
Kihara, Terue Cristina & Huys, Rony, 2009, Contributions to the taxonomy of the Normanellidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida): description of a new genus from the Brazilian continental shelf and re-assignment of Pseudocletodes vararensis Scott & Scott, 1893 (ex Nannopodidae), Zootaxa 2233, pp. 1-38 : 34

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.190348


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Plazi (2016-04-20 00:27:32, last updated 2024-11-27 10:33:18)

scientific name



Key to species of Normanellidae

1 P1 endopod absent .............................................................................. Pseudocletodes vararensis Scott & Scott, 1893

- P1 endopod 2-segmented.............................................................................................................................................. 2

2 P1 endopod prehensile, with elongate enp-1 bearing inner seta and short enp-2; male P5 with 2 elements on endopo- dal lobe.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

- P1 endopod not prehensile, enp-1 as long as enp-2 and without inner seta; male P5 with 4 elements on endopodal lobe......................................................................................................................... Paranaiara inajae gen. et sp. nov.

3 Antennary exopod with 3 setae; male P6 with 2 setae ......................................... Sagamiella Lee & Huys, 1999 … 4

- Antennary exopod with 4 setae; male P6 with 3 setae .................................................. Normanella Brady, 1880 … 5

4 Caudal ramus twice as long as wide, subrectangular ........................................................... S. aberrans ( Bodin, 1968) 1

- Caudal ramus 2.5 times as long as wide, ovoid ........................................................ S. latirostrata Lee & Huys, 1999

5 P2 enp-2 with 2 inner setae.......................................................................................................................................... 6

- P2 enp-2 with 3 inner setae.......................................................................................................................................... 7

6 P4 enp-2 with 4 setae/spines (outer spine absent) .................................................................. N. reducta Noodt, 1955

- P4 enp-2 with 5 setae/spines (outer spine present) ............................................................ N. bifida Huys & Lee, 1999

7 P4 enp-2 with 4 setae/spines (outer spine absent) ............................................... N. mucronata sensu Marinov (1977)

- P4 enp-2 with 5 setae/spines (outer spine present) ..................................................................................................... 8

8 Caudal ramus with strongly developed, proximally dilated seta V, lacking internal fracture plane; rostrum distinctly pointed ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

- Caudal ramus with normally developed or reduced seta V, always with internal fracture plane; rostrum of different shape ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

9 Rostrum with short apical portion, distance between sensilla and apex about 18% of rostrum length; caudal ramus seta V distinctly lanceolate in proximal half and with flagellate distal third; female P5 exopod with middle and distal outer setae clearly separated, and distance between insertion site of middle outer seta and apex about 1/4 of outer margin length .......................................................................................................................... N. confluens Lang, 1965

Bodin, P. (1968) Copepodes Harpacticoides des etages bathyal et abyssal du Golfe de Gascogne. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, nouvelle serie, (A) 55 (1), 1 - 107.

Brady, G. S. (1880) A Monograph of the free and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands, 2. The Ray Society, London, 182 pp.

Lang, K. (1965) Copepoda Harpacticoida from the Californian Pacific coast. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, (4) 10 (2), 1 - 560.

Marinov, T. M. (1977) Kharpaktikoidi ot tsentralnata chast na iztochnoto kraibrezhie na Atlanticheskiya okean. [Harpacticoida from the eastern Central Atlantic coast.] Izvestiya na Instituta Okeanografiya i Ribno Stopanstvo, Varna, 15, 83 - 98. [In Bulgarian with Russian and English summaries]

Noodt, W. (1955) Marmara denizi Harpacticoid'leri (Crust. Cop.). [Marine Harpacticoiden (Crust. Cop.) aus dem Marmara Meer]. Istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Mecmuasi, (B) 20 (1 - 2), 49 - 94.

Scott, T. & Scott, A. (1893) On some new or rare Crustacea from Scotland. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (6) 12, 237 - 246.