Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius G. Müller, 1932

Lohaj, Roman, Guéorguiev, Borislav, Dubault, Gérard & Lassalle, Bernard, 2012, Revision of Molopsis Schatzmayr (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini), with descriptions of four new species, Zootaxa 3185, pp. 1-35 : 9-11

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.279988



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scientific name

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius G. Müller, 1932


Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius G. Müller, 1932 View in CoL

(Figs. 6–12, 30–34, 48–52, 58–62, 83–84, 98–99, 113–114, 127–128, 146, 157)

Type locality. Kleinasien, Ak-Dagh im Phrygischen Taurus.

Taxonomic decisions.

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius G. Müller, 1932: 216 View in CoL (typ. loc. “Ak dagh”)

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius pisidicus G. Müller, 1932: 217 View in CoL (typ. loc. “Barla daġlari”), synonymum novum.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus Straneo, 1986: 124 View in CoL (typ. loc. “Dipojraz”), synonymum novum.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus cilicius Straneo, 1986: 126 View in CoL (typ. loc. “Bolkar daglari”), synonymum novum. References.

Tapinopterus molopinus: Bodemeyer, 1905: 36 View in CoL .

Pterostichus (Tapinopterus) molopinus View in CoL (= olympicus View in CoL ): Bodemeyer, 1905: 103.

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius: G. Müller, 1932: 216 View in CoL .

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius pisidicus: G. Müller, 1932: 217 View in CoL .

Tapinopterus phrygius: G. Müller, 1937: 132 View in CoL ; Mařan, 1940: 57.

Tapinopterus phrygius pisidicus: G. Müller, 1937: 132 View in CoL ; Mařan, 1940: 57.

Platysma (Tapinopterus) phrygius: Straneo, 1936: 156 .

Platysma (Tapinopterus) phrygius var. pisidicus: Straneo, 1936: 156 .

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius: Schatzmayr, 1943: 119 View in CoL ; Straneo, 1986: 122; Kirschenhofer, 1991: 6; Casale & Vigna Taglianti, 1999: 381.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius pindicus View in CoL (!): Schatzmayr, 1943: 119.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus: Straneo, 1986: 124 View in CoL ; Kirschenhofer, 1991: 6.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus cilicius: Straneo, 1986: 126 View in CoL ; Kirschenhofer, 1991: 6; Lorenz, 1998: 267; Bousquet, 2003: 518.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius pisidicus: Kirschenhofer, 1991: 6 View in CoL ; Lorenz, 1998: 267; Bousquet, 2003: 518.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus dipojranus: Lorenz, 1998: 267 View in CoL ; Bousquet, 2003: 518.

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius phrygius: Lorenz, 1998: 267 View in CoL ; Bousquet, 2003: 518.

Molopsis molopiformis dipojranus: Jeanne, 2005: 385 .

Molopsis molopiformis cilicius: Jeanne, 2005: 385 .

Molopsis molopiformis phrygius: Jeanne, 2005: 385 .

Molopsis molopiformis pisidicus: Jeanne, 2005: 385 .

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus dipojranus: Lorenz, 2005: 288 View in CoL .

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus cilicius: Lorenz, 2005: 288 View in CoL .

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius phrygius: Lorenz, 2005: 288 View in CoL .

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius pisidicus: Lorenz, 2005: 288 View in CoL .

Material examined. 72 specimens.

Type material. One syntype (3) of Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius, Ak dagh bei Tschiwril Asm. (h)/ phry-

gius Müll. (h)/ Paratypus (p) (red label)/ 322 (h) (red label)/ (Fig.6) ( MCSNM). Two syntypes (33) of Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius pisidicus , “Klein Asien Pisidischer Taurus Barla Gruppe N. O. von Isparta” (green p/h) / “vend. Weirather Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius pisidicus J. Müll. ” (p/ h) / “ Tapinopterus phrygius pisidicus J. Mü. ” (pink h) ( NMP).

Holotype 3 of Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus, Dipojras Gbg. Pisid. Taurus, Klein-Asien, Weirather, Innsbruck. (p)/ Holotypus (p) Tapinopt. dipojranus (h) (red label)/ Holotypus Tapinopterus dipojranus (h), det.S.L.Straneo 1985 (p)/ TAPINOPTERUS (sg. MOLOPSIS ) phrygius Müller 1932 R. LOHAJ det.2003 (p)/ (Fig. 9) ( MCSNM).

Four paratypes (33) of Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus ssp. cilicius , TURCHIA—vil. Mersin, Namrun (Çamliyayla) 5.VI.1983, G.Sama leg. (p)/, Bolkar Daġ, altipiano m 2400- (h)/ PARATYPUS (p) Tap. dipojr.s.cilicius (h) (red label)/ Paratypus T.dipojranus s.cilicius (h), det.S.L.Straneo 1985 (p)/ TAPINOPTERUS (sg. MOL- OPSIS) phrygius Műller 1932 R. LOHAJ det. 2003 (p)/ (Fig. 10) (2 33 MCSNM, 1 3 cBL, 1 3 cWH).

