Epomophorus gambianus ( Ogilby, 1835 )

Decher, Jan, Norris, Ryan W., Abedi-Lartey, Michael, Oppong, James, Hutterer, Rainer, Weinbrenner, Martin, Koch, Martin, Podsiadlowski, Lars & Kilpatrick, C. William, 2021, A survey of small mammals in the Volta Region of Ghana with comments on zoogeography and conservation, Zoosystema 43 (14), pp. 253-281 : 266

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Felipe (2021-05-24 17:21:08, last updated 2024-11-26 03:37:11)

scientific name

Epomophorus gambianus ( Ogilby, 1835 )


Epomophorus gambianus ( Ogilby, 1835) View in CoL

Pteropus gambianus Ogilby, 1835: 100 View in CoL .

COMMON NAME. — Gambian Epauletted Fruit Bat; EWE: Aguto.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Kalakpa Resource Reserve • 1 ♂; ZTNHC 971 ; 16.XI.1999 .


Only one specimen of this savanna species was captured at a thicket edge in Kalakpa Resource Reserve, a mostly savannacovered legally-protected area in the south of the Volta Region, southeast of the Abutia Hills. Epomophorus gambianus is well documented from Eastern Ghana and Togo and is most common in savanna or secondary savanna areas. During three Belgian expeditions to Togo, including many localities in the Togo Highlands, it was the second most abundant fruit bat after Micropteropus pusillus ( Peters, 1868) (DeVree et al. 1969; 1970; De Vree & Van der Straeten 1971). In the Volta Region E. gambianus was previously recorded from Bator, Ho, Keta, Kete Krachi (= Kradji), and Odomi Jongo, 2 miles E Nkwanta ( Bergmans 1988).

CONSERVATION STATUS. — Epomophorus gambianus is listed as “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List. Although rare during our survey, the high abundance of this fruit bat in surveys that included savanna areas make it a species of less concern.

BERGMANS W. 1988. - Taxonomy and biogeography of African fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 1. General Introduction; material and methods; results: The genus Epomophorus Bennett, 1836. Beaufortia 38: 75 - 146.

DE VREE F. & VAN DER STRAETEN E. 1971. - Contribution a l'etude des chiropteres de la Republique duTogo. 3. Liste preliminaire des Chiropteres recoltes par la troisieme Mission zoologique belge au Togo. R evue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 83: 159 - 164.

OGILBY W. 1835. - Descriptions of Mammalia and birds from the Gambia. Proceedings of the Society of London 3: 97 - 105.

PETERS W. 1868. - Fortsetzung und der Schluss einer Ubersicht der Flederhunde. Monatsberichte der Koniglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1868: 865 - 872.











