Thinobius zerchei Gildenkov, 1998

Makranczy, György, 2014, The Far Eastern species of Thinobius Kiesenwetter, 1844 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) lacking female modified genital appendage, Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (3), pp. 319-347 : 342-346

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Thinobius zerchei Gildenkov, 1998


Thinobius zerchei Gildenkov, 1998 Figs 26-29, 30, 44-47, 67, 71-72, 83

Thinobius (Platyderothinophilus) zerchei Gildenkov, 1998: 175 . – Herman, 2001: 1759.

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED: SDEI, holotype (3); “3 [on mounting card] \ Russia: Primorskiy kray; Sikhote-Alin , Biol. Stat.; 30km SE Chuguyevka; 44[°].05['] N 134[°].12['] E; 31.V.1993 650m; leg. L. Zerche \ Holotypus; Thinobius ; zerchei; M. Gildenkov 1996 \ DEI Müncheberg; Col-03055 \ Holotypus; Thinobius ; zerchei Gildenkov ; ver. Makranczy, 2012 \ Thinobius ; zerchei Gildenkov ; det. Makranczy, 2012”. – PARATYPE (1): SDEI, 1♀; “ ♀ [on mounting card] \ Russia: Primorskiy kray; Sikhote-Alin, Biol. Stat.; 30km SE Chuguyevka; 44[°].05['] N 134[°].12['] E; 01.VI.1993 650m; leg. L. Zerche \ Paratypus; Thinobius ; zerchei; M. Gildenkov 1996 \ DEI Müncheberg; Col-03056 \ Paratypus; Thinobius ; zerchei Gildenkov ; ver. Makranczy, 2012 \ Thinobius ; zerchei Gildenkov ; det. Makranczy, 2012” .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: coll. Shavrin 1♀, NHMW 13 View Materials , MHNG 131♀; RUSSIA, Приморский кр. [Primorskiy kray], Синий хр. [Siniy mountain range], 4 км В Евсеевки [4 km E Evseevka, 44°24'31"N, 132°57'22"E], 7-9.8.[19]99, [leg.] A. Шаврин [A. Shavrin]. – HNHM 13; RUSSIA, Приморский кр. [Primorskiy kray], пойма р. Пойма [floodplain of Poima River, 42°49'37"N, 131°21'46"E]; 30.07-6.08.[19]99; [leg.] A. Шаврин [A. Shavrin]. – coll. Schülke 3♀, HNHM 1♀; RUSSIA, Ussuriysky district , Suvorovka Fluss [43.6198° N, 132.5181° E], 100-150m; 02.VIII.1994; leg. B. Maier (110280), Kiesiges Ufer GoogleMaps .

FIGS 69-77

(69-70) Thinobiusyabakeinis Naomi 3; tergiteIX (69), sterniteIX (70). (71-72) T. zerchei Gildenkov 3; tergiteIX (71), sterniteIX (72). (73-77) T. injae sp. n. 3; sterniteVIII (73), tergite IX (74), sternite IX (75), aedeagus lateral (76), aedeagus frontal (77). Scale bar = 0.08 mm for 76-77, 0.1 mmfor 74-75, 0.11 mmfor 73, 0.13 mmfor 69, 0.15 mmfor 70-71, 0.18 mmfor 72.

REDESCRIPTION: Measurements (n=43) HW = 0.39 (0.375-0.405); TW = 0.40 (0.38-0.415); PW = 0.41 (0.395-0.43); SW = 0.44 (0.43-0.44); AW = 0.48 (0.46-0.50); HL = 0.33 (0.315-0.35); EL = 0.10 (0.09-0.10); TL = 0.14 (0.135-0.15); PL = 0.30 (0.29-0.31); SL = 0.52 (0.51-0.52); SC = 0.46 (0.44-0.47); FB = 1.20 (1.16-1.26); BL = 2.36 (2.19-2.44); (n= 3♀) HW = 0.35 (0.35-0.355); TW = 0.35 (0.345-0.35); PW = 0.36 (0.355-0.36); SW = 0.41 (0.40-0.41); AW = 0.46 (0.44-0.47); HL = 0.30 (0.295- 0.30); EL = 0.10 (0.095-0.10); TL = 0.11 (0.105-0.12); PL = 0.28 (0.27-0.28); SL = 0.48 (0.47-0.49); SC = 0.43 (0.41-0.44); FB = 1.10 (1.09-1.10); BL = 2.07 (1.85-2.29) mm. BODY unicoloured. Head, pronotum and abdomen blackish dark brown with reddish tint, elytra somewhat lighter, reddish dark brown, occasionally darker around scutellum. Mouthparts and antennae slightly reddish dark brown, legs reddish medium brown. All main body parts with microsculpture intermixed with fine and dense punctation, making body moderately lustrous. On forebody fine coriaceous microsculpture, larger and deeper punctures on middle of vertex and anterior middle of pronotal disc. Abdominal tergites with extremely fine, scattered, indistinct punctation. Tergite VII with posteriorly fading (isodiametric) microsculpture, more lustrous, as well as tergite VIII (partly unexposed). Pubescence on forebody depressed, very fine, medium short; on abdomen fine and medium short setae plus a row of stronger and longer setae on apices of tergites (a few similar setae occasionally also on discs of tergites). Abdominal sides and apex with a few darker, somewhat longer and stronger bristles. Strong dark bristle on outer side of supraantennal prominence at anterior border of eye and one (from a small pit) on posterior edge of vertex adjacent to temples, similar ones right behind anterior pronotal corner and a longer one on side at 3/5 length. Direction of setation posterior on vertex, postero-lateral on supraantennal prominences, anterior on sides of head; medial or antero-medial on pronotal sides and disc except hind edge and midline where anterior. Elytra and abdomen with posteriorly directed setae. Elytra and abdomen with posteriorly directed setae. Antennae, legs and mouthparts with very short, not conspicuous setation, except for the stiff, darker bristle near the middle of each tibia and ones near apices of femora. Sides of elytra with three stiffer setae (rather inconspicuous) equally distributed on side.

