Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973

Barroso, Aylin Alegre & Pérez-González, Abel, 2024, Two new species of Caribbiantes, with the redescription of the type species and a review of male genital patterns in Antillean Stenostygninae (Opiliones: Laniatores: Biantidae), Zootaxa 5514 (5), pp. 401-430 : 404-411

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.5.1

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scientific name

Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973


Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973 View in CoL

( Figs. 1–5 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 )

Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973: 135 View in CoL , figs. 51–58; Kury 2003: 35.

Type series. Holotype ♂ (α) ( MCZ IZ-14702 ) (examined); paratypes: 1 ♀ ( MCZ IZ-38833 ) (examined) and 1 ♂ (not examined; see remarks). Cuba, Cienfuegos Province, Soledad (currently Pepito Tey ), 1–2.vii.1936, Darlington coll.

Remarks. The holotype (MCZ IZ-14702), like other specimens in the Šilhavý collection, presents some deterioration. For this reason, we preferred to use freshly preserved specimens from the type locality to mount and describe the male genitalia, the male metatarsus III, and the general coloration (structures of both penis and metatarsus III can be distorted due to poor preservation, which may lead to misinterpretations). The second male specimen (a paratype) with the same data as the holotype, mentioned in the original description, was not found in the collection.

Other material examined. CUBA, Cienfuegos Province: Soledad (currently Pepito Tey), 12.viii.1931, Waxley coll., 1 ♂ (MCZ IZ-42669); Soledad Botanical Garden (currently Pepito Tey) (22º08 '00''N; 80º20'00''W), under stones, near the Rocayal forest, 6.v.2008, René Barba coll., 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (CZACC 3.3379), 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.3266), 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.3380); Villa Clara Province: Cuabales de Cubanacán, (22º23’00’’N; 79º55’00’’W), under stones, 1.iv.2006, T. M. Rodríguez coll., 2 ♀, 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.4385) (new record); Central University of Villa Clara, Botanical Garden, (22º26’05’’N; 79º54’28’’W), under stones 15.iv.2006, T. M. Rodríguez coll., 3 ♀ (CZACC 3.4388) (new record); Monte Corralillo, (22º59 '00''N; 80º35'15''W), inside a decaying palm, 16.vii.2000, L. M. Díaz coll., 10 ♀ (CZACC 3.4386, 3 ♂ (CZACC 3.4387) (new record); Sancti Spíritus Province: Finca Maisinicú, Trinidad (21º48’27.9”N; 80º00’46.5”W), under stones, 22.v.1985, L. F. de Armas coll., 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.3381), 1 ♀ (CZACC 3.3382) (new record); same loc., 3.x.2001, A. Lozada & A. Ávila coll., 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.4371); Loma del Heliógrafo, Arroyo Blanco, Jatibonico, (22º00'56''N; 79º05'06''W), under stones, 80 m a.s.l., 25.ii.2008, L. F. de Armas coll., 1 ♀ (CZACC 3.3383) (new record); Cueva del Guano, Punta Judas, Yaguajay, (22º23’25’’N; 78º59’15’’W), 23.i.1986, L. F. de Armas coll., 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.4389) (new record); Javira, Topes de Collantes, (21º51’ 51.3’’N; 80º00’51.8’’W), under bark, 27.ix.2001, R. Barba coll., 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.4390) (new record); Cueva del Neocnus, Rosa de Cancio, Cabaigüán, (22º12’43’’; 79º20’44’’), under stones, 31.iii.2007, J. M. Ramos coll., 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.4391), (new record); Río Caballero, Topes de Collantes, (21º52’31.6’’N; 79º59’20.9’’W), litter, 7.v.2002, I. Martínez coll., 1 ♂ (CZACC 3.4392) (new record); Manacal, Trinidad, (21º54’00’’N; 79º44’00’’W), under stones, x.1985, L. F. de Armas coll., 2 ♀ (3.4393), 3 ♂, 1 juvenile (CZACC 3.4394), (new record); Cueva del Pirata, Cayo Caguanes, (22º23’16’’N; 79º07’29’’W), under stones, under skylight, 26.ii.2006, T. M. Rodríguez coll., 1 ♀ and 5 juveniles (CZACC 3.4395) (new record); 6 km of South of Yaguajay, (22º19’38’’N; 79º14’16’’W), v.1973, L. F. de Armas coll., 1 ♀ (CZACC 3.4396), (new record); Las Cuevas, surroundings of Trinidad, (21º48’24.5’’N; 79º58’19.16’’W), under stones, 14.xii.1974, L. F. de Armas coll., 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (CZACC 3.4397), (new record); Monumento a Alberto Delgado, (21º48’27.9’’N; 80º00’46.5’’W), under stones,, R. Barba coll., 1 ♀ (CZACC 3.4398), (new record).