Other material examined. Barla daglari: 1 3, Barla-Gbg. Pisid. Taurus ( MCSNM); 1 Ƥ, Gelindschik Ana- Gbg. nö Isparta, Pisidia, Asm. ( MCSNM); 1 3, Turcia, 8.5.1991, Barla dagi, 200–2500 m, M. Mikát lgt. (cVS); 1 Ƥ, “Barla-Gbg. Pisid. Taurus” ( MNHN).

Kumalar daglari: 2 33 2 ƤƤ, Turkey occ., 21.vi.1999, Kumalar Daglari mts., alp., Basören S, 1900–2200 m (50 km S-of Afyon) S.Benedikt leg. (Fig. 8) (cVS, cRL).

Sultan daglari: 1 Ƥ, Turkey, 23.– 26.5.96, Sultan Daglari, Cankurtaran, 1800 m, Smatana lgt. (cRL) (Fig.12); 1 3 2 ƤƤ, “ Asia minor Sultan Dagh v.Bodemeyer” ( MNHN, ZMAN); 1 Ƥ, Asia minor, Sultan Dagh, v. Bodemeyer, O.Leonhard ( DEI); 1 Ƥ, Asia minor, Sultan Dagh, v. Bodemeyer, ex-coll. Dr. Melichar ( BMNH); 1 Ƥ, Anatolien, Ak-Chehir, 1900, Korb. ( DEI); 1 3 1 Ƥ, Anatolia centr, Sultan Dagh b. Çay, 1900–2200 m, 18.7.1965, Heinz lgt. (cWH); 4 33 2 ƤƤ, Asia minor, Sultan Dagh, v. Bodemeyer ( HNHM, NMP, ZISP).

Davraz dag: 9 33 2 ƤƤ, TURKEY W, 1900 m, 22.5.2001, Isparta, Davras dag, lgt. M.Snížek (Fig. 7) (cVS, cDW, cRL); 1 3, TR. Vil. Isparta, 24.5. 2001, 10 km W of Yukarigökdre, Kasnak, J. Mertlik lgt. (cVS); 9 33 2 ƤƤ, Davraz, Isparta Turquie, VI.96, G. Dubault, B. Lassalle (sGD, cBL); 1 Ƥ, Davraz Daġ, w. Anatolien, 6.5.72 (cWH); 4 33 2 ƤƤ, “ Turquie (Isparta) Mt. Davras 2.000/2.200 H. Coiffait. 20.V.54 ” ( MNHN).

Dedegöl daġlari: 1 3, Dedegöl-daġ, Nordsei, alpine zone, s üdl. Egirdir, 28.VII.1971, 1800–2300, Anatolia mer, Heinz lgt. (cWH); 1 3 1 Ƥ, TR vill. Isparta, Yenisar Bademli env., Dipoyraz daġi, Josef Mertlik lgt, 1.6.1995 (cVS).

Bolkar daglari: 1 Ƥ, Dumbelek, Taurus Cil, Anatolien ( MNHUB); 2 33 1 Ƥ, Namrun, Anat.m., 10.5.– 3.6.63, leg. F. Schubert ( MNHUB, NMP); 3 33 2 ƤƤ, Turkei, Mersin, Findik pinari, Arslanköi, 2.5.0 1, leg. Megger (cDW, cRL).

Konya Villayet: 131Ƥ, “ Turkey, 90 IV 18. Konya. Beysehir leg. Podlussány A.” (Fig.11) ( HNHM).

! unspecified localities: 1 3, “76” (green h)/ “ T. phrygius pisidicus ” (yellow h) ( MCSNT); 1 3, “89” (green h) / “Tapinopt. phrygius m det. J. Müller” (h/p) ( MCSNT); 1 Ƥ, “89” (green h); 1 3, “H 406” (h) ( MCSNT).

Diagnosis. BL 11.8–15.9 mm.

Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus short to medium-sized, apical lamella long, thin, more or less regularly curved to left (Figs. 32–34) or rarely slightly sinuous before left-orientated tip (Figs. 30–31); apical orifice deflected to left lateral position; basal bulb relatively long, with basal orifice concave (Figs. 48, 50–52), apical part longer than basal one (Figs. 50–52, 60–62), rarely almost equal in size (Figs. 48, 58), curved copulatory sclerite in subapical position (Figs. 49, 51, 59, 61), apex becoming thinner towards tip, hardly deflexed (Figs. 48, 58) or straight (Figs. 50–52, 60–62). Aedeagus of syntype of T. phrygius pisidicus from Barla-daġlari (Fig. 31) shows slight deformation very probably caused by aging of this old specimen. Examination of another male from this locality confirms that it is identical with other specimens of T. phrygius s.l. Right paramere relatively long, more or less curved medially, basal part thicker than apical one, with thickened marginal part in internal view, apical part pointed towards apex (Figs. 83–84, 98–99). Left paramere with shortened transverse apophysis, and long, oblique paramedial apophysis (Figs. 113–114, 127–128).

