Micropteropus pusillus ( Peters, 1868 )

Decher, Jan, Norris, Ryan W., Abedi-Lartey, Michael, Oppong, James, Hutterer, Rainer, Weinbrenner, Martin, Koch, Martin, Podsiadlowski, Lars & Kilpatrick, C. William, 2021, A survey of small mammals in the Volta Region of Ghana with comments on zoogeography and conservation, Zoosystema 43 (14), pp. 253-281 : 267

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Felipe (2021-05-24 17:21:08, last updated 2024-11-26 03:37:11)

scientific name

Micropteropus pusillus ( Peters, 1868 )


Micropteropus pusillus ( Peters, 1868) View in CoL

Epomophorus pusillus Peters, 1868: 870 View in CoL .

COMMON NAME. — Peters’ Lesser Epauletted Fruit Bat.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Agumatsa Wildlife Sanctuary • 3 ♀; ZTNHC 957 , SMF 92112, 92113 About SMF . Apesokubi • 1 ♂; 0.5 km N Apesokubi ; USNM 590071 About USNM 4♀; USNM 590070 About USNM , ZTNHC 966 , SMF 89660, 89661 About SMF . Kyabobo NP • 1 ♂; SMF 92114 . Shiare Schoolyard • 1 ♀; SMF 92115 .


As in previous studies from Ghana and Togo ( De Vree et al. 1969, 1971; Decher 1997a), with 23 individuals caught, Micropteropus pusillus was the most common small fruit bat in our survey, perhaps outnumbered locally only by large colonies of the high-flying Eidolon helvum ( Kerr, 1792) . It is a typical species of the rainforest-savannah mosaic characteristic for much of the Volta Region. In Ghana east of the Volta River, M. pusillus was previously captured at Akwamufe, Amedzofe, Kalakpa Game Production Reserve, Leklebi Agbesia and Odomi Jongo ( Bergmans 1989). In Ghana and Togo, M. pusillus shares a similar distribution pattern with Epomophorus gambianus (see maps in Bergmans [1988, 1989] and Grubb et al. [1998]) but it seems to occur more commonly in or near forest remnants than the latter species, suggesting a greater dependence on forest. In our survey up to eight individuals would hit the nets at the same time indicating that they fly and forage in groups.

CONSERVATION STATUS. — Micropteropus pusillus was classified as “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List. It remains a common fruit bat species in the Ghana-Togo Highlands. However, this species may depend on forest remnants during its foraging flights ( Fahr 1996).

BERGMANS W. 1988. - Taxonomy and biogeography of African fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 1. General Introduction; material and methods; results: The genus Epomophorus Bennett, 1836. Beaufortia 38: 75 - 146.

BERGMANS W. 1989. - Taxonomy and biogeography of African fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 2. The genera Micropterus Matschie, 1899, Epomops Gray, 1870, Hypsignathus H. Allen, 1861, Nanonycteris Matschie, 1899, and Plerotes Andersen, 1910. Beaufortia 39: 89 - 153.

DE VREE F., DE ROO A. & VERHEYEN W. N. 1969. - Contribution a l'etude des chiropteres de la Republique du Togo. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 83: 200 - 207.

DE VREE F. & VAN DER STRAETEN E. 1971. - Contribution a l'etude des chiropteres de la Republique duTogo. 3. Liste preliminaire des Chiropteres recoltes par la troisieme Mission zoologique belge au Togo. R evue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 83: 159 - 164.

DECHER J. 1997 a. - Bat community patterns on the Accra Plains of Ghana, West Africa. Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde 62: 129 - 142.

FAHR J. 1996. - Die Chiroptera der Elfenbeinkuste (unter Berucksichtigung des westafrikanischen Raumes): Taxonomie, Habitatpraferenzen und Lebensgemeinschaften. Diplomarbeit, Julius-Maximilians-Universitat, Wurzburg. 204 p.

GRUBB P., JONES T. S., DAVIES A. G., EDBERG E., STARIN E. D. & HILL J. E. 1998. - Mammals of Ghana, Sierra Leone and the Gambia. The Trendrine Press, Zennor, St. Ives, Cornwall, vi + 265 p.

KERR R. 1792. - The animal kingdom, or zoological system, of the celebratrd Sir Charles Linnaeus; class I: Mammalia. J. Murray & R. Faulder, London, 644 p. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 57940

PETERS W. 1868. - Fortsetzung und der Schluss einer Ubersicht der Flederhunde. Monatsberichte der Koniglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1868: 865 - 872.


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