Emended diagnosis. Caribbiantes cubanus is clearly distinguished from the rest of the species of the genus by its shorter legs. Areas III–IV and free tergite III with a pair of acute spiniform apophyses, all with almost the same size ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Males with metatarsus III enlarged ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ), bearing 10–15 long brush-like setae ( Figs. 3B, D View FIGURE 3 ). Tarsal formula: 7:10–12:7:7. This species is also recognized by the penis morphology, with a unique combination of the following character states: capsula interna composed of a laterally wide and flattened stylus, with a pointed end, but parallel sides that narrow only in the most apical portion (seen in lateral view, Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ), and two basally fused conductors, medially thin and apically with expanded and laminar free ends, in the form of "laminated mushroom", which are projected ventrally ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ).

Redescription of the male holotype ( MCZ IZ-14702 ) (microstructures observed by compound microscope and S.E.M. correspond to males CZACC 3.4372 View Materials and CZACC3.3266 View Materials ) .

Measurements: Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Dorsum ( Figs. 1 A–D View FIGURE 1 ): Dorsal scutum almost rectangular; in lateral view, the region of the mesotergal areas is markedly raised, with the highest point at the level of area III ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Anterior margin of the dorsal scutum with shallow cheliceral sockets; 7–8 small granules on each side, very close to each other and located almost on the corner of the carapace ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Carapace in lateral view with the median region high and entirely covered by fine granules, which are more visible in front of each eye ( Fig. 1A, B View FIGURE 1 ). Eye mounds near groove I, laterally projected and roughly covered with granules ( Fig. 1A, B View FIGURE 1 ). Lateral margins of the dorsal scutum with two rows of tubercles, the most external larger and increasing slightly in size posteriorly. Four well-defined and densely granulated mesotergal areas. Area I constricted in middle and divided into two triangular halves by a wide, deep, though very short median groove ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Areas III–IV with a pair of strong paramedian spiniform apophyses, those in area IV slightly smaller ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Posterior margin (=area V) with two rows of tubercles, the posterior one more evident. Free tergites I–II with a row of tubercles. Free tergite III with a pair of paramedian strong divergent spiniform apophyses, slightly bigger than those in area III ( Figs. 1A, B View FIGURE 1 ). Anal operculum granulated ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ).

Venter: Coxae covered by small setiferous granules. Coxa I with an anterior row of small setiferous tubercles. Coxae III–IV with an anterior row of small bridges with the posterior part of the preceding coxa. Free sternites with a row of small granules. Genital operculum short and narrow.

Chelicerae: Basichelicerite with robust and well-marked bulla. Hand enlarged, hypertelic, with a few setiferous granules, longer setae towards the distal end ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Fixed finger distally with seven small teeth; movable finger with a basal, robust, and blunt tooth, followed by a smooth gap, then followed by a small serrate curvature of the margin and distally eight small teeth. Cheliceral fingers curved, leaving a basal gap when closed.

Pedipalps: Elongated, with large spines concentrated on tibia and tarsus. Coxa elongated, dorsally with a mesoproximal tubercle and an ectoproximal one, slightly bigger; ventrally, a group of five proximal granules and ectally a distal tubercle. Trochanter dorsally with a very small distal tubercle; ventrally, with a proximal tubercle and a smaller distal one. Femur with eight very small dorsal setiferous granules and seven small ventral setiferous granules, the distal ones smaller in size ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Patella dilated on the distal third, covered dorsally with scarce granules, and ventrally with one strong mesodistal spine ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Tibia and tarsus dorsally granulated ( Figs. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ), both segments ventrally armed with strong spines as follows: tibia ectal IIIi ((1<2<3)>4)), tibia mesal IIII (1=2=3=4); tarsus ectal IiIi ((1>3)>(2>4)), tarsus mesal iIIi ((1>4)<(2>3)). The ectodistal tibial spine emerges very close to the subdistal one, giving the appearance of both being fused at their bases ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). The bases of the tibial mesal spines are equidistant, leaving gaps of the same size ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Tarsal claw powerful, almost as long as the tarsus ( Figs. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ).