Female genitalia. Sternum VIII very long, consisting of two chitinised plates characteristic in shape, connected by membrane, proximal part with reduced, round “legs” (Fig. 146). Ovipositor with equal in size valvifer and stylus, as longer axis of former ± perpendicular to longer axis of latter (Figs. 157); valvifer with long, cylindrical proximal part, plate-like distal one, and small process across at distal part; stylus consisting of one, basal stylomere of subcylindrical shape (apical stylomere disappeared).

Taxonomic notes. In the course of studying the types of T. dipojranus s.str. and T. dipojranus cilicius , one paratype of phrygius as well as a numerous specimens from the type localities of phrygius s.str., phrygius pisidicus (Sultan daġlari, Kumalar daġlari, Barla daġi, Davraz daġ, Dipojraz daġlari), and additional material from Bolkar daġlari (type locality of dipojranus cilicius ), we concluded that members of all above mentioned species and subspecies are conspecific with the typical phrygius since no significant morphological differencies were found. T. (Molopsis) phrygius is, just like the other species of this subgenus, a very variable species. Specimens from various populations vary in size (significant size discrepancies were discovered even in the populations of different years from Davraz dag; specimens from 2001 were obviously smaller and more slender than those collected in 1996), and in shape of pronotum and median lobe of aedeagus. Understanding this, it was not possible to establish subspecies that would have more constant features. The population from Bolkar daglari (described as diporjanus ssp. cilicius), which lives the farthest from the phrygius type-locality, is the most different from those of typical phrygius , but in fact there are no distinct features to fullfil the criteria for establishing a valid subspecies.

Distribution. Taurus mountain ranges about lakes Beyşehir, Eġirdir and Burdur: Ak daġ, Sultan daġlari, Kumalar daġlari, (“Phrygic Taurus”), Barla daġi, Davraz daġ, Dipojraz daġlari (“Pisidic Taurus”), SW Turkey, Bolkar daġlari (Bulghar Dagh by the ancient authors, “Cilician Taurus”), S Turkey.


Natal Museum


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum


Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
















Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius G. Müller, 1932

Lohaj, Roman, Guéorguiev, Borislav, Dubault, Gérard & Lassalle, Bernard 2012

Molopsis molopiformis dipojranus:

Jeanne 2005: 385

Molopsis molopiformis cilicius:

Jeanne 2005: 385

Molopsis molopiformis phrygius:

Jeanne 2005: 385

Molopsis molopiformis pisidicus:

Jeanne 2005: 385

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus dipojranus:

Lorenz 2005: 288

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus cilicius:

Lorenz 2005: 288

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius phrygius:

Lorenz 2005: 288

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius pisidicus:

Lorenz 2005: 288

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus dipojranus:

Bousquet 2003: 518
Lorenz 1998: 267

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius phrygius:

Bousquet 2003: 518
Lorenz 1998: 267

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius pisidicus:

Bousquet 2003: 518
Lorenz 1998: 267
Kirschenhofer 1991: 6

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus

Straneo 1986: 124

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus cilicius

Straneo 1986: 126

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus:

Kirschenhofer 1991: 6
Straneo 1986: 124

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) dipojranus cilicius:

Bousquet 2003: 518
Lorenz 1998: 267
Kirschenhofer 1991: 6
Straneo 1986: 126

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius:

Casale 1999: 381
Kirschenhofer 1991: 6
Straneo 1986: 122
Schatzmayr 1943: 119

Tapinopterus (Molopsis) phrygius pindicus

Schatzmayr 1943: 119

Tapinopterus phrygius: G. Müller, 1937 : 132

Maran 1940: 57
Muller 1937: 132

Tapinopterus phrygius pisidicus: G. Müller, 1937 : 132

Maran 1940: 57
Muller 1937: 132

Platysma (Tapinopterus) phrygius:

Straneo 1936: 156

Platysma (Tapinopterus) phrygius

Straneo 1936: 156

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius G. Müller, 1932 : 216

Muller 1932: 216

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius pisidicus G. Müller, 1932 : 217

Muller 1932: 217

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius: G. Müller, 1932 : 216

Muller 1932: 216

Tapinopterus (Crisimus) phrygius pisidicus: G. Müller, 1932 : 217

Muller 1932: 217

Tapinopterus molopinus:

Bodemeyer 1905: 36

Pterostichus (Tapinopterus) molopinus

Bodemeyer 1905: 103
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