Squalius seyhanensis Turan, Kottelat & Doğan, 2013

Çiçek, Erdoğan, Sungur, Sevil, Fricke, Ronald & Seçer, Burak, 2023, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Türkiye; an annotated checklist, 2023, Turkish Journal of Zoology 47 (6), pp. 324-468 : 414-419

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.55730/1300-0179.3147

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scientific name

Squalius seyhanensis Turan, Kottelat & Doğan, 2013


Squalius seyhanensis Turan, Kottelat & Doğan, 2013 View in CoL [E] ― Seyhan dace/Tatlı su kefali

Taxonomy. Original description: Squalius seyhanensis Turan, Kottelat & Doğan, 2013: 313 , figs. 1, 3b, 5-6 [Satiz Stream, Seyhan River drainage, Kayseri Province, Türkiye. holotype: FFR 1992 ]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Turan et al. (2013: 313, figs. 1, 3b, 5-6) .

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Turan et al. (2013). Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2018 a, 2020). ― Turkish material: FFR.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Zamanti Stream, upper Seyhan River Basin.― Distribution in river basins: 18-Seyhan. ― General distribution: Asia Minor: Seyhan River basin (Mediterranean tributary), Kayseri Province ( Türkiye). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 432-Southern Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species inhabits headwater streams and small rivers. It is unknown if it also might inhabit reservoirs. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: DD (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, EUT, HAB. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Low priority for conservation action. Squalius smyrnaeus => Petroleuciscus smyrnaeus

Squalius spurius Heckel, 1843 [N] ― Orontes dace/Tatlı su kefali

Taxonomy. Original description: Squalius spurius Heckel, 1843a: 1081 (91) [Aleppo, Syria; syntypes: NMW 49572 (2)]. ― Synonyms: Leuciscus spurius (Heckel, 1843) . ― Revisions: Bogutskaya (1997: 174) as Leuciscus spurius . ― Illustration: None.

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Leuciscus spurius ; Fricke et al. (2007) as Leuciscus spurius ; Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Qweik River basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 19- Asi. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Qweik River basin ( Türkiye and Syria). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 437-Orontes. ― Habitat: This species lives in large- to medium-sized rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: DD (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, COM, HAB. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Low priority for conservation action. Squalius turcicus De Filippi, 1865 [N] ― Transcaucasian chub/Tatlı su kefali

Taxonomy. Original description: Squalius turcicus De Filippi, 1865: 359 [River Arax (Aras Nehri) near Erzurum, Türkiye;? MZUT]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: None .

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by De Filippi (1865). Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2018 a, 2020). ― Turkish material:?MZUT.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Kura-Aras River basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 24-Aras. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Kura-Aras River and southern Caspian Sea basins ( Türkiye, Iran). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 434-Kura - South Caspian Drainages. ― Habitat: This species inhabits a very wide range of habitats, from streams to rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: There are many threats in the area, but none are believed to be so strong to affect this species. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Stable. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Remarks. It has been suggested that Squalius turcicus may be a synonym of S. orientalis due to the low genetic difference and morphological similarity ( Özuluğ and Freyhof, 2011; Turan et al., 2013). Therefore, these situations should be clarified with detailed comparative studies. Indeed, recent field and laboratory studies clearly show that they are synonyms. A manuscript prepared and submitted to a journal by the authors.

Squalius verepi Turan, 2022 [E] ― Dace/Akbalık Taxonomy. Original description: Squalius verepi Turan, 2022: 337 , figs. 1-3, 5d [Stream Behremas at Lake Hazar, Elazığ Province, Türkiye, 38.501°N, 39.508°E; holotype: FFR 06296 ]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Turan (2022: 337, figs. 1-3, 5d) GoogleMaps .

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Turan (2022). ― Turkish material: FFR.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Lake Hazar and the upper Tigris drainages.― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor: Lake Hazar and upper Tigris River basins, southeast Türkiye. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: This species inhabits a very wide range of habitats, from streams to rivers. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― Moderate sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Moderate priority for conservation action.

