Xenorthrius striatulus ( Motschulsky, 1860 ) Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2010

Gerstmeier, Roland & Eberle, Jonas, 2010, Revision of the Indo-Australian checkered beetle genus Xenorthrius Gorham, 1892 (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Clerinae) 2584, Zootaxa 2584 (1), pp. 1-121 : 91

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2584.1.1



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scientific name

Xenorthrius striatulus ( Motschulsky, 1860 )

comb. nov.

Xenorthrius striatulus ( Motschulsky, 1860) , n. comb.

( Figures 53 View FIGURE 53 and 69F View FIGURE 69 )

Orthrius striatulus Motschulsky 1860: 323 ; Reitter 1894: 44; Chobaut 1897: 241; Schenkling 1906: 269.

Orthrius particularis Pic 1926b: 6 n. comb., n. syn.

Unfortunately no type material of Orthrius striatulus was available for this study.

Specimens examined: Holotype: Korea: Corée; Orthrius ; Type; Orthrius particularis , n sp; Type; Museum Paris, Coll. M. Pic (♂, MNHN); ( X. particularis ) n. syn.

Others: Far East of Russia: Amur, Speyer, Coll. Weber; Coll. S. Schenkling; Schenkling det. (SDEI). Amur; Coll. Kraatz; Opilus striatulus, Motsch ; Kraatz det. (SDEI). Far East of Russia, S. Primorje reg., Laso dist., Valentin v., 18.VII.2003; Clerinae , Orthrius striatulus ; (Motsch.), www.rusinsects.com (JSBC) Russia, Primorje, Oblatschnaja Mt., 700m 3.VIII.2006, St. Flossmann leg. (RGCM). Ussuri, Kasakewitsch, 1907 Korb; Opilo striatulus, Motsch ; Orthrius striatulus, Motsch. Ussuri, Kasakewitsch, 1907 Korb ; striatulus, Ussuri, Motsch. (NHMW) . Ussuri, Kasakewitsch, 1907 Korb (NHMW).

Measurements: (8 specimens measured) Average total length: 9.9mm, range: 9.2–10.5mm, average elytral length: 7.1mm, average elytral width: 2.8mm, average pronotal length: 1.9mm, average pronotal width: 1.9mm, average head width: 1.8mm.

Head: Red-brown, cranium vested with longer setae, with distinct punctation, interstices not exceeding one diameter of punctures; posterior part of clypeus red-brown, relatively narrow, with large punctation and a long setae laterally; ventral part wrinkled, smooth centrally; antennae red-brown, antennomeres gradually decreasing in length from A3 towards A8, A9 to A11 forming a distinct club, antennae not reaching base of pronotum when laid back; gular sutures parallel, gular process broad.

Thorax: Average pronotal length:width ratio 1.0:1; pronotum red-brown, vested with short yellowish setae, pronotal arch narrow, interstices smaller than one diameter of punctures, pronotum proper punctured slightly denser, punctation of pronotum indistinct in some of the observed specimen; prosternum red-brown, smooth, mesosternum red-brown; metasternum darker, punctation fine, interstices about 3 diameters of punctures; scutellum circular, red-brown.

Elytra: Average length:width ratio 2.5:1; basal two thirds surrounded red-brown, one broad red-brown postmedian fascia, circular subcutaneous structures visible, vested with very short yellowish setae, punctation weak and irregularly in most specimens, striae 1 and 2 obsolete behind basal quarter of elytra, striae 2 to 6 becoming continuously longer until striae 6 reaches apical margin of postmedian fascia, striae 7 and 8 shorter, striae 9 and 10 with weak punctation, interstices between striae two to three diameters of punctures, interstices within striae about one half diameter of punctures; punctation never rasp-like, carination absent.

Legs: Yellow, distal part of femora indefinitely darkened, tarsal pulvilli pale; metatibiae more or less straight, tibiae not carinated.

Abdomen: Ventrites dark red-brown, with weak and sparse punctation; male pygidium oval, arms long; apical margin of male and female ventrite 5 slightly emarginate in a broad V-shape; male ventrite 6 with distinct broad U-shaped emargination. Male genitalia ( Fig. 53 View FIGURE 53 ): Parameres apically narrow, sinus with broad and deep U-shaped emargination; phallic plates broad; spicular fork dividing into two branches after one half of length.

Distribution: Korea, Far East of Russia.

Seasonal occurrence: Collected from July to August.














Xenorthrius striatulus ( Motschulsky, 1860 )

Gerstmeier, Roland & Eberle, Jonas 2010

Orthrius particularis

Pic, M. 1926: 6

Orthrius striatulus

Schenkling, S. 1906: 269
Chobaut, A. 1897: 241
Reitter, E. 1894: 44
Motschulsky, V. de 1860: 323
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