Theridion genistae Simon, 1873

Knoflach, Barbara, Rollard, Christine & Thaler, Konrad, 2009, Notes on Mediterranean Theridiidae (Araneae) – II, ZooKeys 16 (16), pp. 227-264 : 241-243

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Theridion genistae Simon, 1873


Theridion genistae Simon, 1873 View in CoL

Figs 34-40 View Figures 32-35 View Figures 36-40

Theridion genistae Simon, 1873a: 95 View in CoL , male female, type locality: Corsica.

Paidiscura genistae : – Wunderlich 2008: 392, transfer from Theridion View in CoL .

Material examined. France: Corsica, Calvi, Capo di a Veta , 180 m, 42°32’16.5’’N, 08°45’11.6’’E, beating garigue, Cistus , 2 ♂, 29.4.2001, leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [Th-402 Co-01/1] GoogleMaps . Corsica, Ostriconi estuary, E Ile Rousse , 42°09’40.4’’N 09°03’39.9’’E, at sea shore, 5 m, beating shrubs, Genista , 17 ♂ 38 ♀, 3.5.2001, leg B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [Th-410 Co-01/9] GoogleMaps . Italy: Calabria, Sibari, beat catches, 1 ♀, 3.6.1977, leg. S. Meyer. Sardinia, Ogliastra, W Baunei , 718 m, 40°06.319’ N, 09°34.867’ E, 2 ♂ 1 ♀, 2.6.2003, beating from Quercus , leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler GoogleMaps [Th-443 Sa03/2]. Sardinia, E Dorgali, above Cala Gonone , 40°16.290’N, 09°36.641’E, 220 m, 1 ♀, 2.6.2003, beating in oak forest, leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [Th-447 Sa03/6] GoogleMaps . Greece: Corfu, Dasia, Sgombou / Gavrolimni , 100 m, beating phrygana and macchia, Quercus , 8 ♀, 28.5.1996, leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [TH- 259 Ko 96-4] . Corfu, Spartilas surroundings, 500-600 m, beating scrub, 2 ♂ 2 ♀, 29.5.1996, leg. B. Knoflach & K. Thaler [TH-260 Ko 96-5] . Corfu, Spartilas , 600 m, 1 ♀, 3.- 4.6.1997, leg. E. Heiss . Kephallonia, Atheras beach, Atheras , 36 m, 38°19.997’ N, 20°24.195’E, 30 m, 1 ♂ 19 ♀, 15.5.2002, beating from scrub, leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [Th-427 Ke02/4] GoogleMaps . E Crete, Stalida, garden, 1 ♂, 4.- 10.4.1998, leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [TH-321 K98/0] . W Crete, Georgioupolis, 1 ♀, 29.3.1999, leg. B. Knoflach and K. Thaler [TH-352 K99-2-3] .

Voucher specimens deposited in CTh, MHNG, NHMB, NMW if not specifically indicated.

Description, identification. Wiehle (1960, female), Brignoli (1967, male, female), Vanuytven et al. (1994, male).

Measurements. Males (n=6, min-max): Total length 1.3-1.6, carapace length 0.6- 0.8, width 0.5-0.7, length femur I 0.9-1.2, tibia I 0.6-0.9 mm. Females (n=6, minmax): Total length 1.4-1.6, carapace length 0.6, width 0.5-0.6, length femur I 0.6-0.8, tibia I 0.4-0.5 mm.

Somatic features, colouration ( Figs 34-35 View Figures 32-35 ). Small Theridion species, carapace and sternum dark brown, legs annulated and abdomen with numerous dark dots and characteristic whitish folium, which widens at midline and fades within whitish area ( Fig. 34 View Figures 32-35 ). Female epigastric region bulging. For details see Simon (1873a).

Male palp ( Figs 36-38 View Figures 36-40 ). Tibia rather small and short, with one retrolateral trichobothrium. Bulbus largely developed (see also Fig. 35 View Figures 32-35 ). Embolus forms a long, thread-like spiral. Embolar base with knob-like locking device. Conductor a large, membranous, folded structure with furrow guiding embolus. Median apophysis inconspicuous, with a few scales, hidden within cymbium.

Epigynum /vulva ( Figs 39-40 View Figures 36-40 ). Epigynal atrium tiny and rounded. Copulatory ducts long and highly convoluted, narrowing towards receptacula.

Generic placement: The generic placement of Theridion genistae in Paidiscura as proposed by Wunderlich (2008) cannot be supported. Neither its general appearance nor structure of the male palpal organ favour such a combination. T. genistae shows a cymbial hood typical for Theridion , whereas in Paidiscura a hook is present. Also leg characters agree with Theridion : number of setae on tibiae I-IV 2/2/1/2 and metatarsus III with trichobothrium (see Knoflach and Thaler 2000).

Distribution. Western Mediterranean; known from southern France ( Simon 1914; Denis 1935; Soyer 1973; Vanuytven et al. 1994) including Corsica ( Simon 1873a, 1914), Algeria ( Simon 1914), Tunisia ( Simon 1885, 1914), Morocco ( Simon 1873a), Italy (Latium, Isola di Zannone; Brignoli 1967). Easternmost records from Greece (present material from Ionian Islands and Crete), where it was hitherto not known ( Bosmans and Chatzaki 2005). The species inhabits the vegetation in phrygana/garigue and macchia, which is reflected by the specific epithet referring to Genista .

Theridion genistae turanicum Charitonov, 1946 . Judging from the illustration of the female genital organs by Charitonov (1946, fig. 29) Theridion genistae turanicum Charitonov, 1946 from Uzbekistan appears to belong to the T. melanurum -group and is not related to T. genistae . This justifies its elevation to species rank, Theridion turanicum stat. n.














Theridion genistae Simon, 1873

Knoflach, Barbara, Rollard, Christine & Thaler, Konrad 2009

Paidiscura genistae

Wunderlich J 2008: 392

Theridion genistae

Simon E 1873: 95
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