Gnopharmia, STAUDINGER, 1892
publication ID | 10.1046/j.1096-3642.2002.00008.x |
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Gnopharmia |
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(Figs 17, 124–129)
Gnopharmia Staudinger, 1892 . Type species: Gnophos colchidaria Lederer, 1870 . Georgia.
Head. Chaetosemata extended; not quite meeting medially. Antenna of male bipectinate with long filaments.
Wings (Fig. 17). Termen of forewing rounded. Wings brownish or buff; with darker jagged band at subterminal/postmedial position.
Male genitalia ( Figs 124, 126 View Figures 124–129 ). Uncus broad narrowing to tip; densely setose, not horned. Gnathos with medial element, but not prominent. Valva divided; sacculus with 2 tooth-like projections or several (stevenaria).
Pregenital abdomen of male ( Figs 125, 127 View Figures 124–129 ). Sternum A8 not cleft; octavals present as a distinctive fork or U-shaped.
Female genitalia ( Figs 128, 129 View Figures 124–129 ). Ovipositor flat and fringed with setae (floricomous condition, Fig. 128 View Figures 124–129 ); anteriorly two dense fringes of stiff setae meeting medially, each fringe arising anteriorly from a welldefined sclerite, each seta with an expanded scoop-like head; dorsally and laterally numerous long, fine setae encircling anal papillae. Bursa copulatrix: ductus bursae narrow, with long antrum, expanding suddenly into globose corpus bursae with very large signum.
Diagnosis. Gnopharmia is distinguished from other genera by the very distinctive shape of the uncus
Figures 115–117. Trigrammia and Mellilla : 115, T. quadrinotata , ♂ genitalia; 116, ♀ genitalia; 117, M. xanthometata , ♂ genitalia.
and the horn-like octavals on sternum A8 of the male ( Figs 125, 127 View Figures 124–129 ). The aedeagus is long and narrow. The female genitalia are unique within the Macariini in being floricomous and having a large signum on the corpus bursae. The wing shape and markings are fairly homogeneous in the genus.
No character appears to support the association of Gnopharmia with another macariine genus. The uncus is not horned, but its shape differs from that of Isturgia , and other genera lacking uncus horns, and the modification of sternum A8 of the male also is unlike that in the male of other macariines.
Distribution. Asia Minor, Middle East.
Comments. The specialized setae on the ovipositor are similar to those occurring in Cnephasiini (Tortricidae) . In Geometridae , ovipositors with similar setae have been discovered in Theria rupicapraria ([Denis & Schiffermüller]), see Pellmyr (1980). They are also present in T. primaria Haworth. These setae occur also in the genus Aleucis Guenée ( Hausmann, 2001: 61) . While the egg-laying habits of Gnopharmia are unknown, the presence of stiff hairs around the anal papillae of the female suggests that they may be used to scrape dirt over the eggs. Particles of what is assumed to be dirt were found lodged among the hairs when genitalia preparations of G. colchidaria and G. objectaria were being made. It has been observed ( Stokoe 1948: 186, pl. 39: 1) that T. primaria (cited as T. rupicapraria ) lightly covers its eggs with minute fragments of bark.
A review of the genus was given by Wehrli (1939 –54) and details of the male genitalia were provided for G. rubraria Staudinger by Wehrli (1934).
Number of species. Thirteen species are listed by Parsons et al. (1999).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.