
Nielsen, Ebbe S., Robinson, Gaden S. & Wagner, David L., 2000, Ghost-moths of the world: a global inventory and bibliography of the Exoporia (Mnesarchaeoidea and Hepialoidea) (Lepidoptera), Journal of Natural History 34 (6), pp. 823-878 : 828-829

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Hepialidae View in CoL View at ENA :

Nearctic: Wagner (1985, 1987, 1988); Wagner and Tindale (1988); Ferguson (1979); P®tzner (1937±38); Barnes and Benjamin (1926); Forbes (1923).

Neotropical: Nielsen and Robinson (1983); Robinson (1977); Tindale (1954); Viette (1949b,c, 1950b,d,f,g, 1951a,b,e, 1952a,c, 1953a,b, 1956a, 1961b); P®tzner (1937±38); Schaus (1901); Druce (1887, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1900, 1901).

Palaearctic: de Freina and Witt (1990); Tindale (1941); P®tzner (1912).

Afrotropical: Nielsen and Scoble (1986); Viette (1947, 1950a, 1956a); Janse (1942); Gaede (1930).

Oriental: Nielsen (1988); Chu and Wang (1985a,b); Tindale (1941, 1942, 1958); Viette (1949a, 1950 e, 1953c, 1968); P®tzner and Gaede (1933).

Australasia: Common (1966, 1990); Nielsen and Kristensen (1989); Robinson (1975); Tindale (1932, 1933, 1935, 1953, 1955, 1964); Viette (1950c,i, 1952b, 1956b, 1961a); P®tzner and Gaede (1933); Turner (1928).

New Zealand: Dugdale (1994); Dumbleton (1966); Hudson (1898, 1928, 1939).

Key papers on exoporian morphology, biology and other topics (most recent given ®rst) include:

Morphology, phylogeny and classi®cation: Brown et al. (in press); Friedlander et al. (in press); Nielsen and Kristensen (1989,199 6); Kristensen and Nielsen (1980, 1981a, 1981b 1994); Sattler (1991); Kuznetzov and Stekolnikov (1986); Minet (1984); Kristensen (1968, 1970, 1978a, 1978b, 1978 c, 1979, 1984); Ueda (1978, 1980, 1981, 1982); Joubert (1978); Flower and Helson (1976); Dugdale (1974); Birket-Smith (1974); Mutuura (1972); Hasenfuss (1969); Gaskin (1964); Viette (1949g); Bourgogne (1949a, 1949b); Paclt (1949, 1957); Philpott (1922 a, 1922b, 1925, 1926 a, 1926b, 1927b); Eyer (1921, 1924); Botke (1916); van Bemmelen (1916a, 1916b); Deegener and Schaposchniko w (1904); Quail (1903b); Deegener (1902); Dodd (1902).

Immature stages: Leonard et al. (1992); Dugdale (1994); Wagner et al. (1989); McCabe and Wagner (1988); Wagner (1987); Yasuda and Abe (1986); Grehan et al. (1983); Grehan (1979, 1981, 1983a,b); Chauvin and Barbier (1979); Hardy (1973b); Waller (1966); Aitkenhead and Baker (1964); Elder (1970, 1971, 1978); Hinton (1946); Janse (1939, 1940); Gerasimov (1937); Mosher (1916); Swaine (1909); Williams (1905a); Packard (1895).

Biology and behaviour: Andersson et al. (1998); Rydell (1998); Lin et al. (1995); Boudinot (1991); Wagner and Rosovsky (1991); Wagner et al. (1989); Grehan (1983a,b,c, 1987a,b, 1989); McCabe and Wagner (1988); Yasuda and Abe (1986); Wagner (1985); Grehan and Patrick (1984); Mallet (1984); French and Pearson (1979, 1981); Gibbs (1979); Perju and Ghizdavu (1977); Linnaluoto (1976); Turner (1976); Mikkola (1974); Hardy (1973 a, 1974); Reynolds (1973); van Gerwen et al. (1972); Helson and Penman (1970); Leuschner (1970); Wood (1970); Fenemore and Allen (1969); Browne et al. (1969); Opler (1968); Helson (1967); Abdelrahman (1966); Matsuzawa et al. (1966); Martyn (1960); Carolsfeld-Krause (1959); Harper (1959, 1960); d’ Aguilar and Cherblanc (1959); Madge (1954); Salmon (1951, 1958); Daniel (1950); Hudson (1885, 1906,1950); Michael (1949); Sankey (1948); Dick (1945); Dumbleton (1945); Hanson (1938); Sonan (1938); Hill (1929); Slastshevkij (1929a,b, 1930); Blair (1918); Bethune- Baker (1913); BeutenmuÈller (1913); Cockayne and Jackson (1913); McDunnough (1911); Winn (1909); Manders (1908); Denny (1907); Williams (1905b); Quail (1900); McArthur (1895); Robson (1887a,b, 1891, 1892); Stainton (1887); Barrett (1882, 1886); Chapman (1876, 1886).

