Jouvea pilosa

Muchut, Sebastián E., Reutemann, Andrea G., Uberti-Manassero, Nora G. & Vegetti, Abelardo C., 2017, Synflorescence morphology of grasses with reduced terminal inflorescences: a case study of Jouvea (Cynodonteae, Chloridoideae, Poaceae), Phytotaxa 302 (3), pp. 241-250 : 243-245

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.302.3.3

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Jouvea pilosa


Jouvea pilosa View in CoL

We propose a new specific classification for trophotagma enrichment axes identified in the pistillate synflorescence: type 1 trophotagma enrichment axes (tea1), located in the distal regions of the long internode zone ( Fig. 1A–C View FIGURE 1 ); and type 2 trophotagma enrichment axes (tea2), located in the medial regions of the long internode zone ( Fig. 1B, C View FIGURE 1 ). The tea1 displays a reduced prophyll and a lateral inflorescence. Each tea1 generates successive trophotagma enrichment axes from its prophyllar bud. Consequently, a typical prophyllar ramification system (cymose ramification) with extremely short internodes originates in distal leaves (even in the flag leaf). Each prophyllar branch carries its own prophyll and one lateral inflorescence, which is reduced to a single pistillate spikelet. For tea1, we registered a maximum branching degree of fifth order.

The tea2 presents a prophyll and a variable number of leaves, and ends with an inflorescence (lateral inflorescence). The axillary buds present in the tea2 may develop generating tea1, frequently in the distal leaves. The axillary bud of the prophyll of tea2 rarely develops a new branch. This enrichment axis displays, beyond the prophyll, a variable number of leaves while the number of leaves in the tea1 is limited to its unique prophyll.

The most conspicuous characteristic of the pistillate synflorescence is the combination of the reduced terminal inflorescence (=one pistillate spikelet) and the set of distal tea1 ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Because of its prophyllar ramification and short internodes, each set of tea1 constitutes a dense, flabellate cluster of lateral pistillate inflorescences reduced to a single spikelet. Only one of these spikelets originates from an axillary bud of a leaf borne on the main axis (=primary branch). The rest of the lateral spikelets have a prophyllar origin.

The staminate synflorescence displays only one type of trophotagma enrichment axis, similar to the tea1 of the pistillate synflorescence ( Fig. 1E–G View FIGURE 1 ). These trophotagma enrichment axes (tea) do not develop leaves beyond the prophyll. The staminate tea presents a prophyll and ends in a spike of staminate spikelets (=lateral inflorescence). The tea are generated in the distal leaves within the long internode zone, even in the flag leaf. In fact, some specimens exhibit trophotagma enrichment axes only in the flag leaf, while others in the two or three distal leaves. When these tea develop branches, they do it from the axillary bud of the prophyll ( Fig. 1F, G View FIGURE 1 ). Some specimens show tea ramification of third order. Above the flag leaf, the internode of the main shoot elongates ending with a staminate terminal inflorescence ( Fig. 1E–G View FIGURE 1 ).













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