Head (Fig. 26) 1.35x wider than long, temples usually broadening in males (temples broader than head width at eyes), more straight in females, only slightly curved anteriorly, narrowly rounded posteriorly. Anterior part of vertex rather conspicuously impressed on both sides near inner borders of supraantennal prominences. Anterior border of neck not marked with groove, only by change of microsculpture. Frontoclypeal suture appearing as fine, often shinier groove and darker line connecting supraantennal tubercles. ANTENNAE medium long (Fig. 47), 6th antennomere (Fig. 30) appearing smaller (less wide) than adjacent ones.

Pronotum transverse, 1.48x wider than long, as wide as (male) or wider (female) than head, anterior margin almost straight, anterior corners rather narrowly rounded (but obtuse), margin with rather marked concavities proximad (within these marginal bead apparent). Sides more strongly arched in anterior half than posterior, posterior angles inconspicuous, posterior halves of sides forming almost evenly arched line with posterior margin, latter almost straight in the middle 1/5. Pronotal midline rather noticeably elevated and disc impressed on both sides, area of inconspicuous

FIGS 78-87

(78-83) Aedeagiof Thinobius species. T. paraminor sp. n. (78), T. schillhammeri sp. n. (79), T. shavrini sp. n. (80), T. ootsukai Naomi (81), T. yabakeinis Naomi (82), T. zerchei Gildenkov (83). (84-85) Femalegenitalappendages. T. shavrini sp. n. (84), T. yabakeinis Naomi (85). (86-87) Spermathecae. T. shavrini sp. n. (86), T. yabakeinis Naomi (87). Scalebar = 0.04 mm for 78, 0.06 mm for 79, 87, 0.07 mm for 81, 0.08 mm for 82, 86, 0.1 mm for 80, 83, 0.115 mm for 84-85.

posterior corners marked with a pair of slight elevations. Pronotal marginal bead visible on posterior margin and conspicuously in middle of anterior margin. Scutellum (Fig. 45) large, setose and dull. Elytra (Fig. 27) moderately long, one elytron about twice as long as broad, quite flat and parallel-sided (very little dilation posteriorly). Shoulders moderately developed. Along suture with rather broad marginal bead, but missing right behind scutellum. Sutural corners rather narrowly rounded. LEGS of medium length, tarsal lobes relatively thin but long (sometimes reaching apex of last tarsomere), tibiae slightly fusiform, appear much wider in middle than at ends.

Abdomen (Fig. 44) very weakly fusiform, sides more or less straight and parallel; widest in the middle, about as wide as elytra at broadest point. Posterior margin of tergite VII with rather thin palisade fringe.

PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SEXUAL FEATURES: Sexes appearing quite different in regular dorsal view: males with modified prolegs (Figs 28-29) and much wider temples. Posterior corners of tergite VIII (similar in both sexes) gently protruding, posterior edge otherwise straight. Male sternite VIII as in Figs 46, 67, tergite IX as in Fig. 71, sternite IX as in Fig. 72. Aedeagus as in Fig. 83.

REMARKS: As this species has a conspicuous sexual dimorphism, measurements are made separate for males and females, respectively.

DISTRIBUTION: This species is so far known from the Russian Far East, exclusively.

BIONOMICS: For one paratype "in forest litter, near river" is given as bionomical data; the other specimens are without such records on their labels.


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle














Thinobius zerchei Gildenkov, 1998

Makranczy, György 2014

Thinobius (Platyderothinophilus) zerchei

HERMAN, L. H. 2001: 1759
GILDENKOV, M. 1998: 175
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