Hypselothyrea mixta, Papp, 2003

Papp, L., 2003, New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (4), pp. 271-294 : 282

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586958



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scientific name

Hypselothyrea mixta

sp. nov.

Hypselothyrea mixta View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 14–16 View Figs 11–16 )

Holotype female ( HNHM): India, Ghum, W. Bengal – 1967. IV. 19., leg. TOPÁL . Paratypes ( HNHM): 3 females: same data ; 1 male ( HNHM, abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): India, Calcutta , West Bengal, No. 436, 30. V . 1980., leg. TOPÁL.

Measurements in mm: body length 2.25 (holotype), 2.02–2.25 (paratypes), wing length 2.80, 2.45–2.80, wing breadth 0.91, 0.85–0.92.

Body ochre or lighter brown, first flagellomere and lateral parts of tergites brownish.

Frontal shield shiny, trapezoidal. Orbital plate occupied half breadth of the area between frontal shield and eye. Face yellow, shiny, carina 3/5 length of facial plate, sharply bordered laterally, 0.11mm at broadest. Fronto-orbitals are rather strong, pro- and reclinate with a minute hair between them. Postocular setulae longer than usual, 0.09 mm. Vibrissal length 0.187 on holotype. Palpus with a 0.11 mm long apical and a 0.09 mm long ventral seta. Arista with 3 dorsal and 2 ventral long branches.

Mesonotum finely granulated, that is, not strongly shiny. Scutellum actually not upright, dorsal profile convex, scutellum comparatively short, 0.21 mm. Dorsocentrals in 2 strong pairs. Anterior scutellars half as long as apicals, apical scutellars emerge subapically. Pleura unicolorous, brown on the male paratype, ochre (probably discoloured) in the female type specimens.

Legs yellow, only fore femur and a wide subapical ring on hind femur brown (legs discoloured, i.e. all yellow in the female specimens, incl. holotype). Fore femur with 8–9 short black teeth on the anteroventral surface of apical 1/2–3/5.

Wing patterned, similarly as in H. guttata , but there are two light spots in cell r 4+5 distally to the apex of R 2+3. C-index 0.82, C3 fringe 0.43. Halteres light brown.

Abdomen shiny, yellow medially but brownish on lateral parts of tergites.

Male genitalia small. Epandrium neither without a finger-like process nor with a large spine. Surstylus ( Fig. 15 View Figs 11–16 ) with 11 prensisetae plus some true setae on anterior apex. Phallapodeme ( Fig. 14 View Figs 11–16 ) comparativelyshortandthin,medialparameralsetaedistinct,lateralonesthickandmediumlong.

Female oviscapt ( Fig. 16 View Figs 11–16 ) narrowly triangular. Ventral pegs fine and blunt, dorsal edge with a rather strong thick acute seta.

Distribution. India (West Bengal).

Hypselothyrea mixta sp. n. is an easily recognisable species. In OKADA’ s (1980) key it runs to guttata –pseudoguttata, if we regard the scutellum upright (which is not the case). Indeed, the scutellum not upright, its dorsal profile convex, basal scutellars are half as long as apicals, while the ratio is only 1/ 3 in guttata . Apical scutellars emerge subapically, while they are subventral in guttata . I cannot exclude that the new species related to guttata species group though the difference in wing pattern, etc. seems significant.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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