Pheromones: Schultz et al. (1990); Kubo et al. (1985); Sinnwell et al. (1985); Uchino et al. (1985).

Pest status, parasites, pathogens and control: Grehan (1982, 1984); Grehan and Wigley (1984); Crawford and KalmakoOE (1977); Milner (1977); Milner and Beaton (1977); Farrell et al. (1974); Chen et al. (1973); Moore et al. (1973); Moore (1972); Fowler and Robertson (1972); Lloyd et al. (1967); Kalshoven (1965); Toyomura and Matsuzawa (1965); Edwards (1964); Edwards and Dennis (1960); Milyanovskii and Mitrofanov (1952); Cameron (1950, 1951); Cunningham (1921).

Fossil history: Jarzembowski (1980); Robinson (1977); Pierce (1945).

AITKENHEAD, P. and BAKER, C. R. B., 1964, The larvae of British Hepialidae, Entomologist, 97, 25 ± 38.

ANDERSSON, S., RYDELL, J. and SVENSSON, M. G. E., 1998, Light, predation and the lekking behaviour of the ghost swift Hepialus humuli (L.) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 264, 1345 ± 1351.

BARNES, W. and BENJAMIN, F. H., [1926] 1925, The hyperboreus group of Hepialus (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Pan-Paci ® c Entomologist, 2, 81 ± 84.

BARRETT, C. G., 1882, Odour emitted by the male of Hepialus hectus, Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 19, 90 ± 91.

BARRETT, C. G., 1886, Singular habit of Hepialus hectus, Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 23, 110.

BIRKET-SMITH, S. J. R., 1974, Morphology of the male genitalia of Lepidoptera. II. Monotrysia, Zeugloptera, and discussion, Entomologica Scandinavica, 5, 161 ± 183.

BLAIR, W. G., 1918, On the`calling' attitude of Hepialus sylvinus, Entomologist, 51, 212.

BOTKE, J., 1916, A contribution to the knowledge of the phylogeny of the wing-markings in Lepidoptera, Proceedings of the Section of Sciences, Koninklijke (Nederlandse) Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, 18, 1557 ± 1563.

BOUDINOT, J., 1991, Biologie d' Aenetus cohici Viette (Lepidoptera Hepialidae), in: J. Chazeau and S. Tillier (eds), Zoologia Neocaledonica 2. MeAmoires du MuseAum National d'Histoire Naturelle (A), 149, pp. 167 ± 175.

BOURGOGNE, J., 1949 a, Un type nouveau d'appareil genital femelle chez les LeApidopteAres, Annales de la SocieAteA Entomologique de France, 115, 69 ± 80.

BOURGOGNE, J., 1949 b, L'appareil geAnital femelle de quelques Hepialidae, Bulletin de la SocieAteA Zoologique de France, 74, 284 ± 291.

BROWNE, L. B., HOO, C. F. S., VAN GERWEN, A. C. M. and SHERWELL, I. R., 1969, Mating ¯ ight behaviour in three species of Oncopera moths (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 8, 168 ± 172.

CAMERON, E., 1950, The biology and economic importance of Alomya debellator (F.), a remarkable parasite of the swift moth, Hepialus lupulinus (L.), Bulletin of Entomological Research, 41, 429 ± 438.

CAMERON, E., 1951, On the identity of an ichneumonid parasite of Hepialus lupulinus (L.), Bulletin of Entomological Research, 41, 637.

CHAPMAN, T. A., 1876, Note on the pendulum-action in ¯ ight of male Hepialus humuli, Entomologist ' s Monthly Magazine, 13, 63 ± 64.

CHAPMAN, T. A., 1886., On the ¯ ight and pairing of Hepialus humuli, Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 23, 164 ± 165.

CHAUVIN, G. and BARBIER, R., 1979, Morphogenese de 1 ' enveloppe vitelline, ultra-structure du chorion et de la cuticule serosale chez Korscheltellus lupulinus L. (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology, 8, 375 ± 386.