Telestes fahirae => Turcichondrostoma fahirae Trachibrama centisquama => Acanthobrama centisquama Turcichondrostoma fahirae ( Ladiges, 1960) [E] ― Tefenni minnow/Inci levrek balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Phoxinellus fahirae Ladiges, 1960: 141 , fig. 14 [Kırkpınar, near Tefenni, southwestern Burdur Province, Türkiye; holotype: ZMH H1104]. ― Synonyms: Chondrostoma fahirae ( Ladiges, 1960) ; Pseudophoxinus fahirae ( Ladiges, 1960) ; Telestes fahirae ( Ladiges, 1960) . ― Revisions: Turan et al. (2021). ― Illustration: Ladiges (1960: 141, fig. 14).

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Ladiges (1960). Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Pseudophoxinus fahirae ; Geldiay and Balık (2007) as Phoxinellus zeregi fahirae ; Fricke et al. (2007) as Pseudophoxinus fahirae ; Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2018 a, 2020) as Pseudophoxinus fahirae . ― Turkish material: ZMH.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Western basins of Türkiye. ― Distribution in river basins: 8-Batı Akdeniz, 10- Burdur. ― General distribution: Asia Minor: springs near Karamusa and Karamali, Lake Burdur tributary, Kırkpınar, Burdur Province ( Türkiye). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 431-Central Anatolia, 432-Southern Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species inhabits springs and streams. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: EN. ― IUCN: EN (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, HAB. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Decreasing. ― High priority for conservation action.

Vimba melanops ( Heckel, 1837) [N] ― Macedonian vimba/none

Taxonomy. Original description: Abramis melanops Heckel, 1837: 154 , Pl. 8 (fig. 3) [Maritza [Marizza] River, eastern Rumelia, Balkan region of Bulgaria; syntypes: NMW 55270 (1)]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Heckel, 1837: 154, Pl. 8 (fig. 3).

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Trachea region. ― Distribution in river basins: 1-Meriç-Ergene, 2-Marmara. ― General distribution: Eurasia: Aegean Sea basin ( Türkiye, Greece, Bulgaria and Macedonia). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 423-Thrace. ― Habitat: This species inhabits predominantly riverine species that are also present in reservoirs. Freshwater, brackish.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: DD (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, HAB. ― Moderate sensitivity to human activities.― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Moderate priority for conservation action.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Remarks. Vimba melanops is cooccurring with Vimba vimba and Vimba mirabilis . Recent molecular findings suggest possible synonymisation of Vimba vimba because of low level differences (Parea et al., 2010; Geiger et al., 2014). The status of this species should be clarified by field specimens.

Vimba mirabilis ( Ladiges, 1960) [E] ― Menderes bream/ Ulubat balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Acanthobrama mirabilis Ladiges, 1960: 132 , fig. 4 [Menderes River at Sarayköyn [Saraköy), Denizli Province, Türkiye; holotype: ZMH H1085]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Ladiges (1960: 132, fig. 4).

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Ladiges (1960). Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Acanthobrama mirabilis ; Geldiay and Balık (2007) as Acanthobrama mirabilis ; Fricke et al. (2007) as Acanthobrama mirabilis ; Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2018 a, 2020). ― Turkish material: ZMH.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Büyük Menderes River basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 7-Büyük Menderes, 8-Batı Akdeniz. ― General distribution: Asia Minor: Büyük Menderes River (Aegean Sea tributary), Denizli Province ( Türkiye). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 429-Western Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species inhabits large- and medium-sized lowland rivers and lakes. It is quite resistant to habitat modifications and also occurs in reservoirs, where it might build up large populations. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: LC. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, EUT, HAB. ― Moderate sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Decreasing. ― Moderate priority for conservation action.

Remarks. Vimba mirabilis is cooccurring with Vimba vimba and Vimba melanops . Recent molecular findings represent their possible synonymisation of Vimba vimba because of low level differences (Parea et al., 2010; Geiger et al., 2014). The status of this species should be clarified by field specimens.

Vimba vimba ( Linnaeus, 1758) [N] ― Baltic vimba/ Eğrez, karaburun balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Cyprinus vimba Linnaeus, 1758: 325 [Lakes of Sweden; no types known]. ― Synonyms: Abramis vimba ( Linnaeus, 1758) ; Abramis asianus var. elongatus Steindachner, 1897 . ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: None.

