Chlamydotheca Saussure, 1858

Meisch, Claude, Smith, Robin J. & Martens, Koen, 2019, A subjective global checklist of the extant non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea), European Journal of Taxonomy 492, pp. 1-135 : 38-39

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2019.492

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scientific name

Chlamydotheca Saussure, 1858


Chlamydotheca Saussure, 1858 View in CoL

Cypris (Chlamydotheca) Saussure, 1858

Syn.: Pachycypris Claus, 1892 (fide G.W. Müller 1912)

Chlamydotheca angulata Klie, 1939 : NT

Chlamydotheca arcuata (Sars, 1901) G.W. Müller 1912 : NA, NT, OL, PA

Cypris arcuata Sars, 1901

Syn.: Eucypris (Chlamydotheca) bennelong King, 1855 (sensu Daday 1905, wrong identification) (fide Martens & Behen 1994)

* Chlamydotheca azteca Saussure, 1858 : NA, NT

Chlamydotheca barbadensis Sharpe, 1910 : NT

Syn.: Chlamydotheca hummelincki Triebel, 1961 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011)

Syn.: Chlamydotheca hummelincki dispar Triebel, 1961 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011)

Syn.: Chlamydotheca hummelincki nordestina Kotzian, 1961 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011)

Syn.: Chlamydotheca hummelincki nicoi Martens, 1994 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011)

Nom. nov. pro C. barbadensis dispar Broodbakker, 1984 nec C. hummelincki dispar Triebel, 1961

Chlamydotheca bicolor Roessler, 1986 : NT

Chlamydotheca calcarata Klie, 1930 : NT

Syn.: Chlamydotheca kleerekoperi Tressler, 1950 (fide Martens & Behen 1994)

Chlamydotheca colombiensis Roessler, 1985 : NT

Chlamydotheca dadayi Kotzian, 1974 : NT

Chlamydotheca deformis Farkas, 1958 : NT

Chlamydotheca mexicana deformis Farkas, 1958

Chlamydotheca deformis deformis Farkas, 1958

Chlamydotheca deformis cearaensis Kotzian, 1974

Chlamydotheca deformis colombiensis Roessler, 1986

Chlamydotheca elegans Roessler, 1986 : NT

Chlamydotheca flexilis (Brady, 1902) G.W. Müller 1912 : NA, NT

Cypris flexilis Brady, 1902

Chlamydotheca iheringi (Sars, 1901) Klie, 1930 : NT

Cypris iheringi Sars, 1901

Syn.: Chlamydotheca mckenziei Kotzian, 1974 (fide Martens et al. 1998) Chlamydotheca incisa ( Claus, 1892) Sharpe, 1910 : NT, PA

Pachycypris incisa Claus, 1892

Syn.: Cypris (Eucypris) limbata Wierzejski, 1893 (fide Martens & Behen 1994)

Syn.: Cypris labiata Sars, 1901 (fide Martens & Behen 1994)

Syn.: Chlamydotheca alegrensis Tressler, 1950 (fide Martens & Behen 1994)

Syn.: Chlamydotheca incisa clara Roessler, 1986 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011)

Syn.: Chlamydotheca incisa obscura Roessler, 1986 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011)

Chlamydotheca leuckarti ( Claus, 1892) Sharpe 1910 : NT

Pachycypris leuckarti Claus, 1892

Chlamydotheca leuckarti var. pallida ( Claus, 1892) G.W. Müller 1912

Pachycypris leuckarti var. pallida Claus, 1892

Chlamydotheca llanoensis Pierce, 1988 : NA

Chlamydotheca magdalenensis Roessler, 1986 : NT

Chlamydotheca manguerensis Kotzian, 1974 : NT

Chlamydotheca mayor Roessler, 1986 : NT

Chlamydotheca mexicana Sharpe, 1903 : NA

Chlamydotheca pseudobrasiliensis Martens, 1994 : NT

Nom. nov. pro Chlamydotheca braziliensis Tressler, 1950 nec C. brasiliensis (Lubbock, 1855)

Chlamydotheca riograndensis Kotzian, 1974 : NT

Chlamydotheca riograndensis riograndensis Kotzian, 1974

Chlamydotheca riograndensis trichosa Roessler, 1986

Chlamydotheca rudolphi Triebel, 1939 : NT

Chlamydotheca speciosa (Dana, 1849) Sharpe 1910 : NA, NT

Cypris speciosa Dana, 1849

Syn.: Cypris herricki Turner, 1892 (fide G.W. Müller 1912)

Chlamydotheca spectabilis (Sars, 1901) Triebel 1939 : NT

Cypris spectabilis Sars, 1901

Chlamydotheca symmetrica (Vávra, 1898) Sharpe 1910 : NT

Cypris symmetrica Vávra, 1898

Chlamydotheca texasiensis (Baird, 1862) G.W. Müller 1912 : NA, NT

Cypris texasiensis Baird, 1862

Chlamydotheca tolimensis Roessler, 1986 : NT

Chlamydotheca unispinosa (Baird, 1862) Furtos 1936a : NA, NT, PAC

Cypris unispinosa Baird, 1862

Syn.: Candonocypris serrato-marginata ( Furtos, 1936) (juvenile, fide Martens & Behen 1994)

Syn.: Eucypris serrato-marginata Furtos, 1936a (fide Furtos 1936b)

Chlamydotheca vanhoeffeni (Daday, 1911) Kliec 1939 : NT

Cypris vanhoeffeni Daday, 1911

Chlamydotheca wrighti Tressler, 1950 : NT














Chlamydotheca Saussure, 1858

Meisch, Claude, Smith, Robin J. & Martens, Koen 2019


Claus 1892

Cypris (Chlamydotheca)

Saussure 1858
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