Diognetus schuhorum, Yasunaga & Schwartz & Chérot, 2023

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Schwartz, Michael D. & Chérot, Frédéric, 2023, Revision of the plant bug genus Diognetus, with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Oriental and Eastern Palearctic Regions (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 63 (1), pp. 1-55 : 37

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scientific name

Diognetus schuhorum

sp. nov.

Diognetus schuhorum sp. nov.

( Figs 19A–B View Fig , 20D–F View Fig , 34G–I View Fig )

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, INDONESIA: NORTH SUMATRA: Brastagi, North of Toba Lake , 3.18˚N, 98.50˚E, 1,400 m, at FL light, 5–9 Dec 1989, T. Yasunaga ( ZRC) ( AMNH _ PBI 00380754 ).

Description. Male (holotype). Body elongate, moderate in size, 5.2 mm in total length. COLORATION: General coloration chocolate brown (Figs 192A− B). Head castaneous; median part of frons and clypeus darkened. Antennae pale brown; segment I with obscure stripe ventrally and dark narrow ring at apex; apical 1/5 of segment II and entire segment III (except for yellow base) dark brown; segment IV missing. Labium shiny pale brown; segment I slightly tinged with red; apical half of segment IV infuscate. Pronotum relatively shining, darkened at posterior half, with yellowish brown posterior margin; calli with a pair of dark, ovoid maculae; collar yellowish brown; mesoscutum creamy yellow; apex of scutellum pale; pleura dark brown; ventral margin of propleuron and ventral half of mesepisternum shiny yellowish brown; scent efferent system creamy yellow. Hemelytron chocolate brown; apical part of clavus yellowish; cuneus tinged with red; membrane pale grayish brown. Coxae and legs pale brown (only right proleg remaining as in Fig. 19B View Fig ); extreme apex of protibia and apical half of protarsomere III darkened. Ventral surface of abdomen dark brown, with pale brown median part. SURFACE AND VESTITURE:As in generic diagnosis; scutellum and hemelytron rather matte; setae on mesepimeron and episternum sparsely distributed ( Fig. 34G View Fig ). STRUCTURE: Eyes relatively large; vertex slightly narrower an eye in dorsal view. Antennal segment II even longer than labium. Labium reaching but not exceeding apex of mesocoxa; apex of segment IV with rather wide fields of sensilla ( Fig. 34H View Fig ). Scutellum somewhat arched. Metathoracic scent efferent system as in Fig. 34G View Fig . MALE GENITALIA ( Figs 20D–F View Fig , 34I View Fig ): Left paramere with developed basal protuberance of sensory lobe and elongate hypophysis ( Figs 20D View Fig , 34I View Fig ); hypophysis and apical sensory lobe of right paramere slender, tapered towards apex ( Fig. 20E View Fig ); vesica with short, pointed MS and long LS, lacking TP ( Fig. 20F View Fig ); phallotheca with narrow apical keel.

Female. Unknown.

Measurements. See Table 1.

Differential diagnosis. Recognized readily by its elongate body form; long antennal segment II; creamy yellow mesoscutum; yellowish apical part of clavus; and distinctive shape of male genitalia. Most similar in external appearance to D. magnificus sp. nov.; easily distinguished by smaller size, longer antennal segment II, and pale mesoscutum and apical part of clavus.

Etymology. Named in honor of Dr. Randall T. Schuh (AMNH) and his beloved family.

Biology. Unknown; a single male specimen was collected at a FL light.

Distribution. Indonesia (North Sumatra).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore


American Museum of Natural History













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