Emys orbicularis

Pupins, Mihails & Pupina, Aija, 2014, P R O J E C T S O N E M Y S O R B I C U L A R I S (R E P T I L I A: Testudines: Emydidae) In Latvia For Thirty Years (1984 - 2014): Biological Aspects, Results And Effect On Population And Ecosystems, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 14 (2), pp. 159-175 : 166

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12646396

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Emys orbicularis


E. orbicularis View in CoL research and conservation problems in Latvia, actual for the project: In the course of implementation of researches projects on study and protection a sufficiently large quantity of actual information about problems of Emys orbicularis protection was gathered in Latvia. Yet, in spite of existing protective status of Emys orbicularis , in 2007 in Latvia there was not a single officially asserted strategy on species conservation. This made a project on creation and assertion of the Plan on Emys orbicularis protection in Latvia actual.

Project activities and main results: The main activities of the project were the following: 1) analysis and generalization of data about Emys orbicularis in Latvia ( Pupins & Pupina 2008b); 2) development and discussion of the Plan on Emys orbicularis protection in Latvia.As a result of realization of the project: 1) the threats for Emys orbicularis in Latvia were analysed and ranged ( Meeske & Pupins 2009); 2) concrete measures for conservation of Emys orbicularis in Latvia were proposed; 3) the Plan on Emys orbicularis protection in Latvia was developed, discussed, and officially accepted by the Ministry of Environment of Latvia and officially published by Nature conservation agency in a free access ( Pupiņš & Pupiņa 2007b).













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