Philodromus timidus, Szita & Logunov & O, 2008

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P., 2008, A Review Of The Histrio Group Of The Spider Genus Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae, Philodromidae) Of The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (1), pp. 23-73 : 52-53

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585274


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Philodromus timidus

sp. nov.

Philodromus timidus View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 33–35, 76, Map 10 View Maps 10–11 )

Type material: The m holotype ( ZMMU) from Kazakhstan, Almaty [=Alma-Ata] Region: Ili Distr. , c. 9 km N of Kapchagai, Karaoi Plateau, Kapchagai Canyon, left riverside of Ili River , 43°56’56.3”N, 77°03’33.8”E, c. 604 m a.s.l. GoogleMaps , A. A. Zyuzin, ZMMU – 9/11/1995. PARATYPES: KAZAKHSTAN: Almaty [=Alma-Ata] Region: Talgar Distr., S slope of Itzhon Plateau , c. 3 km NE of Kulan-Tobe station, c. 43°58’10”N, 77°17’50”E, c. 680 m a.s.l. GoogleMaps , steppe, A. A. Zyuzin, ZMMU – 28/10/1988, 1 m. Atyrau [=Gur’ev] Region: Zhylyoiskii [=Emba] Distr. , Zhem [=Emba] River valley , nr. Kul’sary , c. 46°57’40”N, 54°01’E, 8–13 m a.s.l. GoogleMaps , A. D. Sheikin, ZMMU – 1/06/1989, 1 m.

Diagnosis: Embolus thin, flat, bent at its tip. PTA small, triangular. RTA wide, triangular.

Male (the holotype and two paratypes): Prosoma is whitish, with the pattern of reddish brown and beige stripes ( Fig. 76 View Figs 67–80 ). Opisthosoma beige, with dark brown and yellowish brown pattern. Legs sandy coloured, with poorly visible longitudinal dark stripes and dark splashes around spines. Measurements (n= 3). Body length 3.25–4.25. PsL 1.45–1.8, PsW 1.35–1.78, OsL 1.8–2.45, OsW 1.15–1.4. Distances between eyes: AME 0.09–0.10, ALE 0.08, PME 0.06–0.07, PLE 0.06–0.07, AME-AME 0.10–0.11, AME-ALE 0.04–0.06, PME-PME 0.18–0.21, PME-PLE 0.11–0.15, MOA-AW 0.26–0.29, MOA-PW 0.31–0.34, MOA-L 0.32–0.34, AME-PME 0.16–0.19, ALE-PLE 0.12–0.15. Length of leg segments: FeI 2.35–3.35, PaI 0.83–0.9, TiI 2.25–3.2, MtI 2–2.9, TaI 1.25–1.65, FeII 3–4.2, PaII 0.9–1.25, TiII 3–4.25, MtII 2.65–3.75, TaII 1.5–2.05, FeIII 2–2.9, PaIII 0.65–0.9, TiIII 1.8–2.4, MtIII 1.55–2.15, TaIII 0.85–1.2, FeIV 2.35–3.3, PaIV 0.75–0.95, TiIV 2.05–3, MtIV 1.95–2.7, TaIV 0.85–1.3. Total length of legs: legI 8.68–12, legII 11.05–15.5, legIII 6.85–9.55, legIV 7.95–11.25. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–0–1–1–0 or 0–0–1–1–1; v -; rl 0–0–1–0–1. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–2ap; rl 0–0–1–0–1. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–0–1–0–1; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–0–1–0–0.

Palpus (Figs 33–35). CyL 0.67–0.73, CyW 0.31–0.34, PTiL. 0.31–0.34. Embolus medium wide basally, narrowing and curved toward its tip. The PTA sclerotised on its prolateral side, with a poorly visible triangular projection (claw) on its retrolateral view. The VTA flat and poorly sclerotised. The RTA narrow, bent and directed apically and sharply pointed in ventral view.

Female unknown.

Remarks: Compared to other species of the histrio group, P. timidus seems to possess a unique position and shape of the embolus (Figs 33, 34). The embolus is flat, narrowed and bent at its tip, with no PTA marked. The latter character relates this species to P. xinjiangensis , from which it can be separated the well-marked embolus and the slender RTA (cf. Figs 36, 37). The female of P. timidus remains unknown.

Habitat. No data. Elevations: 8–680 m a.s.l.

Distribution: A few records in Kazakhstan; for the collection localities see Map 10 View Maps 10–11 .

Etymology: The name of the species means shy, timid.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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