Paratrikona blakeae, Simões, Marianna V. P., 2017

Simões, Marianna V. P., 2017, Revision of the Greater Antilles genus Paratrikona Spaeth, 1923 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Dorynotini), Zootaxa 4238 (3), pp. 417-425 : 420

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4238.3.8

publication LSID


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scientific name

Paratrikona blakeae

sp. nov.

Paratrikona blakeae , new species

(Figs 4–6)

Type locality. Cuba.

Type material. Holotype (unsexed), pinned: ‘ Cuba [hw] | Coll. Geittner [p, cb] || Lerouxii D. | (M. Hung. d) [p, cb, bb] || M/ CR MUS . | SPAETH COLL. [w, p, cb] || ‘HOLOTYPE | Paratrikona | blakeae sp. nov. | M. Simões des. 2016 [r, p, cb]’ (MMUE). Two paratypes (unsexed), pinned: " Cayamas | Cuba, Baker [w, p, cb]" ( LSPC) .

Diagnosis. Paratrikona blakeae is readily characterized by humeral angles expanded anteriorly, surpassing mid-length of pronotum, and elytra strongly convex with angulate apex in lateral view, with disc densely and regularly punctate in longitudinal rows, intervals smooth, shiny, impunctate and distinct, wider than puncture diameter.

Description. Measurements (holotype): Body length 12.5 mm, body width 10.5 mm, body length/width ratio 1.9, pronotal length 2.9 mm, pronotal width 5.9 mm, pronotal width/length ratio: 2.03. Body elongate-triangular, regularly converging from base to apex. Integument yellow opaque, except for antennomers VI-XI and punctures of elytral disc light brown, posterior margin of pronotum and basal margin of elytra black.

Antennae with 5 basal antennomeres glabrous, 6 distal antennomeres densely setose; scape ca. 2.25 X longer than pedicel, tapered towards apex. Length ratio of antennomeres: 100:44:50:66:55:55:83:72:66:72:94. Pronotum trapezoidal, with maximum width before middle, anterior margin concave, disc coarsely rugose, lateral margins subparallel and sinuous following wider region; posterior angle truncate. Explanate pronotal margin moderately broad. Prosternum glabrous with prosternal collar projecting anteriorly with angulate anterior margin, not covering mouthparts, concave laterally, followed by deep and short depression. Prosternal process with subparallel lateral margins, angulate apex, surface with two longitudinal sulci and rugose apex. Scutellum triangular, impunctate, smooth and shiny. Elytra with basal margin serrate in emargination, denticles obtuse and swollen, strongly convex in lateral view with angulate apex; humeral angles expanded anteriorly, surpassing mid-length of pronotum, with anterior margin slightly truncate, followed by continuous concave lateral margin. Humeral angles slightly projected laterally with oblique elevation extending from humeral callus to outer corner, followed by deeply punctate depression. Disc densely, deeply and regularly punctate in longitudinal rows, intervals distinct, 2 x wider than diameter of puncture, smooth, shiny, impunctate. Marginal row of punctures distinct in entire length, interrupted once after humeral callus oblique elevation and before mid-length. Explanate elytral margin converging posterad, smooth, finely and densely punctate, shiny. Mesosternal process short c. 1.5x longer than wide, convex laterally with truncate apex.

Distribution. Cuba (Caymans).

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Chrysomelidae researcher Doris Holmes Blake (1892-1978). Entomologist specialized in the study of Chrysomelidae , and contributed extensively to broaden the knowledge of the genus Paratrikona .


Muskingum College

















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