Miconia longispicata Triana (1871: 117)

Corrêa, André Luis, Scudeller, Veridiana Vizoni & Goldenberg, Renato, 2017, Melastomataceae in the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé, Amazonas, Brazil, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 101-127 : 119

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Miconia longispicata Triana (1871: 117)


27. Miconia longispicata Triana (1871: 117) View in CoL . ( Figure 2 H, P View FIGURE 2 .)

Trees 7–9 m tall. Gray and smooth rhytidome. Branches erect, cylindrical, not winged, rufous, full; branches, petioles, leaves abaxial surface, inflorescences, bracts, bracteoles, hypanthium and fruits with stellate-stipitate persistent trichomes. Leaves opposite, isophyllous; petioles striate 1.8–2.7 cm long, leaf blades 16.3–24.6 × 7.1–10.7 cm, chartaceous, discolored, symmetrical, elliptic-oblong, base rounded or subcordate, apex acuminate, margins serrate and ciliate, adaxial side glabrous, leaf veins 5, basal; ant domatia absent. Spicate-whorled 16–31 × 2–6 cm, terminal; bracts lanceolate, persistent; bracteoles not seen. Flowers 5-merous, sessile; hypanthium ca. 1.9 mm long, oblong, smooth, with stellate-stipitate persistent trichomes; calyx simple, persistent; petals ca. 3.5 × 1.7 mm, white, obovate, symmetrical, apex rounded, base truncate, margins not ciliate, glabrous; stamens 10, heteromorphic, smaller anthers 2–2.2 mm, larger anthers 2.7–3 mm long, white, linear, straight, apex truncate,1 apical pore, anther base with 4 lobes, connective not prolonged, smaller filaments 3–3.5, larger filaments 4.4–4.6 mm long, glabrous; ovary 1.5–1.9 mm long, half-inferior, placentation axillary, 3-locular, glabrous; style 8.2–8.3 mm long, straight, with trichomes. Berry ca. 3.6 × 4.5 mm, unripe fruit green, ripe fruit orange; seeds numerous, triangular.

Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Amazonas , Manaus, RDS-Tupé, 05 December 2012, fl., A. L. Corrêa 106 ( EAFM!, HUAM!, INPA!) ; 01 February 2013, fl., A. L. Corrêa 143 ( EAFM!, HUAM!, INPA!) .

Distribution and habitat:— Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Bolivia ( Goldenberg et al. 2013). In Brazil it occurs in Amazonian forests ( Goldenberg & Caddah 2015). In the reserve, it occurs in “terra firme” plateaus, on well drained, clay soil with a lot of organic matter.

Comments:— This species is rare in the reserve. It can be recognized by the light gray and smooth rhytidome, spicate-whorled and terminal inflorescences and anther base with 4 lobes.


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia

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