Pipiza Fallén

Evenhuis, Neal L., 2010, Type designations of Diptera (Insecta) in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, Zootaxa 2653, pp. 37-50 : 45

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Felipe (2021-08-23 06:59:08, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 11:42:12)

scientific name

Pipiza Fallén


Pipiza Fallén View in CoL View at ENA

Pipiza Fallén, 1810: 11 View in CoL . Type species: Musca noctiluca Linnaeus, 1758 , by subsequent designation (Stephens in Richardson, 1837: 387).

Originally Included species: None.

First Included Species: Pipiza atra Fallén, 1817 ; Musca noctiluca Linnaeus, 1758 (as “ P. noctiluca ”); Syrphus quadrimaculatus Panzer, 1804 (as “ P. 4- maculata ”); Pipiza campestris Fallén, 1817 ; Pipiza tibialis Fallén, 1817 ; Pipiza albifrons Fallén, 1817 ; Pipiza sabulonum Fallén, 1817 (with “ Syrphus mixtus ” Panzer, 1798 in synonymy); Pipiza strigata Fallén, 1817 (in Fallén, 1817: 58–61).

Family: Syrphidae .

Current status: Valid genus [teste Peck (1988: 85)].

Remarks: Previous catalogs (e.g., Peck, 1988: 85) have given the typification of this genus-group name as Musca noctiluca Linnaeus, 1758 by subsequent designation of Curtis (1837: pl. 669). Curtis (1837: pl. 669) was published 1 November 1837 (see Evenhuis, 1997: 166 for dating). The designation by Stephens in Richardson (1837: 387) was published before August 1837 based on a review of the part in which it appeared in Bent’s Literary Advertiser for August 1837.

Curtis, J. (1837) British entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of the insects found in Great Britain and Ireland: containing coloured figures from nature of the most rare and beautiful species, and in many instances of the plants upon which they are found. Published by the author, London. [Part 167. Pls. 666 - 669.] [1 November] [Dated from Evenhuis (1997: 166).]

Evenhuis, N. L. (1997) Litteratura Taxonomica Dipterorum (1758 - 1930) being a selected list of the books and prints of Diptera taxonomy from the beginning of Linnaean nomenclature to the end of the year 1930; containing information on the biographies, bibliographies, types, collections, and patronymic genera of the authors listed in this work; including detailed information on publication dates, original and subsequent editions, and other ancillary data concerning the publications listed herein. 2 vols. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. x + 871 pp. [10 October] [Date of mailing from publisher.]

Fallen, C. F. (1810) Specim. entomolog. novam Diptera disponendi methodum exhibens quod Conf. Ampl. Facult. Phil. Lund., publicae disquisitoni subjiciunt ... In Lyceo Carolino die IX Junii MDCCCX. Berlingianus, Lundae [= Lund]. 26 pp. [9 June]

Fallen, C. F. (1817) Syrphicae Sveciae. Quorum particulam descripta, ultimamm Venia Ampl. Fac. Philos. Lund. In Lyceo Carolino d. XXII Majii MDCCCXVII. Berlingianus, Lundae [= Lund]. Pp. 55 - 62. [22 May]

Peck, L. V. (1988) Family Syrphidae, pp. 11 - 230. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 8. Syrphidae - Conopidae. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. 363 pp. [20 September] [Dated from Evenhuis (2008).]

Richardson, C. (1837) [Lexicon]. In: Smedley, E., Rose, Hugh J. & Rose, Henry J. (eds.), Encyclopaedia metropolitana: or universal dictionary of knowledge, on an original plan: comprising the twofold advantage of a philosophical and an alphabetical arrangement. Volume XXIII. [Miscellaneous & lexicographical, Vol. 10]. B. Fellows, L. & J. Rivington; Duncan and Malcolm; Suttaby and Co.; E. Hodgson; J. Dowding; G. Lawford; J. M. Richardson; J. Bohn; T. Allman; J. Bain; S. Hodgson; F. C. Westley; L. A. Lewis; T. Hodges; H. Washbourne, London; J. H. Parker; T. Laycock, Oxford; J. and J. J. Deighton, Cambridge. 872 pp. [31 December +] [Dated from London Catalogue of Books. According to the table of contents for this volume, Richardson was responsible for the entire lexicon and within it J. F. Stephens was the author of the invertebrate zoology entries.]









