Sunius ovaliceps ( FAUVEL 1878)

Assing, V. & A, North, 2008, A revision of the Sunius species of the Western Palaearctic region and Middle Asia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 5-135 : 28-32

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13133503

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Sunius ovaliceps ( FAUVEL 1878)


4.4. Sunius ovaliceps ( FAUVEL 1878) View in CoL

Lithocharis ovaliceps FAUVEL 1878: 110 View in CoL .

Lithocharis simoni QUEDENFELDT 1881: 291 View in CoL ; partim.

Lithocharis nitida QUEDENFELDT 1881: 291 View in CoL ; partim.

Medon fagniezi PEYERIMHOFF 1916: 240 ff.; nov.syn.

Hypomedon peyerimhoffi COIFFAIT 1961: 33 f.; nov.syn.

Hypomedon valentianum View in CoL [sic] COIFFAIT 1980: 42; nov.syn.

Hypomedon View in CoL nitidum [sic] murciensis COIFFAIT 1980: 42 View in CoL ; nov.syn.

Hypomedon deharvengi COIFFAIT 1980: 43 View in CoL ; nov.syn.

T y p e m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:

L. ovaliceps : Holotype ♀: " Daya 10 / ovaliceps Fvl. type / R.I.Sc. N.B. 17.479, Coll. et det. A. Fauvel / Type / H. Coiffait vid., 1959 / Holotypus ♀ Lithocharis ovaliceps Fauvel rev. V. Assing 2008 / Sunius ovaliceps (Fauvel) , det. V. Assing 2008" ( IRSNB).

L. simoni View in CoL : Paralectotypes: 13, 2♀♀: "Algeciras Simon / Paratypus [sic] Lithocharis Simoni Quedenfeldt 1881 View in CoL / Hypomedon View in CoL politum Qued., H. Coiffait det. 1969 / Paralectotypus Lithocharis simoni Quedenfeldt View in CoL , desig. V. Assing 2007 / Sunius ovaliceps (Fauvel) View in CoL det. V. Assing 2007" (HNHM).

L. nitida View in CoL : Paralectotypes: 1 ex.: " Tanger, Quedenfeldt / nitida Qued. View in CoL / Sunius seminiger (Fairmaire) View in CoL , det. V. Assing 2007" ( HNHM) ; 1♀: "Arsila / nitida Qued. View in CoL , Marocco. Quedenfeldt" ( NHMW) .

M. fagniezi : Lectotype 3, here designated: "La Bonde (, Fagniez. Nov. / Type / Medon Fagniezi Peyerimhoff , type / Museum Paris, Coll. P. de Peyerimhoff 1950 / La Bonde (, Fagniez Nov. / Sunius fagniezi det. Adorno & Zanetti 2000" ( MNHNP) . Paralectotypes: 1 ex.: "La Bonde, Vaucluse / Cotype / Hypomedon fagnezi [sic] / Coll. P. Griveau - 2007" ( MHNG) ; 1 ex.: "La Bonde (, Fagniez. Nov. / Cotype / Medon Fagniezi / Hypomedon fagnezi [sic] / Coll. P. Griveau - 2007" ( MHNG) .

H. peyerimhoffi : Holotype 3: " Pic Sidi Abdelkader , Blida, 16.4.1914 (neige) / Coll. Peyerimhoff / Museum Paris, Coll. P. de Peyerimhoff 1950 / Holotype / Hypomedon Peyerimhoffi Coiff. HC. 59" ( MNHNP) . Paratype ♀: "Forêt du Mouzaïa, Alg. / Coll. et det. A. Fauvel, Medon ovaliceps Fauv., R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 / Paratype / Hypomedon Peyerimhoffi Coiff., HC. 59" ( IRSNB); 13: Pic de Tarnuguida [?], 9.4.05 / Paratype / Hypomedon Peyerimhoffi Coiff., HC. 59" ( MNHNP) .

H. valentianus: Holotype ♀: "Esp. IV.74, Sa. Javalambre, Pr. Valence / Holotype / Hypomedon valentianum H. Coiffait 1979 " ( MNHNP).

H. murciensis View in CoL : Holotype 3: "Pr. Murcie, Chirivel / Muséum Paris 1985, Coll. H. Coiffait / Holotype / Hypomedon View in CoL nitidum murciensis H. Coiffait 1979 View in CoL " ( MNHNP).

