Dissomphalus incurvatus Alencar, 2008

Alencar, I. D. C. C. & Azevedo, C. O., 2008, A new species-group of Dissomphalus (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), with description of thirteen new species, Zootaxa 1851 (1), pp. 1-28 : 12

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.1851.1.1



persistent identifier


treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-07-24 19:37:20, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 14:21:11)

scientific name

Dissomphalus incurvatus Alencar

sp. nov.

Dissomphalus incurvatus Alencar , sp. nov.

( Figs. 34–40 View FIGURES 28–40 )

Diagnosis: male. This species differs from the other species of the group by having the ventral margin of the outer lobe with a twisted projection below the apical concavity.

Description: male, body length 3.55 mm; LFW 2.6 mm. Color: head black, mesosoma and clypeus dark castaneous; metasoma castaneous; mandible, palpi and legs yellowish; antenna castaneous and gradually darker distally; wings subhyaline.

Head: mandible bidentate. Clypeus with trapezoidal median lobe, median carina complete, tall in lateral view. Relative length of first four antennal segments ~12:4:3:4, segment XI 2.0x as long as wide. Frons coriaceous, punctures much small and shallow, separated by 1.0–2.0x their diameter. LH 1.0x WH; WF 0.6x WH; WF 1.1x HE; OOL 0.7x WOT; DAO 0.4x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from crest of vertex 1.3x DAO. Vertex somewhat convex; VOL 0.6x HE.

Mesosoma: thoracic dorsum weakly coriaceous, except pronotal disc coriaceous, punctures same size and sparser than those of frons. Pronotal disc 0.5x length of mesoscutum. Notaulus complete. Propodeal disc 0.9x as long as wide, irregularly rugose, median carina incomplete, posterior part elevate, weakly coriaceous and shinny; lateral surface of propodeum imbricate; declivity imbricate, median carina complete. Fore femur 3.3x as long as wide.

Metasoma ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 28–40 ): tergite II with pair of elliptical, large and shallow lateral depressions, each separated by 1.5x its maximum diameter, each depression with minute tubercle which has small pit on top. Hypopygium with posterior margin concave.

Genitalia ( Figs. 35–40 View FIGURES 28–40 ): paramere evenly wide in dorsal view; apex rounded and arched mesad; ventral margin strongly concave apically, apical corner small and angled, somewhat concave basally; dorsal margin somewhat convex with obtuse subapical concavity ( Figs. 35, 36, 40 View FIGURES 28–40 ). Dorsal margin of basiparamere straight. Cuspis long and arched, apex rounded, digitus with apex pointed and smooth in upper margin. Aedeagus with ventral ramus shorter than dorsal body, laminar, surface horizontal, inner margin straight in ventral view, ventrad except base flat with narrow fold, outer margin convex, basally with ventral fold, filament inserted subapically, nearly as long as ramus, convergent, narrow, thin and arched dorsad ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 28–40 ); dorsal body with two pairs of apical lobes, outer pair laminar slight longer than paramere, surface vertical, wide, apex convergent and serrate ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 28–40 ), dorsal margin convex in lateral view ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 28–40 ) and sinuous in dorsal view ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 28–40 ), ventral margin with subapical concavity, projection concave with apical corner projected and twisted ( Figs. 37, 38 View FIGURES 28–40 ), inner pair membranous, hairy and granulate; basal bar triangular, upper margin concave, lateral margin folded mesad, lower margin touching basal plate; connector with lateral expansion concave, mid part straight; basal plate with upper margin concave, median lower margin concave with small rounded projection laterad ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 28–40 ). Apodeme of aedeagus not extending beyond elliptical genital ring.

Material examined: HOLOTYPE: male, VENEZUELA, [Monagas], Caripe, Conuco El Mirador , 22.vii.1973, [~ 10º20’58”N 67º41’08”W], J. C. Shuttleworth col. ( CNCI). GoogleMaps

Etymology: the specific Latin epithet refers to the twisted ventral margin of the outer lobe of the dorsal body.

Distribution: Venezuela.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 28–40. 28–33, Dissomphalus forceps. 28, tergal process, dorsal view; 29, genitalia, ventral view; 30, genitalia, dorsal view; 31, apex of filament, lateral view; 32, outer lobe, lateral view; 33, paramere, lateral view; 34–40, Dissomphalus incurvatus. 34, tergal process, dorsal view; 35, genitalia, ventral view; 36, genitalia, dorsal view; 37, outer lobe, ventral view; 38, apex of outer lobe, lateral view; 39, apex of dorsal body, dorsal view; 40, paramere, lateral view. (Scale bars = 250 µm).


Canadian National Collection Insects











