Serjania perulacea Radlk. var. perulacea

Coulleri, Juan P., Brem, Marta C. & Ferrucci, María S., 2017, Geographic variation of Serjania perulacea (Paullinieae, Sapindaceae) and description of two new varieties, Phytotaxa 313 (1), pp. 23-42 : 35

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.313.1.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Serjania perulacea Radlk. var. perulacea


Serjania perulacea Radlk. var. perulacea View in CoL ( Fig. 6)

Robust woody vine, ochraceous pubescent, indument in vegetative and reproductive organs. Leaves imparipinnate, 2–jugate, the lower jugae 3–foliolate; leaflets chartaceous, terminal leaflet ovate, wide ovate or obovate, 3–17 × 2.4–12 cm; apex obtuse mucronate, rare retuse; base decurrent in terminal leaflet or acute in the others; margin dentate-serrate, with 5–8 inconspicuous obtuse glandular teeth.

Distribution:— Serjania perulacea var. perulacea occurs in Bolivia (department of Santa Cruz) and Brazil (States of Goiás, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso). In Bolivia this variety grows in the Cerrado and in the Chiquitano semi-deciduous forest vegetation. In Brazil it grows in the Bosque Estacional Semidecidual (Cerrado, Cerradão). Both areas are characterized by reddish soils.

Phenology:— Flowering between July and September, and fructify in October.

Representative specimens examined:— BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz: June 1847, sterile, M. F. Castelnau 103 ( P 02296815 !) ; Prov. Chiquitos: 1.2 km de Chochis, camino al Santuario , 18°08´23´´S, 60°02´20´´W, 08 August 2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 41 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; Reserva Natural de Valle de Tuca Vaca , 18°19´31´´S, 59°34´48´´W, 09 August 2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 48 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; Prov. Ñuflo de Chavez, 12 km W de San Javier, camino a San Ramón , 16°18´30´´S, 62°30´39´´W, 05/August2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 4 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; 11.6 km N de San Javier , camino a la curtiembre, 16°76´22´´S, 62°32´40´´W, 05/August 2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 11 ( CTES) ; 20 km N de San Ramón, camino a San Javier , 16°28´08´´S, 62°29´25´´W, 20/July 2003, fl, M. S. Ferrucci et al. 1874 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; Concepción, 3-4 km al sur, camino a Lomerio , 09/September 1994, fl, B. Mostacedo & S. V. Dahlberg 2381 ( CTES, USZ) ; Prov. Velasco: 67 km E de Concepción, camino a San Ignacio, 15°51´29´´S, 61°37´06´´W, 06/August 2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 20 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; 22 km N de San Rafael , 16°35´00´´S, 60°42´55´´W, 07/August 2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 25 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; 54 km N de San José de Chiquitos, camino a San Rafael , 17°20´52´´S, 60°40´15´´W, 07/August 2010, fl, J. P. Coulleri et al. 29 ( CTES, G, SI) GoogleMaps ; 34 km S de San Rafael, camino a San José de Chiquitos , 17°03´18´´S, 60°36´29´´W, 07/April 2009, sterile, M. Dematteis et al. 3581 ( CTES) GoogleMaps ; Reserva Biológica El Refugio, camino al S del campamento La Toledo pasando por bosque seco y pampa con Mauritiella , 14°43´34´´S, 61°09´33´´W, 09 October 1995, fr, P. F. Foster 313 ( CTES, MO) GoogleMaps . BRAZIL: Goiás: Municipio de Alvorada do Norte, 20 km a NE da cidade, 23/July 1971, fl, I. Gottsberger & G. Gottsberger 23-23771 ( ULM). Mato Grosso: Estação Ecologica Serra das Araras (mun. Porto Estrela), 24/ October 1995, fr, G. Hatschbach et al. 63833 ( CTES, MBM) ; Minas Gerais: in sepibus campestribus deserti ad fluv. St. Francisco , fl, C. F. P von Martius s.n. ( M 0212403 !) ; Lagoa Santa , fl, E. Warming s.n. ( BR 0000005908608 !, M 0212404 !) ; Mato Grosso: inter Barra, Corallinho et Rio Jequetay [=Rio Jequitaí], fl, J. B. E. Pohl 688 ( F 0071801 F!, NY 01546718 !) .


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