Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) nabireensis Gildenkov, 2023

Gildenkov, M. Yu., 2023, Two new species of the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 from New Guinea, related to Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) notumus Gildenkov, 2019 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Russian Entomological Journal 32 (1), pp. 40-43 : 42

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.1.04


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scientific name

Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) nabireensis Gildenkov

sp. nov.

Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) nabireensis Gildenkov View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 2, 5–6 View Figs 1–6 .

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂, Indonesia, West Papua “IRIAN JAYA:Kabup. Nabire 30 km S Nabire, Kali Cemara 150m, 15.8.1998 | leg. M. Balke (CEM Lux)” ( NHMW).

DESCRIPTION (holotype). Äëèíà òåëà 2.2 ìì. Length 2.2 mm. Colouration brown. Head, pronotum, abdomen, and apices of antennae black-brown; elytra, legs and bases of antennae brown. Integument slightly shining, body with short, light-coloured setation.

Head transverse, with wide base, ratio of its length (from posterior margin of head to anterior margin of clypeus) to maximum width about 19:27. Neck constriction prominent. Eyes rather large, convex. Temples well developed, rounded, eye diameter in dorsal view approximately equal to temple length. Head widest across eyes ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–6 ). Head surface with distinct, finely, and very dense punctation. Diameter of punctures slightly smaller than eye facet. Distances between punctures significantly smaller than their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining. Antennae rather long, antennal segments 1–6 elongate; segment 7 slightly elongate; segments 8–10 about as long as wide; segment 11 elongate, conical. Last 3 segments more massive than others and form loose club ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–6 ).

Pronotum maximum broad after about 2/3 its length from base, then narrowed. Lateral margins smoothly rounded ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–6 ). Ratio of pronotum length to its maximum width about 24:29. Surface of pronotum with distinct, finely, and very dense punctation, like head surface. Diameter of punctures slightly smaller than eye facet. Distances between punctures significantly smaller than their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining. Pronotal disc has three well-defined depressions. In the central part of disc, deep, oval depressions merge with each other through the medial line, forming a butterfly-shaped depression; at the base — a deep depression in the form of a narrow crescent; at the apex, along the medial line, there is one small oval depression.

Elytra are rather short. Length of elytra related to their combined width approximately as 29:36. Elytra with delicate, fine and dense punctation. Diameter of punctures approximately equal to eye facet. Distances between punctures slightly smaller than their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining.

Abdomen wide, its maximum width related to the width of elytra as 40:36, delicately shagreened.

Aedeagus of characteristic structure ( Figs 5–6 View Figs 1–6 ).

Female. Unknown.

COMPARATIVE REMARKS. According to the structure of aedeagus, the new species is clearly close to the other species of the “ notumus ” species group. It well differs from all species of this species group by the clear and very dense punctation of head and pronotum, and by the wide abdomen, which is wider than elytra. Reliably differs by the structure of aedeagus ( Figs 5–6 View Figs 1–6 ).

DISTRIBUTION. Indonesia (West Papua).

ETYMOLOGY. Named for its geographical distribution.

Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank all colleagues for making material available for study: Giulio Cuccodoro ( MHNG), Harald Schillhammer ( NHMW) and Wolfgang Schawaller ( SMNS). I also thank Kirill Makarov for taking the photographs (Moscow Pedagogical State University, Russia).


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