H. deharvengi View in CoL : Holotype 3: "La Crau, XII.73 / Muséum Paris 1985, Coll. H. Coiffait / Holotype / Hypomedon deharvengi H. Coiffait 1979 View in CoL / A. Adorno det. 2001" ( MNHNP) . Paratypes: 2♀♀: same data as holotype (MHNG).

C o m m e n t s: The original description of L. ovaliceps is based on a single female from " Daya View in CoL " ( FAUVEL 1878). An examination of the brachypterous holotype revealed that it is conspecific with the species previously referred to also as S. fagniezi , S. peyerimhoffi , etc. There is no other species of similar morphology occurring in Algeria.

Lithocharis simoni View in CoL was described from an unspecified number of syntypes from "Algeciras in Andalusia " ( QUEDENFELDT 1881). The specific name suggests that the type material was collected by Simon. Lithocharis simoni View in CoL has had a confusing taxonomic history; for details see ADORNO & ZANETTI (2003). In the collections of the HNHM, six syntypes from the type locality and collected by Simon were located. They refer to two species, three of them are conspecific with S. ovaliceps and the other three are conspecific with the interpretation of S. simoni View in CoL by COIFFAIT (1970, 1984). The lectotype was chosen from the latter three specimens. For more details see the section on S. simoni View in CoL .

The original description of Medon fagniezi is based on several syntypes ("une serie d'exemplaires") from "La Bonde (Vaucluse)" ( PEYERIMHOFF 1916). Three syntypes were located in the collections of the MNHNP and the MHNG. The syntype in the Peyerimhoff collection at the MNHNP is here designated as the lectotype.

COIFFAIT (1961) described Hypomedon peyerimhoffi from a holotype male (" Algérie, Blida, Pic Sidi Adbelkader [sic]") and numerous paratypes ("assez nombreuses localités d'Algérie et du Maroc "). COIFFAIT (1980) described Hypomedon valentianus (based on two females from the "Sierra Javalambre"), H. nitidus murciensis (holotype male from "Chirivel, province de Murcie"), and H. deharvengi (holotype and 6 paratypes from "La Crau, Bouches-du-Rhône") in one paper. An examination of the types of these names, as well as of the holotype and two paratypes of H. peyerimhoffi revealed that they are all conspecific with S. ovaliceps ; the male genitalia are identical and the external characters are within the range of intraspecific variation of this species. Hence the synonymies proposed above.

