Philodromus ablegminus, Szita & Logunov & O, 2008

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P., 2008, A Review Of The Histrio Group Of The Spider Genus Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae, Philodromidae) Of The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (1), pp. 23-73 : 36-38

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585274

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Philodromus ablegminus

sp. nov.

Philodromus ablegminus View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 7–9, 18–19, 68, Map 2)

Type material: The m holotype ( ZMMU) from Kazakhstan, Almaty [=Alma-Ata] Region: Ili Distr. , c. 9 km N of Kapchagai, Karaoi Plateau , Kapchagai Canyon , the left bank of Ili River , 43°56’56.3”N, 77°03’33.8”E, c. 604 m a.s.l., A. A. Feodorov – 1–3/06/1995. PARATYPES: together with the holotype, ZMMU – 1 f. GoogleMaps Zhambyl [=Dzhambul, Taraz] Region: Shu [=Chu] Distr., c. 25 km SW of Shu [=Chu], the right bank of Kurgaty River , c. 0.5 km W of Aspara, c. 43°22’50”N, 73°36’30”E, c. 500 m a.s.l., A. V. Gromov, ZMMU – 24–25/03/1997, 1 f. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Embolus hidden behind membranous structures of the bulbus. PTA with a single peak directed laterad. CD wide, narrower posteriorly; its anterior part depressed longitudinally; its posterior part saddle-shaped.

Male (the holotype): Colouration and colour pattern is similar to that of females. Measurements. Body length 6.00. PsL 2.6, PsW 2.35, OsL 3.4, OsW 1.9. Distances between eyes: AME 0.09, ALE 0.08, PME 0.08, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.18, AME-ALE 0.13, PME-PME 0.35, PME-PLE 0.21, MOA-AW 0.35, MOA-PW 0.50, MOA-L 0.43, AME-PME 0.29, ALE-PLE 0.22. Length of leg segments: FeI 4.075, PaI 1.6, TiI 3.675, MtI 3.25, TaI 1.95, FeII 5.3, PaII 1.9, TiII 5.1, MtII 4.2, TaII 2.5, FeIII 3.5, PaIII 1.35, TiIII 2.75, MtIII 2.4, TaIII 1.5, FeIV 4.2, PaIV 1.3, TiIV 3.1, MtIV 2.9, TaIV 1.65. Total length of legs: legI 14.55, legII 19, legIII 11.5, legIV 13.15. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–0; v -; rl 0–1–0–1–0. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–0–0–1–0; v 2–2–0–0ap; rl 0–1–0–1–0. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–1–0–0–1; v 2–1–1–0–0; rl 1–1–0–0–1.

Palpus (Figs 7–9). CyL 1.09, CyW 0.45, PTiL. 0.61. Embolus medium wide basally, sharply narrowing distally. The ventral half of PTA poorly sclerotised, lobe-shaped, the distal edge ends up with the sharp tooth-like projection directed retrolaterad. The ST is not seen in ventral view. The length of palpal tibia is approximately twice of its width. The VTA obtuse, rod-like in ventral view. The RTA small and rounded.

Female (the paratypes): Prosoma and opisthosoma sandy coloured, with dark brown, greyish brown and reddish brown pattern ( Fig. 68 View Figs 67–80 ). Legs reddish yellow, gently dotted and with longitudinal darker stripes. Measurements (n= 2). Body length 5.9–6.6. PsL 2.3–2.4, PsW 2.15–2.25, OsL 3.5–4.3, OsW 2.2–2.5. Distances between eyes: AME 0.08–0.10, ALE 0.07–0.08, PME 0.07–0.08, PLE 0.07–0.08, AME-AME 0.14–0.15, AME-ALE 0.10–0.11, PME-PME 0.31–0.32, PME-PLE 0.18–0.20, MOA-AW 0.32–0.33, MOA-PW 0.45, MOA-L 0.39–0.41, AME-PME 0.25–0.29, ALE-PLE 0.18–0.21. Length of leg segments: FeI 3.2–3.6, PaI 1.1–1.25, TiI 2.75–3.05, MtI 2.25–2.58, TaI 1.45–1.65, FeII 4.3–4.3, PaII 1.5–1.7, TiII 3.95–4.2, MtII 3.1–3.7, TaII 1.95–1.95, FeIII 2.9–2.95, PaIII 1.1–1.15, TiIII 2.15–2.25, MtIII 1.8–2.1, TaIII 1.2–1.25, FeIV 3.35–3.9, PaIV 1.13–1.2, TiIV 2.6–3.05, MtIV 2.2–2.45, TaIV 1.2–1.3. Total length of legs: legI 10.75–12.125, legII 14.8–15.85, legIII 9.15–9.7, legIV 10.575–11.8. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–0 or 0–0–1–1–1; v -; rl -. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–0–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 0–1–0–1–0. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–1–0–0–1; v 2–1–1–0–0ap or 2–1–1–0–0ap; rl 1–1–0–0–1.

Epigyne and spermathecae ( Figs 18–19 View Figs 16–23 ). The CD wide, narrowing posteriorly. The posterior part of CD concaved as a saddle, its anterior part concaved longitudinally. Two EA well-marked, keyhole-shaped, subparallel; their anterior parts clearly visible in ventral view. The S wider anteriorly, the SO and ID relatively small, tube-like structures, situated medio-posteriorly.

Maps 2–5. Distribution of P. ablegminus (2, asteriks), P. xerophilus (2, dots), P. tuvinensis (3), P. angulobulbis (4) and P. triangulatus (5). One dot may represent more than one close localities

Remarks: This species is most similar to P. histrio and P. xerophilus . Males can be distinguished by the position of the embolus hidden under membranous structures of the bulbus (cf. Figs 7 & 4, 10) and by the shape and position of the PTA, of which tooth is directed laterad (mediad in P. xerophilus , and with two teeth in P. histrio ) (cf. Figs 8 & 5, 11). The females of P. ablegminus can be easily distinguished by the visibly wider CD (cf. Figs 18 & 16, 20 View Figs 16–23 ). The SOs of P. ablegminus are closer to each other (in the median position, as in P. histrio ) than those of P. xerophilus (in the lateral position) ( Figs 17, 19, 21 View Figs 16–23 ).

Habitat: No data. Elevations: 500–600 m a.s.l.

Distribution: A few localities in E Kazakhstan, Map 2.

Etymology: The species epithet is derived from the Latin world ‘ ablegmina ’, which is known from the mythology as the best parts of the sacrificial animal slated for gods.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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