Emys orbicularis

Pupins, Mihails & Pupina, Aija, 2014, P R O J E C T S O N E M Y S O R B I C U L A R I S (R E P T I L I A: Testudines: Emydidae) In Latvia For Thirty Years (1984 - 2014): Biological Aspects, Results And Effect On Population And Ecosystems, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 14 (2), pp. 159-175 : 163-164

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12646396

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Emys orbicularis


E. orbicularis View in CoL research and conservation problems in Latvia, actual for the project:

Research and protection activities, carried out in the framework of the background project (see above) developed by 2001 and demanded financial means that the private project Emys-Latvia lacked. Thus, numerous reports about findings of Emys orbicularis in Latvia demanded many field expeditions to confirm plausibility of communications and investigate biotopes of findings. The breeding group of Emys orbicularis , formed in the background project, became comparatively big and new pool was necessary for its keeping and carrying out of further studies. This made the first non-private, but government supported Emys orbicularis oriented project in Latvia urgent.

Project activities and main results: In the course of the project the following actions took place: 1) establishing of basins for keeping of breeding group of Emys orbicularis , 2) field researches in the places of findings of Emys orbicularis in Latvia.

Consequently, it resulted in the following: 1) 23 biotopes of the places of findings in Latvia were described; 2) internal and external basins for breeding group were created; 3) some important peculiarities of ecology and needs of Emys orbicularis under their keeping in regulated conditions indoor and in natural climatic conditions of Latvia were studied ( Pupinsh & Pupina 2005).













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