A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Tunisia [seealsoASSING (2005b)]: 1 ex., Le Kef, I.1939, leg. Normand (cTro). Algeria: 1 ex., Tébessa, leg. Sahlberg ( DEI). Morocco: 2 exs.: "Marocco / Paratypus [sic] Lithocharis nitida Quedenfeldt 1881 / Hypomedon politum Qued. =nitidum Qued., H. Coiffait det. 1969" ( HNHM) ; 1 ex., Ifrane , 1.XII.1962, leg. Comellini ( MHNG) ; 4 exs., Tanger env., Cabo Spartel, leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 3 exs., Tanger, leg. Rolph ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Tanger ( MNHUB) ; 2 exs., Tétouan , leg. Comellini ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Esmir [at the Mediterranean coast between Ceuta and Cabo Negro], leg. Walker ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Oued Sebou [34°16'N, 06°41'W], IV.1961, leg. Comellini ( MHNG) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., same data, but V.1960 ( MHNG) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., same data, but V:1961 ( MHNG) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Jebel Moussa ["Jbel Mousa"; 35°54'N, 05°25'W], leg. Franz (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 18 exs., Azrou env., leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 23 exs., Moyen Atlas , Boulemane, leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 1 ex., Moyen Atlas , Col du Zad, leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., Moyen Atlas, Aguelmane de Sidi Ali , 2200 m, 4.V.1960, leg. Besuchet ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., 5 km SW Aguelmane, Agzigza , 1400 m, 19.II.1999, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 1 ex., Moyen Atlas, S Azrou , 1800 m, 6.V.1960, leg. Besuchet ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Haut Atlas, east side, Cirque de Jaffar , leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 1 ex., N Agadir, Paradise valley , 8.XII.1993, leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 1 ex., Beni Snassen mts., 10 km S Berklane, Zegzel , 34°50'N, 2°22'W, 400 m, arable land, 30.XII.2001, leg. Bayer (cSch) GoogleMaps ; 16 exs., M. de Kebdana , 30 km NW Berkane, 35°03'N, 2°36'W, 350 m, N-slope with pistacia, 31.XII.2001, leg. Bayer (cSch, cAss) GoogleMaps ; 6 exs., Ar Rif, Oued Laou env., 35°29'N, 05°07'W, 200 m, 7.-9.VI.2007, leg. Hlaváč (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Ar Rif, Chefchaouen region, Bad Bessen env., 34°59'N, 04°51'W, 1120 m, 3.VI.2007, leg. Hlaváč (cAss). Spain:C a s t i l l a - L e ó n: 1 ex., Sierra de Cabrera , 15 km NW Puebla de Sanabria, 42°12'N, 6°33'W, 1750 m, 6.VIII.2002, leg. Behne (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Caboalles , leg. Paganetti ( DEI) ; 2 exs., Ponferrada, leg. Paganetti ( DEI). C a t a l u ñ a: 4 exs., Garraf env., leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., Tarragona, Sierra de Montsant , leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., Sierra de Montsant , 23.III.1959, leg. Besuchet ( MHNG) ; 3 exs., El Vendrell env., leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 1 ex., Barcelona, Monte del Tibidabo , 16.XI.1951, leg. leg. González ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Barcelona, Tossa del Mar, 29.III.1987, leg. Siede ( SMNS). M a d r i d: 2 exs., El Escorial env., leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., El Escorial , 5.V.1977, leg. Outerelo (cBoh) ; 3 exs., Soto del Real , 23.II.1975, leg. Outerelo (cBoh) ; 3 exs., La Pedrina , 2.III.1977, leg. Outerelo (cBoh) ; 16 exs., 10 km W Madrid, Boadilla del Monte, Valdepastores , 21.-23.I.1998, leg. Wrase (cSch, cAss) ; 1 ex., Madrid, leg. Fauvel ( DEI). A r a g ó n: 21exs., Sierra de Albarracín, NE Noguera , 40°30'N, 01°35'W, 1625 m, oak forest, 11.IV.2003, leg. Assing, Wunderle (cAss, cWun) GoogleMaps ; 30 exs., Sierra de Albarracín, Sierra Alta, 40°29'N, 01°35'W, 1850 m, pine forest, pine and Vaccinium litter, 11.IV.2003, leg. Assing, Wunderle (cAss, cWun) GoogleMaps ; 4 exs., Sierra de Albarracín, Sierra Alta , 40°29'N, 01°35'W, 1820 m, pine forest, 11.IV.2003, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 34 exs., Sierra de Albarracín, near Sierra Alta , 40°30'N, 01°36'W, 1760 m, litter and grass roots under bushes, 12.IV.2003, leg. Assing (cAss, cFel) GoogleMaps ; 36 exs., Sierra de Albarracín , Orihuela del Tremada, 40°32'N, 01°40'W, 1520 m, oak forest, 12.IV.2003, leg. Assing, Wunderle (cAss, cWun) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., Sierra de Albarracín , leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 25 exs., 50 km ESE Teruel, 11 km N Rubielos de Mora , 40°14'N, 00°38'W, 1255 m, oak forest, 13.IV.2003, leg. Assing, Wunderle (cAss, cWun) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., N Mora de Rubielos , 1300 m, 17.II.1999, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 5 exs., S Mora de Rubielos , 1000 m, 22.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS) ; 1 ex., 40 km E Teruel, Puerto de Alcala , 40°21'N, 0°43'W, 1540 m, pine forest, 15.IV.2003, leg. Wunderle (cWun) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., Teruel , Puerto de Noguera 1400 m, 4.