Atopomacer hondurasensis Legalov, 2009

Legalov, A. A., 2009, New species of the genus Atopomacer Kuschel, 1989 (Coleoptera, Nemonychidae) from Honduras, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 9 (1), pp. 51-54 : 51-53

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13204470

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scientific name

Atopomacer hondurasensis Legalov

sp. nov.

Atopomacer hondurasensis Legalov , sp.n.

( figs. 1-8) Holotype. Male ( NMPC), Honduras, Cortes P.N., Cusuco , 5 km N Buenos Aires, 15’29 N, 83’13 W, 8.III.1997, C. Hansson. Type specimen is kept in the MZLU = Lund University ( Sweden: Lund).

Description. MALE: Body brown, head, pronotum and bottom more dark, with appressed light setae. Rostrum long, thin, curved, small punctate, apex often punctate, without carina, 6.25 times as long as wide, 1.04 times as shorter as pronotum, widened behind place of antennal attachment. Antennae located in apical third of rostrum. Forehead wide, convex, small and densely punctuate, with thin longitudinal carina on the middle. Eyes strongly convex. Vertex densely and small punctate. Temples short. Antennae long, reaching for the pronotum middle. Scapus and 1st segment long oval. Scapus longer than 1st segment. 2nd segment elongated, shorter than 1st segment. 3rd-4th segments weaker elongated, shorter than 2nd segment. 5th-6th segments elongated trapezoid, shorter than 4th segment. 7th segments trapezoid, wider and shorter than 6th segment. Clava weak widened, much shorter than funicle. 1st segment almost conic. 2nd segment trapezoid, shorter and narrower than 1st segment. 3rd segment tear-shaped, longer than 2nd segment, weakly pointed. Pronotum almost rectangular, 1.17 as wide as long, weakly narrowed to the basis and apex, lustrous, densely and small punctate. Greatest width on the middle. Sides almost direct. Scutellum almost rectangular, small. Elytra elongated, 1.47 times as long as wide. Humeri weakly convex. Greatest width on the middle. Intervals wide, flat, lustrous, smooth. Scutellar striole present. Striae clear, narrow. Points in striae small and thick. 9th striae not merge with 10th striae. Thorax small and densely punctate. Prothorax with prosternal process before procoxa. Precoxal part longer than postcoxal part. Metepisternum narrow. Abdomen convex, small punctate. 1st ventrite wide, wider than 2nd ventrite. 2nd-4 rd ventrite narrower. 5th ventrite wide, hardly wider than 1st ventrite, with weakly impression at apex. Legs long. Femora weakly widened. Protibiae almost straight, weakly widened to apex, with 2 spurs at apex. Meso - and metatibiae shorter, weakly curved, with spurs at apex. Tarsi long. 1st segment elongated triangular, longer than 2nd segment. 2nd segment triangular, not projecting over base of 3rd segment. 3rd segment bilobed. Clausal segment elongated. Claws with rounded swelling at base. Length of body: 3.0 mm.

Diagnosis. This new species is very similar to Atopomacer ites Kuschel, 1989 from USA but can be distinguished by the more strongly convex eyes, narrower rostrum, smaller sizes of the body (3.0 mm), narrower pronotum, aedeagus narrowed to apex and sclerotized endophallus.

Etymology. The name is formed from the name “ Honduras ” – “hondurasensis ”.

Distribution. Honduras.


National Museum Prague


Lund University













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