
Butler, Percy M. & Hooker, Jerry J., 2005, New teeth of allotherian mammals from the English Bathonian, including the earliest multituberculates, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (2), pp. 185-207 : 194-195

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13618797

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scientific name



Family Kermackodontidae nov.

Type genus: Kermackodon gen. nov. by monotypy.

Diagnosis.—Second upper molar wide mesially and narrowed distally. Cusps pointed when unworn, of unequal height; cusps of each row connected by a longitudinal crest. Lingual row markedly convex, the last cusp closing the central valley distally. Seven lingual cusps, the most mesial ones smallest. Five buccal cusps, of which the last two are large, and the first three are elevations on the mesial crest of the fourth. Anterobuccal ridge possibly represented by a rounded cingular shelf. Differs from “Plagiaulacida” (except possibly Albionbaataridae of which M2 is unknown) in the more numerous, pointed cusps, joined by longitudinal crests (as opposed to blunt cusps separated by transverse grooves). Resembles most Paulchoffatiidae and differs from other “Plagiaulacida” in the pointed distal end of the tooth, curvature of the lingual row, and closure of the central valley by a distal cusp.

Referred posterior lower premolar (p4) differs from other multituberculates in being triangular in side view, the blade rising to a central peak; and falling to cingulum level at the mesial and distal ends; there are four denticulations, three close together near the peak; buccal cusp row semicircular, confined to the distal end of the tooth and in continuity with the distal end of the blade.

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