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS) ; 1 ex., Teruel, Puerto de San Rafael , 1600 m, 17.II.1999, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 2 exs., Teruel, NE Manzanera , 700 m, 22.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS) ; 11 exs., Zaragoza, Alcoriza, Quercus ilex litter, 18.II.1999, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 6 exs., Sierra de Javalambre, 1 km E Arcos de las Salinas , 40°00'N, 1°01'W, 1200 m, 3.VIII.2002, leg. Behne ( DEI) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., same data, but 22.VII.2002 ( DEI) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sierra de Gúdar , 3 km NE Mora de Rubielos, 40°19'N, 0°43'W, 1300 m, 24.VII.2002, leg. Behne ( DEI) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sierra de Vicort [41°22'N, 01°30'W], 785 m, V.1967 (cZan) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Zaragoza, SE Codos, 800 m, 25.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS). C a s t i l l a - L a M a n c h a: 2 exs., Cuenca , leg. Korb ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., Cuenca, N Campillos Sierra , 1100 m, 23.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS) ; 1 ex., Albacete, leg. Comellini ( MHNG). V a l e n c i a: 10 exs., Castellón, Sierra de Vallibona , leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 9 exs., Castellón , Vinarós env. ( NHMW) ; 3 exs., Castellón, Querol near Morella , 5.V.1966, leg. Besuchet (cAss) ; 4 exs., Castellón, SW Cinctorres , 1000 m, 20.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS) ; 1 ex., Macastre, Sima del Alto de Don Pedro , 26.II.2003, leg. Sendra et al. (cAss) ; 1 ex., Sierra d'Aitana, near Guadelest , 18.III.1978 (cAss) ; 6 exs., Alicante, Col de Rates [38°43'N, 0°04'W], 16.III.1978 (cAss, cWun) GoogleMaps ; 3 exs., Alicante Col de Rates , 22.& 27.III.1971, leg. Meybohm ( SMNS) ; 1 ex., Col de Rates , 4.XI.1976 (cAss) ; 5 exs., Val de Ebo , 23.III.1978 (cAss) ; 11 exs., Rio Sella , 25.III.1978 (cAss) ; 1 ex., Alicante, Altea , V.1963, leg. Liebmann ( MNHUB) ; 1 ex., 2 km NE Alpuente, 39°55'N, 1°00'W, 1000 m, Quercus ilex, 21.VII.2002, leg. Behne ( DEI) GoogleMaps ; 6 exs., Montroy , 22.VI.1971, leg. Comellini ( MHNG) ; 3 exs., N Játiva [38°59'N, 0°31'W], 20.IX.1972, leg. Fülscher ( MHNG) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., Játiva env., leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 2 exs., Sierra de Bernia , 16.IX.1972, leg. Fülscher ( MHNG) ; 7 exs., Alicante, Calpe Maryvilla , 20.III.1971, leg. Meybohm ( SMNS) ; 1 ex., N Puebla de San Miguel, 1000 m, 22.IV.1984, leg. Schawaller ( SMNS). M u r c i a: 1 ex., Sierra de Espuña, 26.III.1959, leg. Besuchet ( MHNG). A n d a l u c í a: 3 exs., SW Sierra de Segura , Sierra de Pozo , 37°56'N, 02°43'W, 1555 m, litter of old Pinus , 9.IV.2003, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Jaén, Sierra de Cazorla, source of Gualaquivir river , 1200 m, macchia with pine trees, 6.X.1993, leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 9 exs., 15 km NE Málaga, Montes de Málaga, 36°47'N, 04°21'W, 900 m, N-slope with Quercus suber, 24.XII.2003, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 5 exs., Malaga, Mt. St. Anton , 500 m, sifted, 17.V.1994, leg. Siede (cAss) ; 1 ex., Málaga, Marbella , 14.IX.1969, leg. Ulbrich ( SMNS) ; 2 exs., ca. 25 km N Almuñécar, Sierra de Almijara , 36°53'N, 03°42'W, ca. 1200 m, mixed oak and pine forest, 25.XII.2003, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 8 exs., ca. 35 km NE Vélez Malaga, Sierra de Almijara, 36°58'N, 03°56'W, ca. 1000 m, Q. ilex forest with Juniperus , 25.XII.2003, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Algeciras, Sierra de Luna , 350 m, 28.III.1994, leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1 ex., Algeciras, leg. Reitter ( DEI). L o c a l i t y n o t s p e c i f i e d 4 exs., " Hispania ", leg. Reitter ( HNHM, NHMW) ; 1 ex., "Spanien" ( DEI). France: M i d i - P y r é n é e s: 1 ex., Pyrénées-Orientales, Campôme , 800 m, 5.V.2001, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 4 exs., Molitg-les-Bains , oak litter, 22.& 28.II.2002, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 6 exs., same data, but 7.III.2002 (cTro) ; 2 exs., Molitg-les-Bains, La Boque, 640 m, Quercus ilex litter, 22.XI.2004, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 7 exs., Banyuls, Cap Peyrefite, 2.XI.2001, leg. Ponel (cTro). L a n g u e d o c - R o u s s i l l o n: 2exs., Hérault , Mireval , 5.XII.1976, leg. Curti (cSch, cAss). P r o v e n c e: 1 ex., Digne env., 19.II.1979, leg. Vit (cAss). 1 ex., Vaucluse , Plateau de Vaucluse , N St. Saturnin Javon, 700 m, 28.XII.1995, leg. Assing & Stüben (cAss) ; 2 exs., Vaucluse, Villes-sur-Auzon, 420 m, Quercus ilex litter, 9.XI.1997, leg. Coffin (cTro) ; 5 exs., Vaucluse, La Bonde near La Motte-d'Aigues, 15.XII.1903, leg. Fagniez ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., La Bonde , IV., leg. Fagniez ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., La Bonde , X.1912 ( MHNG) ; 3 exs.,

