Euryphymus tuberculatus Martinezy Fernández-Castillo, 1898

Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 89

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4820.1.4

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Plazi (2020-12-29 01:46:24, last updated 2024-11-29 10:51:34)

scientific name

Euryphymus tuberculatus Martinezy Fernández-Castillo, 1898


Euryphymus tuberculatus Martinezy Fernández-Castillo, 1898

( Figs.2.B View FIGURE 2 , 3.A View FIGURE 3 , 5F View FIGURE 5 )

Euryphymus tuberculatus Martínez y Fernández-Castillo. 1898:35 ; Martínez y Fernández-Castillo. 1902:267; Uvarov. 1922:166; Johnston, 1956: 432; Dirsh, 1956:121–272, figs. 25.4–6; Dirsh. 1965: 261; Johnston, 1968:193; Johnsen. 1990:6, figs. 190–293.

Type locality. Africa, Southern Africa, Cape Province, Western Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope . Type not exmined.

Material. SOUTH AFRICA: Western Cape: Ceres (S33.3690, E19.3107) 12.iv.2004 coll. F. Ungerer— 2♂ ( USTB) GoogleMaps ; Northern Cape: Goegap NR, Klippas , stop 32 (S29.6861, E17.949) 03.x.2008 coll. P. Naskrecki and C. Bazelet— 15♂, 17♀ ( USTB) GoogleMaps ; Mpumalanga: Groblersdal (S25.1674, E29.3986) 22.ii.1977 coll. J.S. van Eeden— 1♀ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; Gauteng: Pretoria (S25.746533, E28.223951) xii.1960 — 4♀ (Transvaal Museum) GoogleMaps ; Twee Rivieren, S. Kalahari, Auob River (S26.4731, E20.5779) 11.ii.1958 coll. G. van Son— 4♀ (Transvaal Museum) GoogleMaps ; West Coast National Park -near South entrance (S33.1557, E18.1165) 11 Dec. 2007 coll. P. Naskrecki and C. Bazelet— 2 ♂ ( USTB) GoogleMaps ; Whites O.V.S. (S28.007892, E26.995098) 08.i.1972 coll. H.C. de Lange— 1♀ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; Eastern Cape: Willowmore (S33.284216, E23.492517) 05.xi.1916 coll. Dr. Brauns— 1♀ GoogleMaps (Transvaal Museum).

Distribution. Previously recorded from South Africa (Dirsh 1956; Johnsen 1990, Naskrecki 1995), Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia ( Johnsen 1990; Nasckreki 1995), Namibia and Zambia ( Naskrecki 1995).

Remarks. Genus Euryphymus was erected by Stål (1873). Of the described species of this genus, they all suit the description of this genus except for E. xanthocnemis Branc. 1897 (Dirsh 1956) . Dirsh (1956) argues that this species does not suit the descriptions of this genus and he has no doubt that it does not belong to this genus or even to the Euryphyminae subfamily but he kept it there anyway. I was not able to review the specimen in question because I could not get hold of the material. I also found a lot of diversity in the shape of the male cerci of this genus when I reviewed our field collected specimens, and a revision is necessary.

Johnsen, P. (1990) A new genus and three new species of Acridoidea with notes on some lesser known species from southern Africa (Orthoptera). Natura Jutlandica, 23 (1), 1 - 22.

Johnston, H. B. (1956) Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers. Cambridge University Press, 833 pp.

Johnston, H. B. (1968) Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers: supplement. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 427 pp.

Naskrecki, P. (1995) A review of the Euryphyminae of Namibia and Angola (Insecta: Acridoidea). Cimbebasia, 14, 71 - 83.

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FIGURE 2. Showing sampling habitats indicating different microhabitats, landscape features and aspect.

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FIGURE 3. Figure showing generic representation of various shapes of lateral view of male cerci: (A) Pachyphymus, (B) Euryphymus, (C) Aneuryphymus, (D) Rhachitopis, (E) Brachyphymus, (F) Calliptamicus, (G) Rhodesiana, (H) Amblyphymus, (I) Platacanthoides, (J) Plegmapterus, (K) Calliptamuloides, (L) Plegmapteroides, (M) Plegmapteropsis.

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FIGURE 5. Photograph of lateral view of a staged Pachyphymus cristulifer to show pronotum prozona crest-like with deep incision at first transverse sulcus.


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