
Kondo, Takumasa & Cortés, Ronald Simbaqueba, 2014, Sarucallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a new invasive aphid on San Andres island and mainland Colombia, with notes on other adventive species, Insecta Mundi 2014 (362), pp. 1-10 : 5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5179213

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Felipe (2021-08-07 07:55:23, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 20:22:07)

scientific name



( Hemiptera View in CoL View at ENA : Aleyrodidae )

One of the most recent invasive species in Colombia is the fig whitefly, Singhiella simplex ( Fig. 2F View Figure 2 ), reported from Colombia on leaves of Cuban laurel Ficus microcarpa L. f. in the city of Palmira and on the weeping fig F. benjamina L. ( Moraceae ), a common tree along the streets of Cali and Palmira, in the State of Valle del Cauca (Kondo and Evans 2012). Singhiella simplex is native to the Oriental region ( Burma, China and India) and has been introduced to Puerto Rico and the USA (Florida) ( Hodges 2007; Evans 2008; Mannion et al. 2008). It has been recorded also from Brazil, Cayman Islands, Jamaica ( Jesus et al. 2010; Velasco et al. 2011), and was observed in Israel in 2011 and first recorded in Colombia in 2012 (Kondo and Evans 2012).

Evans, G. A. 2008. The whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) of the world and their host plants and natural enemies. 703 p. http: // www. sel. barc. usda. gov: 8080 / 1 WF / World-Whitefly-Catalog. pdf (Accessed on 21 November, 2013).

Evans, G., T. Kondo, M. F. Maya Alvarez, L. M. Hoyos Carvajal, J. A. Quiroz, and M. Silva Gomez. 2012. First report of Anagyrus kamali Moursi and Gyranusoidea indica Shafee, Alam and Agarwal (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), parasitoids of the pink hibiscus mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on San Andres Island, Colombia. Revista Corpoica - Ciencia y Tecnologia Agropecuaria. 13 (2): 219 - 222.

Hodges, G. 2007. The fig whitefly Singhiella simplex (Singh) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): a new exotic whitefly found on Ficus species in south Florida. Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Available from: http: // www. freshfromflorida. com / pi / pest-alerts / singhiella-simplex. html (Accessed on 20 November 2012).

Jesus, L. F. M. De., T. D. Trindade, A. J. Ferreira Jr., F. Racca Filho, and A. F. Lima. 2010. Registro de uma especie exotica de mosca-branca-do-ficus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) e sua disseminacao no Brasil. Abstract. in: XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia. Natal R-N, Brazil.

Mannion, C., L. Osborne, A. Hunsberger, H. Mayer, and G. Hodges. 2008. Ficus whitefly: A new pest in South Florida. University of Florida, IFAS Extension Bulletin, August 2008. Available from: http: // miami-dade. ifas. ufl. edu / pdfs / urbanhort / The % 20 Fig % 20 Whitefly % 20 (AUG 2008) % 20 Fact % 20 Sheet. pdf (Accessed on 21 November 2013).

Velasco, G. D. N., R. G. Moura, E. Berti Filho, and H. T. Z. do Couto. 2011. Avaliacao da infestacao por Singhiella simplex (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em Ficus benjamina no municipio de Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil. Revista de Agricultura 86 (2): 134 - 131.

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Recent invasive species in Colombia. A. Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. B. Ceroplastes rubens Maskell. C. Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh. D. Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green). E. Harmonia axyridis (Pallas). F. Singhiella simplex (Singh). Photos taken by T. Kondo.



