Mt. Ventoux , Brantes, leg. Fagniez (cAss) ; 1 ex., Alpes-Maritimes, St. - Augustin, leg. Ochs ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Alpes-Maritimes , St. Vallier, X.1975, leg. Toumayeff ( MHNG). L o c a l i t y n o t i d e n t i f i e d: 2 exs., Tamis, 4.III.1970 ( MHNG) .

D i a g n o s i s: Of similar size as S. bicolor and S. propinquus , but distinguished by the usually uniformly dark yellowish, yellowish brown, or reddish yellow coloration of the forebody; abdominal segments III-VI usually infuscate.

3: posterior margin of sternite VII weakly concave in the middle; sternite with not very deep posterior excision of broadly triangular shape, otherwise unmodified; for illustrations of the aedeagus see ADORNO & ZANETTI (2003).

C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: From almost all congeners distributed in the Western Mediterranean, S. ovaliceps is distinguished by external characters alone, especially the relatively large size in combination with the uniformly pale brownish or yellowish coloration of the forebody. From the externally similar S. ibizae and S. mallorcensis (Baleares), as well as S. ignatii and S. georgii (Sicily), it is separated by the different morphology of the aedeagus.

I n t r a s p e c i f i c v a r i a t i o n: The shape of the oblong dorsal rod-like structure is subject to clinal variation. In material from France and the Iberian peninsula, its apex is usually distinctly hooked, whereas in north Africa it is mostly more or less distinctly bent. However, there is some overlap and specimens with hooked apices were also seen from Algeria (e. g. the holotype of S. peyerimhoffi ). For detailed illustrations of the variation of the aedeagus see figures 3-7 and 15-19 (for S. peyerimhoffi , S. murciensis , S. fagniezi , and " S. politus sensu COIFFAIT ", respectively) in ADORNO & ZANETTI (2003).

Sunius ovaliceps is evidently wing-dimorphic, which explains why the species is so widespread. In macropterous specimens, the hind wings are fully developed and the elytra are longer and broader, whereas in brachypterous specimens the hind wings are of distinctly reduced length and the elytra are shorter and more slender.

D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: Based on the revised material, the species is widespread and rather common in the Western Mediterranean; its known distribution is confined to North Africa ( Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco), Spain, and southern France ( Map 6 View Map 6 ).

The material examined was mainly found in forest and shrup biotopes, especially in oak forests (Q. ilex, Q. suber, etc.), pine forest, mixed forests, in litter of bushes, and in macchia, usually by sifting the leaf litter. On at least one occasion the species was also found in arable land. The altitudes range from near sea-level to 2200 m.

mo nth

Adult beetles were found throughout the year, with a maximum in spring (March through May) and a lower peak in December ( Fig. 4 View Fig ).


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart














Sunius ovaliceps ( FAUVEL 1878)

Assing, V. & A, North 2008

Hypomedon valentianum

COIFFAIT H 1980: 42


COIFFAIT H 1980: 42

Hypomedon deharvengi

COIFFAIT H 1980: 43

Hypomedon peyerimhoffi

COIFFAIT H 1961: 33

Medon fagniezi PEYERIMHOFF 1916: 240


Lithocharis simoni


Lithocharis nitida


Lithocharis ovaliceps FAUVEL 1878: 110

FAUVEL A 1878: 110
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