CHEN, T. L., TANG, C. C. and HAO, C. L., 1973, A preliminary study on the biology of the`Insect Herb', Hepialus armoricanus Oberthur, Acta Entonologica Sinica, 16, 198 ± 202, [in Chinese].

CHU, H. F. and WANG, L. Y., 1985 a,`Insect ± herb' versus hepialids with descriptions of new genera and species of Chinese Hepialidae, Sinozoologia, 3, 121 ± 134.

COCKAYNE, E. A. and JACKSON, F. W. J., 1913, Courtship of Hepialus hecta, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 25, 195 ± 196.

COMMON, I. F. B., 1966, A new species of Oncopera (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) from New South Wales, with taxonomic notes on the genus, Journal of the Entomological Society of Queensland, 5, 18 ± 28.

COMMON, I. F. B., 1990, Hepialoidea, in: Moths of Australia. (Melbourne University Press), pp. 140 ± 150.

CUNNINGHAM, G. H., 1921, The genus Cordyceps in New Zealand, Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 53, 372 ± 382.

D' AGUILAR, J. and CHERBLANC, G., 1959, Note biologique sur une hepiale: Korscheltellus lupulinus L. (Lep. Hepialidae) nuisible aux fraisiers de Plougastel-Daoulas (FinisteAre) et essais preliminaires de lutte chimique, Phytiatrie-phytopharmacie, 8, 111 ± 116.

DANIEL, F., 1950, Beobachtung uEber die Lebensweise hochalpiner Vertreter der Gattung Hepialus, Mitteilungen der MuEnchener Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 40, 203 ± 206.

DE FREINA, J. J. and WITT, T., 1990, Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpalaearktis (Insecta, Lepidoptera). (MuEnchen: Edition Forschung and Wissenschaft), Band 2, [vi] 1 134 pp.

DEEGENER, P., 1902, Das Duftorgan von Hepialus hectus L., Zeitschrift fuEr wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 71, 276 ± 295.

DENNY, E., 1907, Notes on the collecting of Sthenopis (Hepialus) thule, Canadian Entomologist, 39, 402 ± 404.

DICK, R. D., 1945, Ecological observations on Oxycanus cervinata, New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology A, 27, 32 ± 38.

DODD, F. P., 1902, Scent organs of Hepialidae, Entomologist, 35, 73.

DRUCE, H., 1887, Hepialidae, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoologia. Insecta. Lepidoptera Heterocera, 1, 231 ± 234.

DRUCE, H., 1889, Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera, chie ¯ y from Cenral America, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 4 (6), 77 ± 94.

DRUCE, H., 1890, Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Central and South America, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1890, 493 ± 520.

DRUCE, H., 1892, Description of a new genus and some new species of Heterocera from Central America, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9 (6), 275 ± 279.

DRUCE, H., 1900, Descriptions of some new genera and species of Heterocera from tropical South America, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5 (7), 507 ± 527.

DRUCE, H., 1901, Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from East Africa and tropical America, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7 (7), 432 ± 444.

DUGDALE, J. S., 1974, Female genitalia con ® guration in the classi ® cation of Lepidoptera, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 1, 127 ± 146.

DUGDALE, J. S., 1994, Hepialidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Fauna of New Zealand, 30, 1 ± 161.

DUMBLETON, L. J., 1945, Contribution to the ecology of Oxycanus cervinata Walk, New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology A, 27 (2), 114 ± 128.

DUMBLETON, L. J., 1966, Genitalia, classi ® cation and zoogeography of the New Zealand Hepialidae (Lepidoptera), New Zealand Journal of Science, 9, 920 ± 981.

EDWARDS, C. A. and DENNIS, E. B., 1960, Observations on the biology and control of the garden swift moth, Plant Pathology, 9, 95 ± 99.

EDWARDS, C. A., 1964, The bionomics of swift moths. I. The ghost swift moth, Hepialus humuli (L.), Bulletin of Entomological Research, 55, 147 ± 160.

ELDER, R. J., 1970, Larval taxonomy of Oncopera brachyphylla Turner and its distinction from Oncopera mitocera (Turner), Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 27, 123 ± 128. [Also published as Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Division of Plant Industry Bulletin no. 533.]

ELDER, R. J., 1971, Distinction between eggs and pupae of Oncopera brachyphylla Turner and Oncopera mitocera (Turner), Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 28, 23 ± 28.

ELDER, R. J., 1978, Notes on the biology and descriptions of the life stages of Oncopera parva Tindale (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 17, 5 ± 11.

