Scythris aegrella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen, 2000

Bidzilya, Oleksiy V., Budashkin, Yury I. & Zhakov, Aleksandr V., 2017, Checklist of scythridid moths (Lepidoptera, Scythrididae) of Ukraine with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4291 (3), pp. 481-503 : 490

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Plazi (2017-07-15 07:56:52, last updated 2024-11-26 02:05:19)

scientific name

Scythris aegrella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen, 2000


Scythris aegrella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen, 2000

( Figs 13–18 View FIGURES 13 – 18 )

Material examined. 1♂, 1♀, Crimea, Dvujakornaja bay , saline, evening netting, 3.ix.2006 (Budashkin) ; 13♂, 9♀, Crimea, JuZHnoje PrisivasH’ye, viCinity oF L’vovo vill., HalopHytiC steppe,, 26.v.2014 (Budashkin) ; 1♂, Crimea, viCinity oF Primorsky, KamysHin lug, HalopHytiC steppe, 31.viii.2010 (Budashkin) ; 9♂, 8♀, Crimea, BaraCol lake , HalopHytiC steppe, 28.v–, 30.07.2014, 26.v.2015 (BudasHkin).

Distribution. Russia (SoutH Ural) (Nupponen еt al. 2000; Sinev 2008). New to for Ukraine.

Ecology. THe adults Fly Continually From May to late September, probably in tHree generations. Pupa most likely Hibernates. THe speCies is Common in various HalopHiliC plant assoCiations (salines, HalopHiliC steppes, Coastal plant Communities) all over tHe Crimea—Sevastopol’, viCinity oF Saki and Eupatoria, Meganom, Lisiya BukHta, Karadag, Barakol Lake ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 37 – 40 ), TikHaya BukHta, Dvuyakornaya BukHta, tHe viCinity oF Prmorskiy, Jasnopoljanskoe and Lvovo villages, Arabatskaya Strelka, Mysovoe, KaZantip, Karalar steppe and many otHer loCalities in KerCH peninsula. THe very mobile olive-brown mature larvae were regularly observed From late May to mid-June, in July and early August and in OCtober Feeding singly under ligHt silken sHelter on leaves oF Limonium meyeri ( PlumbaginaCeae ). THe larvae made irregular Holes in leaves. WHen FrigHtened tHey leave tHe sHelter by moving very quiCkly baCkwards, jump down to tHe litter and Hide witHin CraCked soil or in otHer Coverings. THe pre-pupal stage lasts 1–3 days, pupation oCCurs out oF tHe Feeding plaCe in plant debris in a wHite CoCoon or Free and lasts 10–14 days. THe males were observed to emerge From “Free” pupae. THe liFe CyCle oF tHis speCies was desCribed For tHe First time by BudasHkin (2014a).

Budashkin, Y. I. (2014 a) The fourth addition to fauna and bionomy of the Crimean Lepidoptera. In: Optimization and Protection of Ecosystems. Fol. 10. TNU, Simferopol, pp. 12 - 20. [in Russian]

Nupponen, K., Bengtsson, B. A., Kaitila, J-P., Nupponen, T., Junnilainen, J. & Olschwang, V. (2000) The scythridid fauna of the southern Ural Mountains, with description of fourteen new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae). Entomologica Fennica, 11, 5 - 34.

Sinev, S. Y. (2008) Scythrididae. In: Sinev, S. Y. (Ed.), Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., St- Petersburg-Moskow, pp. 62 - 65. [in Russian]

Gallery Image

FIGURES 13 – 18. Scythris aegrella. 13 – 14. Adult, males, Crimea, Eupatoria. 15. Male genitalia (gen. slide 18 / 14, O. Bidzilya). 16. Female genitalia (gen. slide 19 / 14, O. Bidzilya). 17 – 18. VIII segment. 17. VIII tergum. 18. VIII sternum.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 37 – 40. Habitats and host plants of Scythris spp. 37. Salt marshes on Barakol Lake, East Crimea, Feodosia distr. Habitats of S. zhakovi, S. aegrella, S. acipenserella, S. sublaminella. 38. Halimione verrucifera, host-plant of S. zhakovi and S. inertella. 39. Steppe in the vicinity of Schastlivtsevo vill., Arabatskaya strelka, Kherson reg. Habitat of S. zhakovi. 40. Oleshki sands, Kherson reg. Habitat of S. psammitis, S. pudorinella and S. sp. pr. hornigi.











