Bocchus hyalinus Olmi, 1998

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 276-277

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Bocchus hyalinus Olmi, 1998


10. Bocchus hyalinus Olmi, 1998

( Figs 101D View FIGURE 101 ; 106A View FIGURE 106 , 108D View FIGURE 108 )

Bocchus hyalinus Olmi 1998e: 65 ; Guglielmino & Olmi 2007: 123; Olmi 2008a: 363; 2009a: 129; Guglielmino et al. 2013: 38; Olmi 2014: 335; Olmi et al. 2015: 354.

Description. ♀ ( Fig. 106A View FIGURE 106 ). Fully winged; body length 2.7–3.8 mm. Yellow-whitish, except ocelli slightly dark- ened. Occasionally mesothoracic axilla and sutures behind mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and metanotum darkened. In specimen from the United Arab Emirates, 25°24’N 56°17’E, mesosoma ferruginous and metasoma brown; in specimen from Kenya, 0.82103°S 38.54443°E, mesosoma ferruginous and metasoma partly brown and partly ferruginous. Antenna clavate, short, with antennomeres 5–9 longer than broad (antennomere 5: 6:3; antennomere 9: 4.5:3.5); antennomeres in following proportions: 11:6:9:7:6:5.5:5:5:4.5:7. Head dull, completely granulate and reticulate rugose; frontal line complete; occipital carina complete; POL = 4; OL = 2; OOL = 7; OPL = 7; TL = 7. Pronotum crossed by strong transverse impression, reticulate rugose; pronotal tubercle reaching tegula. Mesoscutum dull, completely granulate and reticulate rugose. Notauli complete, posteriorly separated. Occasionally notauli hardly visible. In specimen from the United Arab Emirates, 25°24’N 56°17’E, mesoscutum strongly reticulate rugose, notauli almost completely invisible. In specimen from Kenya, 0.82103°S 38.54443°E, mesoscutum strongly reticulate rugose, notauli completely invisible Mesoscutellum slightly granulate. In specimen from the United Arab Emirates, 25°24’N 56°17’E, mesoscutellum with anterior half unsculptured and posterior half reticulate rugose. In specimen from Kenya, 0.82103°S 38.54443°E, mesoscutellum granulate. Metanotum short and rugose. Metapectalpropodeal disc reticulate rugose; propodeal declivity dull and rugose. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; distal part of 2r-rs&Rs vein slightly shorter than proximal part (11:13). Petiole very long, much shorter than metasoma (6:27). Protarsomeres in following proportions: 15:3:3.5:14:17. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 101D View FIGURE 101 ) with one row of four-nine teeth (nine in holotype) and one bristle. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 101D View FIGURE 101 ) with one preapical lamella, two bristles and an inner band. Tibial spurs 1/1/1.

♂. Fully winged; body length 1.5–2.2 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; mesosoma black; meta- soma brown; antenna testaceous; legs testaceous, except coxae and clubs of femora partly darkened. Antennae filiform; antennomeres in following proportions: 8:5:5.5:5:5:5:4.5:4.5:4:7; antennomere 8 less than 3 × as long as broad (4.5:2). Head convex, dull, covered with short setae, granulate and reticulate rugose; frontal line complete; occipital carina complete; POL = 5; OL = 2; OOL = 4.5; OPL = 3; TL = 2; greatest breadth of lateral ocelli about as long as OPL. Mesoscutum dull, completely granulate and reticulate rugose. Notauli incomplete, reaching approximately 0.7 × length of mesoscutum. Mesoscutellum and metanotum shiny, punctate, unsculptured among punctures. Mesopleuron dull, granulate. Metapleuron dull, sculptured by numerous strong transverse keels. Metapectal-propodeal disc with strong transverse posterior keel, dull, reticulate rugose; propodeal declivity dull, with two complete longitudinal keels, lateral areas completely reticulate rugose and median area partly shiny and unsculptured. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; 2r-rs&Rs vein regularly curved with no distinct separation between distal and proximal part; 2R1 cell open. Apex of basivolsella without subdistal inner pointed apophysis ( Fig. 108D View FIGURE 108 ). Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Material examined. Type: ♀ holotype: OMAN: 4 km S of Dhagmar , 23°09’N 58°59’E, 80 m, 14.XI.1991, dry stony plateau, 8422, M.D. Gallagher leg. ( CNC) GoogleMaps . Other material: KENYA: Eastern Province , base of Ukasi Hill, 0.82103°S 38.54443°E, 613 m, 21.XI–5.XII.2011, MT, Acacia / Commiphora savanna, R. Copeland leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( NMK). OMAN: Al-Uyaina–Samail, 30.IV.2006, ex Ommatissus lybicus De Bergevin on date palm, K. Al- Miqbali leg. , 1♀, 5♂♂ ( NHMUK); SE of Súr , 16.III.2015, M. Snizek leg. , 2♀♀ ( OLL). UNITED ARAB EMIR- ATES: Fujairah , 25°08’N 56°21’E, 13–19.IV.2005, LT, 1316, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ ( MOLC); Wadi Maidaq , 25°18’N 56°07’E, 22–24.XII.2005, yellow and white water-traps, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, 27.IV–4.V.2006, LT, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 4♀♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, 2–16.II.2006, LT, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( MOLC); Wadi Safad , 25°13’N 56°19’E, 26–29.XII.2005, yellow and white water-traps, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, 17–24. VI.2006, LT, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, 14–21.V.2006, LT, A. van Harten leg. GoogleMaps , 3♀♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, 25.III–1.IV.2006, LT, 11626, A. van GoogleMaps Harten leg., 2♀♀ ( MOLC) ; Hatta , 24°49’N 56°07’E, 8–26.IV.2006, LT GoogleMaps , A. van Harten leg., 1♀ ( MOLC) ; same locality label, 19–28.III.2006, LT , A. van Harten leg., 1♀ ( MOLC) ; Sharhah x Khor Kalba, 24°59’N 56°09’E, 16–31.I.2006, LT GoogleMaps , A. van Harten leg., 2♀♀ ( MOLC) ; same locality label, 7–22.III.2006, LT , A. van Harten leg., 9♀♀ ( MOLC) ; same locality label, 24–30.V.2006, LT , A. van Harten leg., 5♀♀ ( MOLC) ; Wadi Wurayah , 25°24’N 56°17’E, 26.XI.2006, in water, 5695 GoogleMaps , A. van Harten leg., 1♀ ( MOLC) .

Hosts. Tropiduchidae ( Guglielmino et al. 2013) : in Oman: Ommatissus lybicus De Bergevin.

Distribution. Kenya, Oman, United Arab Emirates.

Remarks. ♀♀ of B. hyalinus show two varieties based on colour and sculpture as follows: variety A (very light and slightly sculptured): as represented by the holotype, in a specimen from Oman, Al-Uyaina–Samail, and in almost all known specimens from the UAE (except for a specimen from 25°24’N 56°17’E); variety B (dark and strongly sculptured): known in a specimen from the UAE, 25°24’N 56°17’E, and in a specimen from Kenya, 0.82103°S 38.54443°E.


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


National Museums of Kenya


Natural History Museum, London


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


















Bocchus hyalinus Olmi, 1998

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Bocchus hyalinus

Guglielmino, A. & Olmi, M. & Buckle, C. 2013: 38
Olmi, M. 2009: 129
Olmi, M. 2008: 363
Guglielmino, A. & Olmi, M. 2007: 123
Olmi, M. 1998: 65
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