EYER, J. R., 1921, The comparative morphology of the male genitalia of the lepidopterous family Hepialidae, Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 16, 1 ± 8.

EYER, J. R., 1924, The comparative morphology of the male genitalia of the primitive Lepidoptera, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 17, 275 ± 328.

FARRELL, J. A. K., SWENEY, W. J. and JONES, A. E., 1974, Plant resistance to the porina caterpillar Wiseana cervinata (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). I. Resistance in legumes and grasses, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 17, 373 ± 878.

FENEMORE, P. G. and ALLEN, V. A. L., 1969, Oviposition preference and larval survival in Wiseana cervinata (Walker), Hepialidae, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 12, 146 ± 161.

FERGUSON, D. C., 1979, A new ghost moth from the southern Appalachian Mountains (Hepialidae), Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 33, 192 ± 196.

FLOWER, N. E. and HELSON, G. A. H., 1976, Variation in antennas sensilla of some hepialid moths; a scanning electron microscope study, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 3, 327 ± 331.

FORBES, W. T. M., 1923, The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Part I. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir, 68, 729 pp.

FOWLER, M. and ROBERTSON, J. S., 1972, Iridescent virus infection in ® eld populations of Wiseana cervinata (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae) and Witlesia sp. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in New Zealand, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 19, 154 ± 155.

FRENCH, R. A. and PEARSON, J. F., 1979, Inuence of temperature on the rate of development of porina (Wiseana spp.: Hepialidae) eggs and timing of larval emergence in the ® eld, New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 7, 315 ± 319.

FRENCH, R. A. and PEARSON, J. F., 1981, Food intake and feeding behaviour of porina (Wiseana spp.: Hepialidae), New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 9, 383 ± 386.

GAEDE, M., 1930, 24. Familie: Hepialidae, in A. Seitz (ed.), Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, 14, Die Afrikanischen Spinner and SchwaErmer. (Stuttgart), pp. 553 ± 559.

GASKIN, D. E., 1964, Distinction between Wiseana umbraculata and W. signata (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) with light trapping records for Wellington, New Zealand Journal of Science, 7 (3), 396 ± 408.

GERASIMOV, A. S., 1937, Hepialidenraupen (Lepidoptera), Entomologische Zeitschrift, 51, 81 ± 84.

GIBBS, G. W., 1979, Some notes on the biology and status of the Mnesarchaeidae (Lepidoptera), New Zealand Journal of Entomology, 7, 2 ± 9.

GREHAN, J. R., 1979, Larvae of Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) in decaying wood, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 6, 583 ± 586.

GREHAN, J. R., 1981, Morphological changes in the tree-phase development of Aenetus virescens larvae (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 8, 505 ± 514.

GREHAN, J. R., 1982, Infection of Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) larvae by the fungus Beauvaria bassiana, New Zealand Entomologist, 7, 327 ± 329.

GREHAN, J. R., MOEED, A. and MEADS, M. J., 1983, Observations on Trioxycanus enysii (Butler) (sensu Meyrick, 1890) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) on Kapiti Island, New Zealand, with a description of larval chaetotaxy, New Zealand Entomologist, 7, 408 ± 413.

GREHAN, J. R., 1983 a, Observations on Trioxycanus enysii (Butl.) (sensu Meyrick, 1890) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) on Kapiti Island, New Zealand, with a description of larval chaetotaxy, New Zealand Entomologist, 7, 408 ± 413.

GREHAN, J. R. and PATRICK, B., H., 1984, Notes on bog-inhabiting Hepialidae (Lepidoptera) of New Zealand, New Zealand Entomologist, 8, 63 ± 67.

GREHAN, J. R. and WIGLEY, P. J., 1984, Fungal and bacterial diseases of puriri moth, Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) larvae, New Zealand Entomologist, 8, 61 ± 63.

HANSON, B. H., 1938, Om Hepialus hecta L. 59: Entomologbladet. Popular bilaga till, Entomologisk Tidskrift, 2, 58 ± 61.

HARDY, R. J., 1973 b, Larval chaetotaxy of thorax and abdomen of Fraus simulans Walker (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 30, 121 ± 123.

HARDY, R. J., 1973 a, The biology of Fraus simulans Walker (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 12, 113 ± 120.

HARPER, G. W., 1959, Notes on the Hepialidae (Lep.), Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 71, 89 ± 91.

HARPER, G. W., 1960, A further note on the Hepialidae (Lep.), Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 72, 15 ± 16.

