Dryinus shimbanus Olmi, 2011

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 349

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Dryinus shimbanus Olmi, 2011


34. Dryinus shimbanus Olmi, 2011

( Figs 131A, B View FIGURE 131 , 141B View FIGURE 141 )

Dryinus shimbanus Olmi in Olmi & Copeland 2011: 184 View Cited Treatment ; Olmi et al. 2015: 359; 2016: 76.

Description. ♀ ( Figs 131A, B View FIGURE 131 ). Fully winged; body length 6.2–7.2 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous and clypeus brown with margins testaceous (in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E, clypeus and malar space totally testaceous, frons black, except two short testaceous stripes along orbits); antenna brown, except scape and pedicel partly testaceous and flagellomeres 6–8 whitish (in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E, antenna brown, except ventral side of scape and flagellomeres 4–8 whitish); mesosoma black; metasoma brown; legs black, except distal extremity of coxae, proximal half of trochanters, proximal extremity of meso- and metatibia, metatarsomere 2 and part of 1 whitish; chelae, meso- and metarsomere 2 and part of 1 testaceous. Antenna clavate; antennomeres in following proportions: 15:7:47:29:22:16:13:12:9:12. ADOs present in antennomeres 6–10. Head flat, dull, granulate and sculptured by small areolae and irregular keels; frontal line complete; occipital carina incomplete, only present behind and on sides of lateral ocelli, laterally not reaching eyes; lateral ocelli situated in front of virtual straight line joining posterior edges of eyes; posterior margin of vertex weakly excavated; POL = 3.5; OL = 4; OOL = 10; OPL = 1; temple absent; greatest breadth of lateral ocelli longer than OPL (3.5:1). in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E, head weakly excavated. In specimen from Zambia, Chati, POL = 4, OL = 4. Pronotum crossed by strong anterior transverse impression and strong posterior transverse furrow; disc humped; posterior collar very short; pronotum granulate and sculptured by numerous longitudinal keels and striae (pronotum punctate, unsculptured among punctures in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E); pronotal tubercle not reaching tegula. Mesoscutum of holotype shiny, completely sculptured by numerous irregular, parallel and longitudinal keels. In specimen from Zambia, Chati, median region of mesoscutum reticulate rugose. Notauli apparently complete and posteriorly separated, hardly visible among longitudinal keels. Mesoscutellum and metanotum shiny, smooth, punctate, without sculpure among punctures (granulate in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E). Metapectalpropodeal disc dull, without transverse keels, reticulate rugose and sculptured by few longitudinal keels (completely reticulate rugose in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E), slightly longer than propodeal declivity (15:10); propodeal declivity reticulate rugose, without longitudinal keels. Forewing with two dark transverse bands; distal part of 2r-rs&Rs vein longer than proximal part (22:14). Protarsomeres in following proportions: 28:5:8:23:37. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 141B View FIGURE 141 ) with one large subdistal tooth and one row of 13–15 lamellae. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 141B View FIGURE 141 ) with two rows of 18–33 lamellae (6+ 12 in holotype, 8+ 10 in specimen from Zambia, Chati, 33 in specimen from Central African Republic, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E); apex with at least 20 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

♂. Unknown.

Material examined. Type: ♀ holotype: KENYA: Coast Prov., Shimba Hills National Park , near artificial pond, 04°22.752’S 39°43.197’E, 335 m, MT, mixed grassland- shrubland, 6–20.VI.2006, R. Copeland leg. ( NMK) GoogleMaps . Other material: BURUNDI: Ruvubu National Park , 2.98144°S 30.45531°E, 1382 m, 20.I–4.II.2010, MT, near Ruvubu River, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK). CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Sangha-Mbaéré Prefecture, Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Special Reserve , 12.7 km 326° NW Bayanga, 03°00’27’’N 16°11’55’’E, 420 m, 14–15.V.2001, MT, lowland rainforest, S. van Noort leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( SAMC). KENYA: Coast Prov., Mrima Hill Forest , 4.48576°S 39.25845°E, 212 m, 13–27.VI.2011, MT, indigenous forest edge, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK); Coast Prov., Gede Forest , 3.30946°S 40.01941°E, 19 m, 31.X–13.XI.2011, MT, secondary forest GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK); Coast Prov., Kaya Kinondo , 4.39382°S 39. 54567°E, 10 m, 17–31.V.2011, indigenous forest, MT, coral rag, canopy forest, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK); Coast Prov., Muhaka Forest , 4.32530°S 39.52345°E, 52 m, 30.V–19.VI.2013, 6 m MT, indigenous forest, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 3♀♀ (2 in NMK, 1 in MOLC); Coast Prov., Muhaka Forest , 4.32664°S 39.52462°E, 41 m, 12–26.VII.2014, MT, indigenous forest, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 3♀♀ (2 in NMK, 1 in MOLC); same locality label, 5–19.XI.2015 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK); Coast Prov., Marenje Forest , 4.52814°S 39.24028°E, 76 m, 5–19.IX.2014, MT, indigenous forest, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK). ZAMBIA: Copperbelt Prov., Kitwe, Chati , 6.III.1980, K. Loyttyniemi leg. , 1♀ ( NHMUK) .

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Burundi, Central African Republic, Kenya, Zambia.


National Museums of Kenya


Iziko Museums of Cape Town


Natural History Museum, London


















Dryinus shimbanus Olmi, 2011

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Dryinus shimbanus Olmi in Olmi & Copeland 2011: 184

Olmi, M. & Copeland, R. S. 2011: 184
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