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Vimba vimba tenella ; Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Trachea and northwestern region. ― Distribution in river basins: 1-Meriç-Ergene, 2-Marmara, 3-Susurluk, 4-Kuzey Ege, 5-Gediz, 6-Küçük Menderes, 7-Büyük Menderes, 12- Sakarya, 13-Batı Karadeniz, 14-Yeşilırmak, 15-Kızılırmak, 24-Aras.― General distribution:Northern, central and eastern Europe and Asia Minor: basins of North Sea, Baltic Sea; Sea of Marmara, Black Sea, Sea of Azov. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 418-Dniester - Lower Danube, 423-Thrace, 429-Western Anatolia, 430-Northern Anatolia, 434-Kura - South Caspian Drainages. ― Habitat: This species inhabits brackish estuaries, large to medium rivers, and some large subalpine lakes. Sedentary populations occur even in small rivers in the barbel zone. Spawns on gravel in riffles in shallow, fast-flowing streams and rivers. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CON, HAB. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Decreasing. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Phoxininae Bleeker, 1863 (phoxinines)

Phoxinus abanticus Turan, Bayçelebi, Özuluğ, Gaygusuz & Aksu, 2023 [E] ― Minnow/Ot balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Phoxinus abanticus Turan, Bayçelebi, Özuluğ, Gaygusuz & Aksu, 2023 :

Figs. 4 and 8-10 [ Outlet of Abant Lake , Bolu Province, Türkiye, 40.664722 N, 31.425000 E; holotype: FFR 2322 ]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Turan et al. (2023a: Figs. 4 and 8-10) GoogleMaps .

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Turan et al. (2023). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Lake Abant basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 12- Sakarya. ― General distribution: Asia Minor: Lake Abant basin, Türkiye. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 430-Northern Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species inhabits a wide range of cold and well-oxygenated habitats, from small, fast-flowing streams to large rivers. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Moderate priority for conservation action.

Phoxinus colchicus Berg, 1910 [N] ― Minnow/Ot balığı Taxonomy. Original description: Phoxinus colchicus Berg, 1910: 169 [Bachvis Tzchali (Bachwis-tzchali) River in Ozurgety District, Georgia, Eurasia; holotype (unique): ZMT 141a]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: None .

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Berg (1910). Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Bayçelebi et al. (2015); Çiçek et al. (2016, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Aralik Stream, Choruck River drainage. ― Distribution in river basins: 23-Çoruh. ― General distribution: Eurasia: Caucasian Black Sea basin ( Georgia, Russia, and Türkiye). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 433-Western Transcaucasia. ― Habitat: This species inhabits a wide range of cold and well-oxygenated habitats, from small, fast-flowing streams to large rivers. Associated with salmonid fishes or cyprinids of barbel zone. Spawns over clean gravel areas in flowing water. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: No major threats known. ― Moderate sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Moderate priority for conservation action.

Phoxinus phoxinus ( Linnaeus, 1758) => not occurring in Türkiye (see Çiçek et al., 2020)

Phoxinus satunini => Leucalburnus satunini

Phoxinus strandjae Drensky, 1926 [N] ― Bulgarian minnow/Ot balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Phoxinus phoxinus strandjae Drensky, 1926: 137 [Strandscha [Istrandzhha] range, Bulgaria. syntypes: NMNHS]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: None .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: European Black Sea watersheds. ― Distribution in river basins: 1-Meriç-Ergene, 2-Marmara. ― General distribution: Southeastern Europe: Black Sea watersheds ( Bulgaria and Türkiye). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 418-Dniester - Lower Danube, 423-Thrace.― Habitat: This species inhabits small streams with clear, well-oxygenated water over gravel or stone bottoms. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: EN (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, HAB. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Decreasing. ― Moderate priority for conservation action. Characiformes

Serrasalmidae Bleeker, 1859 (piranhas and allies) Pygocentrus nattereri Kner, 1858 => not established in Türkiye (see Çiçek et al., 2020)



Loricariidae Rafinesque, 1815 (suckermouth armored catfishes)

Hypostominae Kner, 1853 (suckermouth catfishes) Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus ( Weber, 1991) [I] ― Vermiculated sailfin catfish/none

