Diduga kohkongensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae, 2018

Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal, Lee, Dong ˗ June & Bae, Yang ˗ Seop, 2018, Three new species of Diduga Moore, [1887] (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae) from Cambodia, Zootaxa 4514 (3), pp. 411-424 : 416-417

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4514.3.6

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scientific name

Diduga kohkongensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae

sp. nov.

Diduga kohkongensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae View in CoL , n. sp.

( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1–6 , 10 View FIGURES 10–11 , 21 View FIGURES 17–21 )

Type materials. Holotype: 1 ♂, Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′48.1″, E102˚54′12.5″, Alt.: 830m), 6. II.2015 (YS Bae, YD Ju, BS Park, SM Na, JW Kim, DJ Lee), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1412C. Paratype: 1 ♀, Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′48.1″, E102˚54′12.5″, Alt.: 830m), 6. II.2015 (YS Bae, YD Ju, BS Park, SM Na, JW Kim, DJ Lee), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1743C .

Diagnosis. By the wing pattern, the new species is similar to Diduga flavicostata (Snellen, 1879) ( Bucsek 2012: 25, pl. 4: 52, gen. Mal191), but the male genitalia structure of both species are significantly different: uncus irregularly conic, with strongly hook˗shaped apical process; valva narrowly rectangular, with a spine˗shaped and a membranous, rounded projections in apex; a harpe present; aedeagus with a row of six irregularly triangular cornuti ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10–11 ). In D. flavicostata , uncus weakly broad in medially, with weakly waved apex; valva broadly rectangular, with irregularly angled apex; a harpe absent; aedeagus with two slender spine˗shaped cornuti ( Bucsek 2012: gen. fig. Mal191).

Description. Adult ( Figs. 3a, 3b View FIGURES 1–6 ). Length of forewing 4˗5 mm in male and female. Head, patagium and tegula deep yellow. Thorax dark brown. Forewing ground color dark brown (dark brown part looks triangular), with deep yellow margin from basal to tornus, which hind border of margin broadly dentate; with several small, dark brown dots in apical half of costal margin; cilia deep yellow. Hindwing ground color fuscous; cilia fuscous. Abdomen brown, with deep yellow tuft.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10–11 ). Uncus irregularly conic, with hook˗shaped apical process. Tegumen triangular, weakly sclerotized. Valva symmetric, stout, with a large, tapering spine˗shaped and a membranous, rounded projections in apex of valva; a basal harpe large, consisting of stout spines. Juxta trapezoid, weakly sclerotized. Saccus broadly “U”˗shaped. Aedeagus stout, weakly sclerotized and vesica with a row of six irregularly triangular cornuti and scobination.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 17–21 ). Papillae anales weakly covered with setae. Ductus bursae stout, tubular, weakly sclerotized whole of length, with a strongly sclerotized band˗shaped plate in cervix of bursae. Corpus bursae rectangular, membranous, with plate of small spines.

Distribution. Cambodia (Koh Kong province).

Etymology. The species is named after the type locality province, Koh Kong Province, Cambodia.


Sarawak Museum















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