Canarium multinervis Daly, Raharim. & Federman, 2015

Daly, Douglas C., Raharimampionona, Jeannie & Federman, Sarah, 2015, A revision of Canarium L. (Burseraceae) in Madagascar, Adansonia 37 (2), pp. 277-345 : 323-324

publication ID 10.5252/a2015n2a2

persistent identifier

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Carolina (2021-08-16 21:45:08, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:41:51)

scientific name

Canarium multinervis Daly, Raharim. & Federman

sp. nov.

Canarium multinervis Daly, Raharim. & Federman View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 1; 23 View FIG A-E).

Medium-sized trees, leaves 5-8-jugate, stipules 0-3 mm from petiole insertion, leaflets sometimes glossy, lateral leaflets with truncate to slightly cordate base, secondary veins in 9-19 pairs; distinguished from C. bullatum , comb. et stat. nov. by the stipules 5-13 (vs 4-5) mm long; leaflets drying dark brown and not bullate; basal leaflets broadly ovate (vs usually suborbicular or less often broadly ovate in C. bullatum , comb. et stat. nov.), terminal leaflet usually broadly elliptic (vs usually broadly (ob-)ovate),; bracts on secondary axes of staminate inflorescences 5.5-7 mm long, rounded and concave, covering the subtended buds (vs 1.8-4 mm long, lanceolate to (ob) ovate, not covering buds); staminate flowers 4.4-5.5 (vs 6.3-8) mm long when dry; and calyx 3.1-3.5 (vs 2.1-2.8) mm long overall, the lobes 1.5-1.7 (vs 0.3-0.85) mm long.

TYPUS. — Madagascar. Antsiranana, Diana, Ampasindava, forêt de Betsitsika, 150 m, 13°46’09”S, 47°59’27”E, 23.I.2009, M. C. Madiomanana, M. Y. Ammann & A. J. Tahinarivony 252 (holo-, NY!). PARATYPI. — Madagascar. Antsiranana, Ambanja, Bemanevika, Bandrakorony , near Betsitsiky Stream on Ampasindava Peninsula , 123 m elev., 13°45’44”S, 47°59’20”E, 28.I.2009, R. Bernard et al. 1370 ( MO, NY, P, TAN); Ambanja, 22.II.1956, Service Forestier 16941 ( NY, TEF [not seen]) GoogleMaps .

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. — Canarium multinervis , sp. nov. is known only from the Sambirano region near Ambanja, where it occurs in lowland primary subhumid forest at 10-150 m elevation. Flowering in Jan.-Feb.

COMMON NAMES. — Aramy, ramy.

ETYMOLOGY. — The specific epithet refers to the conspicuous, rather closely spaced leaflet secondary veins.


Trees, reproductive size at least 14-16 m × 40 cm diam. Leaves 23-38.5 cm long, 5-8-jugate; petiole 3.8-6.2 cm long, petiole and sometimes rachis with dense flexuous ferrugineous hairs to 0.9 mm long (sometimes glabrescent), also fine ascending hairs to 0.1 mm long; stipules 0-3 mm from petiole insertion, c. 3.1 mm long, essentially reniform, stipular scar 2-4.5 mm long; basal petiolules 4-7.6 mm long, other laterals 6.8-11 mm, terminal one 15-31 mm long, petiolules not canaliculate, pulvinuli inconspicuous; basal leaflets 3-8.7 × 1.5-4.4 cm, broadly ovate, other laterals 6.8- 12 × 3.4-7.6 cm, (oblong-)ovate, terminal one 9.5-13.3 × 3-8.4 cm, (oblong-)ovate or broadly elliptic; leaflet apex gradually and narrowly acuminate, the acumen 4-9 mm long; lateral leaflet base asymmetric or slightly so, truncate to cordate (especially on acroscopic side); margin sometimes slightly revolute; leaflets slightly coriaceous, drying dark brown, often glossy abaxially and adaxially (but less so); secondary vein framework brochidodromous but looping at the margin, secondaries in 9-19 pairs, almost straight, insertion decurrent, spacing slightly decreasing toward base and apex, not discolorous, the angle subperpendicular, slightly increasing toward base and decreasing toward apex; intercostal tertiaries mostly alternate-percurrent and somewhat irregular-reticulate, some admedial branching toward axil near midvein, quaternaries irregular-reticulate; on abaxial side the veins all prominent (secondaries acutely so), the midvein with scattered flexuous hairs to 0.5 mm long, also sparse or less often dense fine ascending hairs to 0.2 mm long, rest of surface with scattered thick appressed to ascending whitish hairs to 0.15 mm long and a few scattered hairs to 0.4 mm long; on adaxial side all veins narrowly prominulous except midvein also sunk in a groove, the midvein with scattered ascending ferrugineous hairs to 0.25 mm long, on secondaries a few scattered shorter hairs, rest glabrous. Staminate inflorescences 17-25 cm long, 5.7- 6.4 mm diam near base, secondary axes to 8.3 cm, axes with dense, flexuous, ferrugineous hairs to 0.9 mm long, also with small, long, narrow, slightly raised lenticels on older axes; bracts on primary axes at least 6 mm long, those on secondary axes 5.5-7 mm long, rounded and concave, covering the subtended buds, those on tertiary axes 4-6.2 mm long, (broadly) ovate and acute to acuminate, bracteoles (1.4) 2-4 mm long, (narrowly) lanceolate or less often subulate; on all bracts the abaxial side with dense, flexuous, ascending ferrugineous hairs to 0.3 mm, adaxial side with dense appressed golden hairs to 0.4 mm. Staminate buds (sub-) sessile, mature buds 4.4-5.5 mm long (dry); calyx 3.1-3.5 (4) × 3-3.2 mm overall, deeply and narrowly cupular, much taller than ovariodisk, the lobes 1.2-1.7 mm long, (broadly) ovate, abaxial surface provided with flexuous, erect to ascending hairs to 0.4 (0.6) mm long, adaxial surface with dense appressed pale golden hairs to 0.3 mm; petals only slightly exceeding the calyx in bud, abaxial surface with pale golden hairs 0.1-0.35 mm long, appressed on most of surface but retrorse-appressed near margin; stamens inserted near constricted base of ovariodisk, 3-3.5 mm long, filaments fleshy, anthers 1.5-1.7 mm long, lanceolate in dorsiventral view, obliquely lanceolate in lateral view, the connective apiculate (possibly glandular); ovariodisk 1.3- 1.5 mm long, essentially cylindrical, minutely 3-lobular on rounded apex. Fruits unknown.


Canarium multinervis , sp. nov. belongs to a group of 10 species that all have relatively large, broad leaflets with truncate to slightly cordate base. It is contrasted with C. bullatum , comb. et stat. nov. in the discussion under that species.

Gallery Image

FIG. 23. — A-E, Canarium multinervis Daly, Raharim. & Federman, sp. nov.: A, portion of leaf with detail of leaflet (A’); B, portion of branchlet with inflorescence; C, staminate flower, longisection (left); D, lateral view of petal; E, stamens and ovariodisk, and adaxial view of stamen (right); F-G, Canarium obovatum Daly, Raharim. & Federman,sp. nov.: F, branchlet with detail of apex and stipules (F’); G, flowering branchlet with detail of stipule (G’). A, C-E, Service Forestier 16941 (NY); B, Bernard et al. 1370 (NY); F, Daly et al. 13064 (NY); G, Capuron (SF) 27803 (NY). Scale bars: A, B, F, G, 2 cm; C, 2 mm; D, E, 1 mm; A’, F’, G’, not to scale.


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Missouri Botanical Garden


Parc de Tsimbazaza


Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Developement Rural