Taxonomy. Original description: Liposarcus disjunctivus Weber, 1991: 638 [Rio Madeira, Amazon River system, Restauracao, Amazonas, Brazil; holotype: MZUSP 28360 View Materials ].― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Weber (1855: 42, Pl. 20 (fig. 3)) .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020, 2022a). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Reported from Orontes River and Pınarbaşı Stream, Eskisehir and Asi River.― Distribution in river basins: 12- Sakarya, 19- Asi. ― General distribution: South America: Madeira River basin ( Bolivia and Brazil). Introduced in Türkiye, southeast Asia, Mexico, and Guatemala; established in Florida ( U.S.A.). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 430-Northern Anatolia, 437-Orontes. ― Habitat: This species is frequent and abundant in lentic environments, including anthropized ones. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Valuable for the aquarium trade.

Reasons of introduction. Ornamental fish industry.

Conservation. Not relevant (introduced species).

Pterygoplichthys pardalis ( Castelnau, 1855) [I] ― Amazon sailfin catfish/none

Taxonomy. Original description: Hypostomus pardalis Castelnau, 1855: 42 , Pl. 20 (fig. 3) [Amazon River, Brazil; holotype (unique): MNHN A-9574]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Isbrücker (1980: 42). ― Illustration: Castelnau (1855: 42, Pl. 20 (fig. 3)).

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020, 2022a). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Pınarbaşı Stream, Eskisehir. ― Distribution in river basins: 12- Sakarya.― General distribution:South America:Amazon River basin ( Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru). Introduced in Italy, Türkiye, and Asia; established in Florida and Puerto Rico ( U.S.A.), Central America ( Guatemala, Costa Rica), Colombia and Sri Lanka. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 430-Northern Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species is frequent and abundant in lentic environments, including anthropized ones. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Valuable for the aquarium trade.

Reasons of introduction. Ornamental fish industry.

Conservation. Not relevant (introduced species).

Remarks: Probably both of these reports are based on hybrids of Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus X Pterygoplichthys pardalis (see Emiroglu et al., 2016; Godwin et al., 2016).


Bagridae Bleeker, 1858 (bagrid catfishes)

Mystus halepensis => Mystus pelusius

Mystus misrai Anuradha, 1986 [N] ― Zigzag catfish/Kedi balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Mystus misrai Anuradha, 1986: 292 , figs. 1-2 [Lake Antioche, Syria; holotype: MHNG 603.95]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Freyhof and Yoğurtçuoğlu (2023). ― Illustration: Freyhof and Yoğurtçuoğlu (2023: 449).

Status in Türkiye.. Recorded from Lake Antioche in the original description by Anuradha, 1986 (1794); subsequently reported by Freyhof and Yoğurtçuoğlu (2023). ― Turkish material: MHNG.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Orontes River basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 19- Asi. ― General distribution: Orontes River basin ( Türkiye and Syria). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 437-Orontes. ― Habitat: This species lives in large rivers and reservoirs. It feeds on invertebrates and small fish. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Commercially important.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye:: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Mystus pelusius (Solander, 1794) [N] ― Zigzag catfish/ Mezopotamya kedi balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Silurus pelusius Solander in Russell, 1794: 210, pl. 7, fig. 1 [Qweik River, Aleppo, Syria; syntype: BMNH 1955.6.25.1 (1)]. ― Synonyms: Bagrus halepensis Valenciennes, 1840 ; Macrones colvillii Günther, 1874 ; Mystus colvillii (Günther, 1874) ; Mystus halepensis (Valenciennes, 1840) ; Macrones aleppensis (Valenciennes, 1840) . ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: None.

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Mystus colvillii ; Geldiay and Balık (2007) as Mystus colvillii ; Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020).― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Euphrates and Tigris River basins. ― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Euphrates and Tigris River basins ( Türkiye, Syria, Iraq, and Iran). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: This species inhabits large rivers and reservoirs. It feeds on invertebrates and small fish. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Commercially important.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, EUT, HAB. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Silurus pelusius => Mystus pelusius