HASENFUSS, I., 1969, Zur Homologie der Borstenmusterelemente der larven Kopfkapsel einiger monotrysischer Lepidoptera, BeitraEge zur Entomologie, 19, 289 ± 301.

HELSON, G. A. H., 1967, Adult periodicity of Wiseana species (family Hepialidae) in New Zealand as revealed by light traps, Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology, 9, 79 ± 91.

HELSON, G. A. H. and PENMAN, F. E. R., 1970, Biological transformations associated with weather changes. An hypothesis on ¯ ight activity of Wiseana spp., International Journal of Biometrics, 14, 227 ± 276.

HILL, G. F., 1929, The Tasmanian Grass Grub (Oncopera intricata Walker). A preliminary report on its life history, and methods of control, Pamphlet of the Council for Scienti ® c and Industrial Research, Australia, ll, 1 ± 43.

HINTON, H. E., 1946, On the homology and nomenclature of the setae of the lepidopterous larvae, with some notes on the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera, Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 97, 1 ± 37.

HUDSON, G. V., 1885, Life history of Charagia virescens, Entomologist, London, 18, 30 ± 36.

HUDSON, G. V., 1898, New Zealand moths and butteries (Macrolepidoptera). (London: West, Newman and Co.), xix 1 144 pp.

HUDSON, G. V., 1928, The Butteries and Moths of New Zealand. (Wellington: Ferguson and Osborn), xi 1 386 pp.

HUDSON, G. V., 1939, A Supplement to the Butteries and Moths of New Zealand. (Wellington: Ferguson and Osborn), pp. 387 ± 481.

JANSE, A. J. T., 1939, On the structure of lepidopterous larvae, with special reference to the mature larva of Leto venus Stoll., Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa, 2, 165 ± 175.

JANSE, A. J. T., 1940, On the pupa of Leto venus Stoll (Lepidoptera), Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa, 3, 124 ± 128.

JANSE, A. J. T., 1942, The moths of South Africa. Volume IV, part 1. Jugatae. xxv 1 78 pp., pls xlvii ± lxii.

JARZEMBOWSKI, E. A., 1980, Fossil insects from the Bembridge Marls (Palaeogene) of the Isle of Wight, southern England; Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology, 33, 237 ± 293.

JOUBERT, P. C., 1978, The post-embryonic development and structure of the internal reproductive organs of Dalaca rufescens Hampson (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae), Phytophylactica, 10, 1 ± 6.

KALSHOVEN, L. G., 1965, Notes on some injurious Lepidoptera from Java, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 108, 73 ± 93.

KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1968, The skeletal anatomy of the heads of adult Mnesarchaeidae and Neopseustidae (Lep., Dacnonypha), Entomologisk e Meddelelser, 36, 137 ± 151.

KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1970, Morphological observations on the wing scales in some primitive Lepidoptera (Insecta), Journal of Ultrastructural Research, 30, 402 ± 410.

KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1978 a, A new familia of Hepialoidea from South America, with remarks on the phylogeny of the subordo Exoporia (Lepidoptera), Entomologica Germanica, 4, 272 ± 294.

KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1978 b, Observations on Anomoses hylecoetes (Anomosetidae), with a key to the hepialoid families (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Steenstrupia, 5, 1 ± 19.

KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1978 c, Ridge dimorphism and second-order ridges on wing scales in Lepidoptera: Exoporia, International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology, 7, 297 ± 299.

KRISTENSEN, N. P. and NIELSEN, E. S., 1980, The ventral diaphragm of primitive (nonditrysian) Lepidoptera. A morphological and phylogenetic study, Zeitschrift fuEr Zoologische Systematic und Evolutionsforschung, 18, 123 ± 146.

KRISTENSEN, N. P. and NIELSEN, E. S., 1981 a, Abdominal nerve cord con ® guration in adult non-ditrysian Lepidoptera, International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology, 10, 89 ± 91.

KRISTENSEN, N. P. and NIELSEN, E. S., 1981 b, Intrinsic proboscis musculature in non-ditrysian LepidopteraDGlossata: structure and phylogenetic signi ® cance, Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement, 15, 299 ± 304.

KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1984, Studies on the morphology and systematics of primitive Lepidoptera (Insecta), Steenstrupia, 10, 141 ± 191.

KRISTENSEN, N. P. and NIELSEN, E. S., 1994, Osrhoes coronta Druce, the New World palaeosetid moth: a reappraisal, with description of a new type of female genital apparatus (Lepidoptera, Exoporia), Entomologica Scandinavica, 24, 391 ± 406.

