Erythrina falcata Bentham (1859: 172)

Rauber, Cristiane Ritter, Lima, Laura Cristina Pires, Caxambu, Marcelo Galeazzi & Temponi, Lívia Godinho, 2021, Synopsis of Leguminosae from Iguaçu National Park, Paraná, Brazil, Phytotaxa 501 (2), pp. 245-280 : 259

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.501.2.2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Marcus (2021-08-31 06:55:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 08:24:04)

scientific name

Erythrina falcata Bentham (1859: 172)


25. Erythrina falcata Bentham (1859: 172) View in CoL . ( Fig. 4G View FIGURE 4 – Fig. 5E and F View FIGURE 5 )

Distribution: It occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru (Krukoff 1938); in Brazil it occurs in the states of the South, Southeast and Central-west regions and in Maranhão in the Northeast region ( Flora do Brasil 2020). In ParNa Iguaçu it occurs in the Foz do Iguaçu area.

Reproductive period: According to Lozano & Zapater (2010) it flowers from August to December, fruits from October to January. In ParNa Iguaçu it was collected in flower in the months of September and October.

Diagnostic characteristics: Trees of large size with 3-foliolate leaves generally caducous during flowering, glandular stipules at the base of the leaflets and orangish petals ( Lozano & Zapater 2010).

Conservation: Native-NE.

Selected examined material: BRAZIL. Paraná: Area 3, Foz do Iguaçu , 13 September 2019, (bt.), E.L. Siqueira et al. 3275 ( HCF) .

Flora do Brasil (2020) under construction. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // floradobrasil. jbrj. gov. br / (accessed 10 August 2019)

Lozano, E. C. & Zapater, M. A. (2010) El Genero Erythrina (Leguminosae) en Argentina. Darwiniana 48: 179 - 200.

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FIGURE 4. A: Dalbergia frutescens, branches with fruit; B and C: Desmodium affine: B: inflorescence; C: fruit; D, E and F: Desmodium incanum: D: branch with inflorescence; E: stipule; F: flower; G: Erythrina falcata, inflorescence; H: Gleditsia amorphoides, thorns; I: Inga marginata, branch with inflorescence; J: Inga striata, branch with inflorescence; K: Inga vera, branch with inflorescence; L: Lonchocarpus cultratus, branch with inflorescence. (Rauber CR 2018)

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FIGURE 5. A: Dalbergia frutescens, branch with fruit; B: Desmodium adscendens, branch with fruit; C: Desmodium uncinatum, branch with fruit; D: Enterolobium contortisiliquum, branch with fruit; E and F: Erythrina falcata: E: branch; F: glandular stipules; G: Holocalyx balansae, fruit; H: Indigofera suffruticosa, branch with fruit; I: Inga marginata, branch with inflorescence; J: Machaerium nyctitans, stem with prickles.


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná











