Ophichthus asakusae, Jordan & Snyder, 1901

Vo, Quang Van, Hibino, Yusuke & Ho, Hsuan-Ching, 2019, Ophiacantha scissionis Lee & Stöhr & Bae & Shin 2019, sp. nov., Zoological Studies (Zool. Stud.) 58 (43), pp. 1-14 : 5-8

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.6620/ZS.2019.58-43

persistent identifier


treatment provided by

Felipe (2024-07-25 15:06:21, last updated 2024-07-25 15:22:45)

scientific name

Ophichthus asakusae


Ophichthus asakusae View in CoL Jordan and Snyder, 1901

( Fig. 3; Table 3)

Ophichthus asakusae View in CoL Jordan and Snyder, 1901: 872, fig. 18 (type locality: outside Bay of Tokyo, near Misaki, Japan).

Ophichthus habereri Franz, 1910: 13 , Pl. 3 (fig. 12) (type locality: Yokohama, Japan).

Ophichthus roseus Tanaka, 1917: 39 View in CoL (type locality: Tokyo fish market, Japan).

Specimens examined: Ten specimens, 388‒662 mm TL. OIM-E.55770‒71, 2 specimens, 388‒519 mm TL, off Kỳ Hà fishing harbour, Tam Quang Commune, Tam Kỳ district, Quảng Nam province, bottom longline 40‒60 m, 27 Jun. 2017, collected by H.H.T. Tran. OIM-E.55772‒74, 3 specimens, 517‒521 mm TL, off LƯƠng SƠn fishing harbour, LƯƠng SƠn Commune, Nha Trang city, Khánh Hòa province, trawl, 60‒80 m, 4 Aug. 2018, collected by Q.V. Vo. OIM-E.55775‒79: 5 specimens, 405‒662 mm TL, off Quy NhƠn fishing harbour, Quy NhƠn city, Bình Định province, trawl, 55‒70 m, 23 Aug. 2018, collected by Q.V. Vo.

Description: Body moderately elongate ( Fig. 3), subcircular to posterior portion of tail, then becoming slightly compressed, its depth at gill openings 21‒29 times in TL. Branchial basket slightly expanded. Head 9.1–9.6 in TL. Head and trunk 2.2 in TL. The skin wrinkled on nape and lateral side of tail tip. Snout short, broadly rounded when viewed from above and side; underside of snout bisected by a groove. Lower jaw included, its tip reaching to anterior margin of anterior nostril tube. Upper jaw moderately elongated, rictus well behind a vertical from posterior margin of eye. Eye moderate, situated at about center of upper jaw, 3.1‒3.9 in upper jaw and 7.6–10.2 in head. Anterior nostril tubular, extending ventrolaterally from snout, reaching below upper lip and chin when directed downward. Posterior nostril a hole above upper lip, covered by a flap. A single stout low barbel at anterior base of posterior nostril on upper lip; no barbel below eye. Dorsal-fin origin at median level of pectoral fin. Median fins low but obvious, ending approximately an eye diameter before the broadly pointed tail tip. Pectoral fins moderate broad and rounded, not elongate or lanceolate, the longest rays at mid fin.

Head pores small but apparent. Single median interorbital (frontal) and temporal pores. Supraorbital pores 1 + 4, infraorbital pores 4 + 2, mandibular pores 8‒10, preopercular pores 3, supratemporal pores 3. Faint rows of minute sensory papillae are present along nape, along anterior margin of orbit, and in a horseshoe-shaped pattern around base of anterior nostril. Lateral-line pores apparent, 8‒9 on head, in an arching sequence, 11‒12 before dorsal-fin origin, 55‒58 before anus, 125–131 in total, the last ca. 2 eye diameters before tail tip.

Teeth small, conical, and closely spaced. Intermaxillary with 3–6 teeth in a curved row, followed by 16–18 uniserial vomerine teeth, which decrease slightly in size posteriorly. Maxillary teeth an irregularly uniserial row of 21‒25 teeth. Mandibular teeth mostly uniserial, with 25‒27, plus an outer row of 4‒6 teeth at front.

Coloration: When fresh yellowish-brown dorsally, slightly contrasting with the white throat and belly, extending to the anus. Dorsal fin grayish, its base pale and margin white, pectoral fin light brownish, and anal fin uniformly pale to pale brown with white margin. When preserved, yellowish-brown dorsally, slightly contrasting with white throat and belly extending to anus. Dorsal fin grayish with white margin. Pectoral fin grayish. Tail tip white.

Franz V. 1910. Die japanischen Knochenfische der Sammlungen Haberer und Doflein. (Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens.) Abhandlungen der math. phys. Klasse der K. Bayer Akad Wissensch 4: 1 - 135, pls. 1 - 11.

Jordan DS, Snyder JO. 1901. A review of the apodal fishes or eels of Japan, with descriptions of nineteen new species. Proc US Nat Mus 23: 837 - 890.

Tanaka S. 1917. Six new species of Japanese fishes. Dobutsugaku Zasshi - Zool Mag Tokyo 29: 37 - 40.