KUBO, I., MATSUMOTO, T., WAGNER, D. L. and SHOOLERY, J. N., 1985, Isolation and structure of hepialone: principal component from male sex scales of Hepialus californicus (Lepidoptera), Tetrahedron Letters, 26, 563 ± 566.

KUZNETZOV, V. I. and STEKOLNIKOV, A. A., 1986, Morphology of the male genitalia of Zenophassus schamyl Chr. (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae) and evolution of the phallic musculature in Hepialomorpha, Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, Leningrad, 145, 3 ± 10. [In Russian, with English summary.]

LEONARD, J. G., GREHAN, J. R. and PARKER, B. L., 1992, First instar description of Korscheltellus gracilis (Grote) and Sthenopis auratus (Grote) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) with a consideration of cladistic relationships between setae, Journal of the New York Entomologica l Society, 100, 594 ± 614.

LEUSCHNER, O., 1970, Zur Paarung von Hepialus humuli (Lep., Hepialidae), Entomologische Zeitschrift, 80, 51 ± 52.

LIN, Y., WU, Z. and JIANG, J., 1995, Studies on Phassus actinidiae Yang et Wang injurious to Actinidia spp., Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 31, 144 ± 149.

LINNALUOTO, E. T., 1976, Notes on Hepialus fuscoargenteus (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae), Notulae Entomologica e, 56, 135 ± 137.

LLOYD, D. C., BLACKMAN, R. L. and HENDERSON, I. F., 1967, Investigations of natural enemies of Melolonthinae and Hepialidae in South America. Report from South American Station. Bariloche, Argentina. (Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control), 35 pp.

MADGE, P. E., 1954, A ® eld study of the biology of the underground grass caterpillar, Oncopera fasciculata (Walker) (Lepidoptera), in South Australia, Australian Journal of Zoology, 2, 193 ± 204.

MALLET, J., 1984, Sex roles in the ghost moth Hepialus humuli (L.) and a review of mating in the Hepialidae (Lepidoptera), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 79, 67 ± 82.

MANDERS, LT. - COL., 1908, The courtship of Hepialus humuli, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 20, 202.

MARTYN, E. J., 1960, The ecology of Oncopera intricata Walker and Oncopera rufobrunnea Tindale in relation to larval taxonomy, Department of Agriculture, Tasmania, Research Bulletin, 3, 64 pp.

MATSUZAWA, H., KOHAMA, Y. and TOYOMURA, K., 1966, On the life cycle and the larval development of the common swift moth, Phassus excrescens Butler, KontyuA, 34, 304 ± 310.

MCARTHUR, H., 1895, Notes on Hepialus humuli in Orkney, Entomologist, 28, 204.

MCCABE, T. L. and WAGNER, D. L., 1988, The biology of Sthenopis auratus (Grote) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 96, 256 ± 273.

MCDUNNOUGH, J., 1911, Peculiar habits of a hepialid moth, Canadian Entomologist, 43, 289 ± 292.

MICHAEL, P., 1949, An impromptu experiment with Hepialus humuli, Entomologist, 82, 175.

MIKKOLA, K., 1974, Timing of swarming in Hepiolus humuli L. (Lep., Hepiolidae [sic]): a summary, Entomogiske Meddelelser, 42, 76 ± 77.

MILNER, R. J. and BEATON, C. D., 1977, Pleistophora oncoperae sp. n. (Protozoa: Microsporida) from Oncopera alboguttata (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Australian Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 29, 133 ± 140.

MILYANOVSKII, E. S. and MITROFANOV, P. I., 1952, The large Caucasian hepialid: a new pest of grape vines in Abkhasiya, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 32, 82 ± 85. [In Russian].

MINET, J., 1984, Contribution aA 1 ' analyse phylogeAneAtique des NeAoleApidopteAres (Lepidoptera, Glossata), Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologi e (n. s.), 2, 139 ± 149.

MOORE, S. G., 1972, A virus outbreak kills porina [Wiseana spp.], New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, 124, 39 ± 41.

MOORE, S. G., KALMAKOFF, J. and MILES, J. A. R., 1973, Virus diseases of porina (Wiseana spp., Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). I. Field isolations, New Zealand Journal of Science, 16, 139 ± 153.

MOSHER, E., 1916, A classi ® cation of the Lepidoptera based on characters of the pupa, Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, 12, 15 ± 159.

MUTUURA, A., 1972, Morphology of the female terminalia in Lepidoptera, and its taxonomic signi ® cance, Canadian Entomologist, 104, 1055 ± 1071.

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