Hoplasoma Jacoby, 1884

Bezděk, Jan, 2014, A revision of Hoplasoma acuminatum and H. thailandicum species groups, and re-definition of H. unicolor species group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Zootaxa 3794 (3), pp. 419-434 : 420-421

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3794.3.5

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scientific name

Hoplasoma Jacoby, 1884


Genus Hoplasoma Jacoby, 1884

Hoplasoma Jacoby, 1884: 233

(type species: Hoplasoma apicale Jacoby, 1884 , by monotypy).

Haplomela Chen, 1942: 28

(type species: Haplomela semiopaca Chen, 1942 , by monotypy).

Synonymised with Hoplasoma by Bezděk, 2010b: 81.

Aulacophora subgen. Paraulacophora Csiki, 1953: 131

(type species: Aulacophora (Paraula cophora) pannonica Csiki, 1953, by original designation).

Synonymised with Hoplasoma by Silfverberg, 1978: 219.

Redescription. Body elongate, narrow, 2.40–2.90 times as long as broad, parallel-sided or subparallel. Dorsum usually yellow, orange or brown, rarely with black markings; abdomen, mesosternum and metasternum yellow, partly or completely black.

Head shiny, narrower than prothorax at base. Labrum transverse, with anterior margin straight or slightly concave, with several long setae usually in transverse row. Clypeus triangular, usually raised. Maxillary palpus four segmented, basal segment short, second club-shaped, third much thickened, fourth small, conical. Eyes generally large, strongly convex. Anterior part of head sparsely covered with small punctures, glabrous or with several pale setae below antennal insertions and/or anterolateral corners. Frontal tubercles large, slightly elevated, subquadrate or subtriangular, with inner anterior tips prolonged, shiny. Both tubercles separated from each other by furrow as well as posterior margin of frontal tubercles from frons. Frons distinctly impressed just behind frontal tubercles. Vertex convex, shiny, smooth or with very fine indistinct punctures. Antennae long, filiform, very rarely with apical antennomeres enlarged and flat, usually about half or three quarters of body length, but in some cases longer, second segment shortest.

Pronotum shiny, moderately transverse, always narrower than base of elytra, with a shallow transverse depression in front of basal line, area in front of this depression generally convex. Anterior margin straight or slightly concave, not bordered, anterior angles moderately projecting forward. Sides deeply bordered, somewhat oblique, sometimes moderately convex in front, with consequent constriction at middle, basally parallel. Posterior margin almost straight or moderately rounded, very slightly sinuate, moderately bordered, posterior angles obtuse. Each corner with pore bearing fine seta, lateral and basal margins often with several short pale setae. Scutellum subtriangular with apex truncate or rounded, shiny, glabrous, impunctate.

Elytra shiny or dull, slightly divergent posteriorly, nearly glabrous (usually with very scarce short pale hairs). Surface even or with two indistinct obtuse ribs starting from humeral calli and disappearing before apex or with one or three sharp ribs; covered with very fine, sometimes almost indistinct, confused punctures. Humerus prominent, convex. Epipleura very narrow, gradually tapering, disappearing before apex. Macropterous.

Legs long, slender, densely covered with short pale setae, apices of tibiae without a spur. First segment of all tarsi slender to expanded in males, slender in females. Claws bifid with inner branch often somewhat shorter than outer one.

Ventral surface moderately dull to shiny, finely punctate, covered with microsculpture and dense pale setae. Male abdomen simple or with pair of processes from posterior margin of second ventrite (rarely 2 pairs on first and second ventrites) and well defined subquadrate depressed area on last ventrite.

Female. Last ventrite entire, without subquadrate depressed area. Spermatheca C-shaped with or without distinct nodulus, proximal spermathecal duct widened, with one or two constrictions or folds in some species. Distribution. Oriental Region (from India to Philippines), Palaearctic Region ( Pakistan, Himalayas, southern China).

Host plants. Various species of Clerodendrum , Premna and Vitex (Verbenaceae) (e. g. Medvedev & Dang 1982, Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995, Reid 1998, Medvedev 2000a).














Hoplasoma Jacoby, 1884

Bezděk, Jan 2014


Bezdek 2010: 81


Silfverberg 1978: 219

Aulacophora subgen. Paraulacophora

Csiki 1953: 131


Jacoby 1884: 233
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