Sisoridae Bleeker, 1858 (sisorid catfishes) Glyptosterninae Gill, 1861 (Asian sucker catfishes) Glyptosternum armeniacum => Glyptothorax armeniacus Glyptothorax armeniacus ( Linnaeus, 1766) [N] ― Tigris cat/Igneli küçük yayın balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Glyptosternum armeniacum Berg, 1918: 146 [Mukhlassi-darasi River, Upper Euphrates River system, Türkiye (possibly stream Habib at Oyuklu Mahallesi, Çat district, 39.6050, 40.9764); syntypes: (5) ZMT (?4, lost), ZSI [ex ZIN 20806 View Materials ] F11319/1 (1), ZIN 20806 View Materials (5, now 4)]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Freyhof et al. (2021: 461). ― Illustration: Freyhof et al. (2021: 461, fig. 5) GoogleMaps .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Glyptothorax sp. ; Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish materials: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Euphrates and Tigris basins.― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Tigris-Euphrates River basin, Türkiye, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: This is a freshwater species that occurs in slowrunning and standing streams. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― High priority for conservation action.

Glyptothorax cous ( Linnaeus, 1766) [N] ― Catfish/ Igneli yayın balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Silurus cous Linnaeus, 1766: 504 [Qweik River, at Aleppo, Syria; holotype: BMNH 1955.6.25.2]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Freyhof et al. (2021: 465), Sayyadzadeh et al. (2022). ― Illustration: Freyhof et al. (2021: figs. 10-17), Sayyadzadeh et al. (2022: 22, fig. 9) .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Fricke et al. (2007). ― Turkish material: FFR, ZMH.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Euphrates and Tigris basins.― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Tigris-Euphrates River basin. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: This species occurs in slow running and standing streams. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― High priority for conservation action.

Glyptothorax daemon Freyhof, Kaya, Abdullah & Geiger, 2021 [N] ― Spined catfish/Vantuzlu yayın balığı Taxonomy. Original description: Glyptothorax daemon Freyhof, Kaya, Abdullah & Geiger, 2021: 482 , figs. 31-36 [Stream Dilektaşı, 16 km northeast of Yüksekova, Hakkari Province, 37.6664, 44.1393, Türkiye; holotype: FFR 3928]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Freyhof et al. (2021b: 482, figs. 31-36).

Status in Türkiye. First record from Türkiye in the original description by Freyhof et al. (2021b). ― Turkish materials: FFR.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Tigris and Great Zab River basins. ― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: upper Tigris and Great Zab River basins, Türkiye and Iraq. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: All species of this genus in the Middle East inhabit fast-running sections of streams and rivers. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― High priority for conservation action.

Glyptothorax kurdistanicus ( Berg, 1931) [N] ― Mesopotamian sucking catfish/Vantuzlu yayin balığı Taxonomy. Original description: Glyptosternum kurdistanicum Berg, 1931: 384 [Serdesht, at Little Zab (36°N), River Bané basin, Iran, elevation 1500 metres; holotype: ZIN 20780 View Materials ]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Freyhof et al. (2021: 472). ― Illustration: Freyhof et al. (2021: 473, figs. 18) .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004) as Glyptothorax sp. ; Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Tigris River basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Tigris River basin ( Türkiye, Iraq, and Iran). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: All species of this genus in the Middle East inhabit fast running sections of streams and rivers. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: DD (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CON, HAB. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― High priority for conservation action.

Glyptothorax steindachneri ( Pietschmann, 1913) [N] ― Steindachner’s cat/Vantuzlu yayın balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Glyptosternum steindachneri Pietschmann, 1913: 93 [Tigris River, Mosul, Iraq; syntypes: (2, NMW?)]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Freyhof et al. (2021: 479). ― Illustration: Freyhof et al. (2021: 480, fig. 28) .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Fricke et al. (2007); Coad (2015); Ünlü (2021). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Tigris and Euphrates River basins. ― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Tigris and Euphrates River basins, Iraq, Syria, and Türkiye. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: All species of this genus in the Middle East inhabit fast-running sections of streams and rivers. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: NE (2023). ― Threats: Unknown. ― High sensitivity to human activities. ― Keystone species. ― Decline status: Unknown. ― High priority for conservation action.


Pangasius sanitwongsei Smith, 1931 => not established in Türkiye (see Çiçek et al., 2020)

Siluridae Rafinesque, 1815 (sheatfishes)


Museo e Instituto DI Zoologia Sistematica dell' UniversitaDI Torino


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien











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