Brignoliolus ovchinnikovi, Zonstein & Marusik, 2024

Zonstein, Sergei & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, A survey of Brignoliolus Ovchinnikov, 1999 stat. rev. (Araneae, Agelenidae) with the description of a new species from Israel, Zootaxa 5541 (2), pp. 215-226 : 219-222

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5541.2.6

publication LSID


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scientific name

Brignoliolus ovchinnikovi

sp. nov.

Brignoliolus ovchinnikovi sp. nov.

Figs 15–28 View FIGURES 15–20 View FIGURES 21–23 View FIGURES 24–27 View FIGURES 28–30 , 31 View FIGURE 31

Types. Holotype ♂ from ISRAEL: Upper Galilee: environs of Ziv'on (Tziv'on) Village , 33°02′N, 35°25′E, 773 m a.s.l., 13.10.2005 (A. Timm & T. Assmann) ( SMNH) GoogleMaps . Paratypes 4♂, same data as holotype ( SMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ paratype ( SMNH), same data as holotype except 13.11.2005 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Males of B. ovchinnikovi sp. nov. are similar in general appearance and shape of the palpal structures to those of B. vignai but differ from them by a relatively longer tip of the cymbium, which is about 1.7 times longer than wide (vs. as long as wide), and by having 7 strong macrosetae on the cymbial tip (vs. 4), as well as by possessing a horizontally stretched (vs. antero-retrolaterally extended) conductor, with a shorter (vs. longer) distance between its dorsal and retrolateral parts, a narrower (vs. wider) embolus base, and a blunt (vs. pointed) tip of the patellar apophysis (Please refer to figure for both species see Figs 16–23 View FIGURES 15–20 View FIGURES 21–23 and Dimitrov & Jäger 2021, figs 1, 2, respectively). Females of the new species are most similar to those of the Lebanese B. caudatus in having similarly shaped epigyne with long teeth (Et), and similar shape of fovea. It can be distinguished by spaced bases of teeth (vs. not spaced), by a longer fovea with anterior margin (Am) located close to the teeth bases (vs. anterior margin spaced from the teeth bases by about 0.5 of the fovea length), and by a thinner anterior margin, which as wide as span of teeth (vs. wider than span of teeth) (Please refer to figure for both species see Figs 25–27 View FIGURES 24–27 and Wang & Zhu 2009, figs 4, 5, respectively).

Description. Male (holotype). Habitus ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 15–20 ). Total length 7.7 (without chelicera). Colour in alcohol: carapace with cephalic part brownish and thoracic part light brown; chelicerae intensely reddish brown; palp and legs light yellowish brown (palp and leg I slightly darker than legs II–IV); sternum, labium, maxillae and coxae I–II brownish; coxae III–IV paler, yellowish brown; abdomen pale greyish brown with almost indistinct greyish dorsal chevronlike pattern. Carapace 4.5 long, 3.05 wide, cephalic part 2.1 wide, fovea 0.7 long; chelicera 2.5 long, 1.5 wide. Chelicera with 3 pro- and 3 retromarginal teeth. Leg length: I—12.75 (3.50, 1,50, 3.00, 3.00, 1.75); II—10.50 (2.75, 1.75, 2.50, 2.50, 1.50); III—9.37 (2.75, 1.25, 1.92, 2.15, 1.30); IV—13.00 (3.30, 1.50, 3.00, 3.70, 1.50). Leg spination. Leg I: Fe d2, p2; Ti v2-2-2a; Mt v2-2-3a. Leg II: Fe d2, p1(2); Ti p2(1), v2-2-2a; Mt p2, v2-2-2a. Leg III: Fe d2, p2, r2; Pa p1, r1; Ti p2, r2, v2-2-2a; Mt p1-2-2, r1-2-2, v2-2-2a; Ta p1, r1. Leg IV: Fe d2, r1; Pa r1; Ti p2, r2, v2-2-2a; Mt p2-2-2a, r1-1-2a, v2-2-2-2a; Ta p2, r2(1).

Palp ( Figs 16–20 View FIGURES 15–20 ): femur 3.7 times longer than wide, 1.1 times longer than cymbium; patella 2 times longer than wide with finger shaped apophysis about 2.5 times longer than wide; tibia of about patella length, with laminar ventral apophysis (Va) and small pimple like retrolateral one (Ra); cymbium 2.2 times longer that wide, with triangle-shaped proximal part, cymbial fold (Cf) about 1/3 of cymbial length, retrolateral and dorsal part without spines (strong macrosetae), prolateral side with series of spines especially thick at tip, tip with 7 strong spines. Bulb ( Figs 21–23 View FIGURES 21–23 ) slightly longer than wide; tegulum (Te) almost entirely hidden in ventral view by base of embolus, base of conductor (Cb) and tegular apophysis (Ta); tegular apophysis large, almost 2 times longer than wide, not flexible; conductor (Co) with one arm trifurcated on tip; embolus with large base (Eb) wider than base of conductor, filamentous part of embolus originates at ca. 7 o’clock position.

Female. Habitus ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 24–27 ). Total length 11.5 (without chelicera). Colour in alcohol: as in male, with darker, more intensely coloured reddish brown chelicerae, palps, sternum, labium, maxillae and coxae I–II. Carapace 5.0 long, 3.6 wide, cephalic part 2.5 wide; fovea 0.7 long; chelicera 2.8 long, 2.0 wide. Chelicera with 3 pro- and 3 retromarginal teeth. Leg length: I—12.56 (3.64, 1,80, 2.80, 2.80, 1.52); II—11.68 (3.40, 1.72, 2.40, 2.68, 1.48); III—10.60 (3.00, 1.60, 2.12, 2.68, 1.20); IV—13.44 (3.80, 1.76, 3.08, 3.40, 1.40). Leg spination. Leg I: Fe d2, p2; Ti v2-2-2a; Mt v2- 2-3a. Leg II: Fe d2, p1; Ti p2(1), v1-2-2a; Mt v2-2-3a. Leg III: Fe d2, p1, r1; Pa p1; Ti p2, r2, v1-2-2a; Mt p4, r4, v2-2-4a; Ta p1, v2. Leg IV: Fe d2, r1; Pa r1; Ti p2, r2, v2-2-2a; Mt p2-2-2a, r2-2-2a, v2-2-2a; Ta p1, r1–2.

Epigyne ( Figs 25–27 View FIGURES 24–27 ): epigynal plate slightly longer than wide (ca. 1.1 times), fovea (Fo) about 3 times longer than wide, well delimited anteriorly by a kind of hood; teeth (Et) longer than half of plate length spaced by the thinnest width of fovea; receptacles (Re) converging anteriorly, ca 1.5 times longer than wide, with globular heads (Rh) anteriorly.

Spinnerets ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 28–30 ): apical segment of posterior lateral spinnerets slender and about 1.3 times as long as preceding segment.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality.


Department of Paleozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History













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