailed description was given by Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005 and is not repeated here.

Distribution. Hapalogenys sennin is currently known only from the southern part of Japan (excluding the Ryukyu and Ogasawara Is.) and is possibly endemic to the Japanese region (fig. 6; see Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005).

Ecological notes. Collection data indicate that habitat of Hapalogenys sennin is restricted to river mouths and coastal rocky-sandy bottoms in depths of less than 50 m. Detailed habitat features are given in Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005.


Kyoto University


Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History


Department of Animal Science


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile












Hapalogenys sennin Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005

Iwatsuki, Yukio & Russell, Barry C. 2006

Hapalogenys sennin

Iwatsuki, Y. & Nakabo, T. 2005: 861
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