Gyrophaena antennalis Casey, 1906

Klimaszewski, Jan, Webster, Reginald & Savard, Karine, 2009, Review of the rove beetle species of the subtribe Gyrophaenina Kraatz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from New Brunswick, Canada: new species, provincial records and bionomic information, ZooKeys 22 (22), pp. 81-170 : 160

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.22.219

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scientific name

Gyrophaena antennalis Casey


Gyrophaena antennalis Casey

CANADA. New Brunswick: Albert Co., Mary’s Point, white spruce forest, Russulla virescens , 08.VIII.1998, C.G. Majka (8 sex?, CGMC) ; Carleton Co., Belleville, Meduxnekeag Valley Nature Preserve (46.1877°N 67.6717°W), hardwood forest, in Climacodon septentrionale , on dead standing sugar maple, 02.IX.2008, R. P. Webster, GYR-RW-56 (1 male, RWC; GYR-RW-49 1 male, RWC) GoogleMaps ; same locality except (46.1878°N 67.6705°W), hardwood forest, on Pleurotus sp. on log, 18.VIII. 2008, R. P. Webster (GYR-RW-50, female, LFC; GYR-RW-51, 1 female, RWC; GYR- RW-52, 1 female, LFC) GoogleMaps ; same locality except (46.1910°N 67.6740°W), mixed forest, on gilled mushroom, 13.IX.2006, R. P. Webster (1 female, RWC) GoogleMaps ; same locality data except on gilled mushroom, 31.VIII.2006, R.P. Webster (2 males, LFC; 7 males, 2 females, RWC) GoogleMaps ; same locality except (46.1980°N 67.6854°W), mixed forest, on gilled mushroom, 31.VIII.2006, R. P. Webster (Photo 2008-110, 1 male, LFC) GoogleMaps ; same locality except (46.1907°N 67.6740°W), mixed forest, on fleshy (gilled) fungi, 07.IX.2004, R. P. Webster (1 male, 1 sex?, LFC; 2 males, 1 sex?, RWC; Photo 2008-111, 1 female, LFC) GoogleMaps ; same locality data except mixed forest, on gilled fungi, 14.IX. 2005, R.P. Webster (1 female, RWC) GoogleMaps ; same locality except (46.1957°N 67.6803°W), mixed forest, in gilled fungi, 15.IX.2004, R. P. Webster (1 sex?, RWC) GoogleMaps ; near Belleville 1.3 km E. jct. Rt. 540 & Plymouth Rd. (46.1860°N 67.6847°W), mixed forest with hemlock, on Pleurotus sp. on log, 20.IX.2008, R. P. Webster (GYR-RW-70, 1 male, LFC) GoogleMaps ; Jackson Falls “Bell Forest Preserve” (46.2200°N 67.7230°W), hardwood forest, on gilled mushroom on log, 12.IX.2008, R. P. Webster (GYR-RW-30, 1 female, RWC) GoogleMaps ; Charlotte Co., near New River (45.2122°N 66.6160°W), eastern white cedar swamp, in gilled fungi, 22.IX.2006, R. P. Webster (1 male, LFC) GoogleMaps ; near New River (45.2135°N 66.6434°W), eastern white cedar swamp, on gilled mushroom, 22.IX.2006, R. P. Webster (1 sex?, LFC) GoogleMaps ; Kent Co., Kouchibouquac National Park , 16.IX.1973, J.M. Campbell (1 sex?, CNC) ; Saint John Co., Chance Harbour (45.1391°N 66.3696°W), yellow birch and spruce forest, on gilled mushrooms on forest floor, 16.IX.2008, R. P. Webster (GYR- RW-73, 1 male, LFC) GoogleMaps ; Sunbury Co., Lakeville Corner (45.9007°N 66.2423°W), silver maple forest on ridge with oak, on gilled mushroom, 10.IX.2006, R. P. Webster (1 male, RWC) GoogleMaps ; Acadia Research Forest , (45.9799°N 66.3394°W), Road 7 control, mature red spruce and red maple forest, in gilled mushroom, 18.IX.2007, R. P. Webster (1 male, AFC) GoogleMaps ; York Co., Charters Settlement (45.8286°N 66.7365°W), mature mixed forest, on small gilled mushroom on log, 26.IX.2008, R. P. Webster (GYR-RW-38, 1 male, RWC; GYR-RW-39, 1 male, RWC; GYR-RW-40, 1 male, RWC; GYR-RW-41, 1 sex?, RWC; GYR-RW-42, 1 male, RWC) GoogleMaps .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes













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