Nescicroa splendida, Hennemann, 2021

Hennemann, Frank H., 2021, Stick insects of Sulawesi, Peleng and the Sula Islands, Indonesia- a review including checklists of species and descriptions of new taxa (Insecta: Phasmatodea), Zootaxa 5073 (1), pp. 1-189 : 159-162

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5073.1.1

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scientific name

Nescicroa splendida

sp. nov.

Nescicroa splendida View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 63 View FIGURE 63 )

HT, ♀: Eastern Central Sulawesi, Prov. Sulawesi Tengah , Banggai District, Luwuk , IV.2007 [ MNHU, ex coll. FH]

PT, ♂: Eastern Central Sulawesi, Prov. Sulawesi Tengah , Banggai District, Luwuk , IV.2007 [ MNHU, ex coll. FH]

PT, 3 ♀♀, 1 ♂: Eastern Central Sulawesi, Prov. Sulawesi Tengah , Banggai District, Luwuk , IV.2007 [coll. FH, No’s 0785-1 to 4]

Etymology: The name (splendidus lat. = splendid, beautiful) refers to the pretty colouration of this new species, which, for this genus, is remarkably dichromatic between the ♂ and ♀.

Differential diagnosis: In aspect of colouration, ♂♂ of this new species resemble N. smaragdula ( Bates, 1865) by having the pro and mesothorax contrasting emerald ( Fig. 63E View FIGURE 63 ). They however differ by the pale red head (emerald in smaragdula ), blackish femora and tibiae, red knees, dark brown tegmina and uniformly dark brown costal region of the alae, which has only the veins light green. Furthermore, ♂♂ of this new species lack the distinctive, rugulose sub-anterior swelling of the mesonotum seen in smaragdula and relatively longer, more slender cerci. Females resemble several of the known species of the genus but can be separated from the similar Sulawesian N. heinrichi Günther, 1935 and N. rammei Günther, 1935 by the notably stockier form and relatively much shorter mesothorax, which is less than 2x the length of the pronotum: From N. heinrichi the ♀♀ of this new species further-more and mostly differ by chromatic features such as the green head ( Fig. 63D View FIGURE 63 ), lack of black anterior and posterior marginal streaks along the tegmina and costal region of the alae, pale translucent pink anal fan of the alae (dark greyish pink in heinrichi ) and green legs which have several of the margins distinctly marked by black. From ♀♀ of N. rammei they differ by the shorter and less acuminate apex of the anal segment ( Figs. 63G–H View FIGURE 63 ), shorter and less slender cerci and longer subgenital plate, which reaches about half way along the anal segment ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ; only to base of anal segment in rammei ). Moreover, ♀♀ of N. splendida n. sp. have the legs, tegmina and costal region of the alae basically green, whereas these body parts are contrasting blackish in rammei .

Description: ♀ ( Figs. 63A–B View FIGURE 63 ). Of average size (body length 56.0– 58.5 mm) and rather stocky for the genus with very long alae (40.0– 41.5 mm) that cover almost the complete abdomen and a short mesothorax that is only 2x the length of the prothorax. General colour green, the legs with most of the lateral and dorsal surfaces black in the apical portion; the ventral surface of all femora entirely black. Head with a yellow postocular streak on genae ( Fig. 63D View FIGURE 63 ). The lateral margins of pro- and mesonotum distinctly black and lateral portions with a washed pinkish streak; also anterior portion of mesopleurae black. Tegmina with the basal portion posterior to the radial vein black, the radial vein itself marked by a broad yellow streak that is to the anterior bordered by a narrow ochre line ( Fig. 63D View FIGURE 63 ). Costal region of alae green with the apical tip black, the radial vein marked by a broad pale yellow longitudinal stripe, which is to the anterior bordered by a more narrow and arther faint ochre stripe; anal fan translucent pink with the outer margin grey. Eyes brown. Antennae buff with the ventral surface black to dark brown.

Head ( Fig. 63D View FIGURE 63 ): Globose, slightly compressed dorsoventrally, as wide as long, broadest just behind the eyes and entirely smooth. Frons with a pair of shallow diagonal impressions between bases of antennae, and between eyes with two slightly swollen, oval areas. No ocelli. Vertex weakly rounded. Eyes large, slightly oval, projecting almost hemispherically and their length contained 1.5x in that of genae. Antennae reaching to abdominal segment VI. Scapus compressed dorsoventrally, rectangular in dorsal aspect and just slightly longer thgan wide; pedicellus round in cross-section, globose and a little shorter than scapus. Antennomere III narrowing towards apex and about as long as pedicellus.

Thorax: Pronotum slightly shorter and notably narrower than head, 1.3x longer than wide and basically rectangular in shape with the lateral margins roughly parallel; surface smooth. Transverse median sulcus distinctly impressed, somewhat displaced towards the anterior, almost straight and expanding over entire width of segment ( Fig. 63D View FIGURE 63 ). A pit near both anterolateral angles and the median line slightly impressed. Mesothorax 2x longer than prothorax and slightly gardually widening towards the posterior. Mesonotum with a transverse bulge at anterior margin and an obtuse medio-longitudinal carina, surface unevenly granulose with the granulae gradually vanishing towards the posterior ( Fig. 63D View FIGURE 63 ). A fine but uneven longitudinal close and parallel to lateral margins, which has several impressions in the anterior half. Mesopleurae with a similarly structured marginal longitudinal ridge in the lower portion; surface otherwise very sparingly set with small, scattered granules. Mesosternum smooth but with a fairly low and obtuse longitudinal median keel. Metapleurae and metasternum smooth. Tegmina scale shaped with the apical margin almost straight, diagonal and roundly angular; the central hump moderately developed and obtusely conical. Alae almost reaching to tip of abdomen.

Abdomen: Medain segment considerably longer than metanotum. Segment II slightly shorter than median segment, rectangular and just slightly longer than wide. Segments II–VI roughly equal in length but III–IV slightly widening and V–VII slightly narrowing; VII notably shorter than preceding. IV widest segment and wider than long. Sterna II–VII each with an obtuse longitudinal carina parallel to lateral margins. Preopercular organ formed by a very small node-like posteromedian swelling on sternum VII ( Fig. 63H View FIGURE 63 ). Tergum VIII rectangular and indistinctly shorter than VII, IX transverse and widening towards posterior. Anal segment tectinate longitudinally, trapezoidal in dorsal aspect and strongly narrowing towards the apex, which is angular and very weakly indented medially ( Fig. 63G View FIGURE 63 ); lateral margins strongly concavely emarginated at base of cerci ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ). Epiproct minute and fully hidden under elongated apex of anal segment. Cerci long, slender, round in cross-section and slightly projecting over tip of anal segment. Subgenital plate broad, bulgy longitudinally and reaching about half way along anal segment; apex narrowed acuminate and very slightly up-curving ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ).

Legs: All as typical for the genus, rather short, weakly carinate und entirely unarmed. Profemora weakly curved and compressed basally and somewhat longer than pro- and mesothorax combined. Mesofemora longer than mesothorax and metafemora almost reaching to posterior margin of abdominal segment IV. Medioventral carina of femora obtuse. Basitarsi slender and somewhat longer than following two tarsomeres combined..

♂ ( Fig. 63C View FIGURE 63 ). Of average size (body length 41.5–42.3 mm) and moderately stocky for the genus with an anteriorly swollen and short mesothorax that is only 2.2x longer than the prothorax, and long alae (27.0–28.0 mm) that reach as far as to abdominal segment IX. Colouration complex and very different from that of ♀♀. Pro- and mesothorax dark emerald, the head, metathorax, meso- and metacoxae, apex of all femora and tibiae as well as all tarsi dark orange. Head with the frons more intensely orange than remaining parts (fig. 63E). Abdomen yellowish orange to ochre (may be more intensely orange in the life insects). Tegmina black with the main veins dark yellow and the radial vein marked by a broad cream stripe. Costal region of alae black with the main veins dark yellow to light green and the radial vein green; the anal fan translucent greyish pink. Legs mostly black to dark brown. Eyes dark brown. Antennae greyish brown dorsally and blackish brown ventrally.

Head ( Fig. 63E View FIGURE 63 ): Shape generally as in ♀♀ but slightly wider than long; the two swollen areas between the eyes more pronounced and the coronal line more distinct. Eyes much larger than in ♀♀, projecting more than hemi-spherically and their length almost equal to that of genae. Antennae as in ♀♀ but slightly longer than body.

Thorax: Pronotum basically as in ♀♀. Mesothorax 2.2x longer than prothorax, slightly swollen anteriorly ( Fig. 63E View FIGURE 63 ) and somewhat widened posteriorly with the median portion rather constricted in dorsal aspect. Mesonotum with anterior portion slightly gibbose, the medio-longitudinal carina obtuse and the entire surface unevenly granulose with the granules gradually less pronounced towards the posterior; anterior margin with an obtuse transverse bulge. The lateral surfaces with a blunt longitudinal ridge parallel to lateral margins. Mesopleurae like in ♀♀, the mesosternum granulose. Metapleuare and metasternum smooth, the latter with a pair of distinct pits posteromedially. Tegmina shaped like in ♀♀, the alae projecting over posterior margin of abdominal tergum VIII.

Abdomen: Segments II–VI uniform in width, II as long as VI and III–V slightly longer; VI about 2.1x longer than wide. VII trapezoidal in dorsal aspect and gradually widening towards posterior, about ¾ the length of VI. Sterna II–VII smooth. Tergum VIII much shorter than all previous segments, broadest segment and 1.7x wider than long. IX abrubtly narrower than VIII but equal in length, weakly narrowed towards the posterior with the lateral margins somewhat deflexed and down-curving posteriorly; about 1.4x wider than long. Anal segment narowing towards posterior, weakly tectinate and the posterior margin with a distinct, almost semi-circular excavation ( Fig. 63J View FIGURE 63 ); the posterolateral angles protruded and obtusely rounded. Epiproct small, transverse, widely rounded and just slightly projecting over posterior margin of anal segment. Vomer with a small but broad and almost semi-circular base, the terminal hook long, slender, almost straight and acutely pointed; hook almost equal in length to basal portion ( Fig. 63K View FIGURE 63 ). Cerci slender, round in cross-section with apex distinctly swollen and club-shaped; projecting beyond tip of abdomen by about half the length of anal segment. Poculum small, roundly cup-shaped with the posterior margin somewhat acuminate and very slightly projecting beyond posterior margin of tergum IX.

Legs: Generally as in ♀♀ but relatively longer and more slender and even less distinctly carinate. Profemora slightly longer than hea, pro- and mesothorax combined, mesofemora as long as combined length of pro- and mesothorax, metafemora reaching about half way along abdominal segment V and metatibiae reaching to tip of abdomen. Basitarsi about as long as following three tarsomeres combined.

Comments: Egg unknown.

Distribution: Eastern Central Sulawesi, Prov. Sulawesi Tengah, Banggai District (Luwuk).




Fort Hays















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