Legs: Mostly unarmed, almost smooth, only covered by fine setiferous granules. Coxa IV dorsolaterally with small sharp tubercles. Patella IV with a small dorsomedial distal projection. Metatarsus III swollen about its third (subdistal) and fourth (distal) quarter, spindle shaped ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ). Ventral surface of the swollen region with a deep and narrow groove, buttonhole-shaped, bearing 15 setae ( Figs. 3B, C View FIGURE 3 ); setal shafts basally striated and twisted, distally enlarged in the shape of long paint brushes (lanceolate shape) ( Figs. 3D, E View FIGURE 3 ). Setae arranged longitudinally in two parallel alternating rows ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ); numerous pores (glandular openings) scattered around the bases of the setae ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ); tegument adjacent to the setae wrinkled with shallow grooves between the pores and setae ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ). Two tarsal claws, smooth and perpendicular to the leg axis ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Tarsi III and IV with scopula, distitarsus IV with two ventral regions on which the spatulate hairs of the scopula are inserted ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Tarsal formula: 7(3):12–13(4):7:7.

Penis ( Figs. 5A–I View FIGURE 5 ) (CZACC3.3266: SEM; CZACC 3.3379: optical microscope): Pars distalis gradually enlarged on the apical half ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ). Glans with a large stragulum that articulates dorsodistally on the truncus like a jackknife ( Figs. 5B, E, G, H View FIGURE 5 ). Stragulum apically wide in dorsal view and showing a narrow and shallow cleft, thin apical ledges, as well as numerous wrinkles where it articulates with the truncus ( Figs. 5A, G, H View FIGURE 5 ). When everted, the stragulum exposes a ventral extension in the form of a spiny follis and capsula interna ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Capsula interna with a lateroapically flat and wide stylus, parallel-sided but with pointed end (lanceolate shape), and two conductors fused at the base ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ); apical portion of the conductors widened in the form of a dilated and free laminar lobe, ventrally projected, shaped like a "laminate mushroom" ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Stylus exceeds the length of the conductors ( Fig. 5B, E View FIGURE 5 ). Pars distalis with a ventral apical process in the form of a short hook with a wide base, having two pairs of apical setae and three pairs of ventrolateral setae ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ); setae of the apical pair are tiny and bifurcated, the subapical ones are longer ( Figs. 5D, F, I View FIGURE 5 ); ventrolateral setae longer than the subapical ones, narrow-foliar shaped and arranged in two oblique rows ( Figs. 5F, H, I View FIGURE 5 ).

Coloration (in 70% ethanol, Figs. 1C, D View FIGURE 1 , based on male CZACC 3.3380): Carapace reddish-yellow with distal and lateral areas reticulated in brown; anterior margin with a brown mark that delineates the cheliceral sockets; lateral margins with irregular brown markings. Mesotergal areas brown, spiniform apophyses of areas III–IV with lighter tips. Grooves of the mesotergal areas and surrounding area lighter brown. Area V and free tergites brown with some lighter round spots; rows of tubercles yellow-tipped, apophyses of free tergite III brown with yellow tips. Cheliceral hand yellow, fingers reddish-yellow. Pedipalps whitish-yellow, distal portion of femur and proximal portion of patella brown with reticulated marks. Legs generally brown, with lighter bands in which there are mottled yellow spots. Venter reddish-yellow. Free sternites brown.

Female paratype (MCZ IZ-38833). Overall habitus similar to the male, differing in mesotergal areas less granulated and metatarsus III not enlarged; unlike α males, cheliceral hands are not hypertelic; cheliceral fingers do not leave a gap between them, and the fixed finger lacks any basal tubercle. Legs III–IV with femur, patella and tibia slightly slimmer than in males. Color pattern as in males, but a little paler. Tarsal formula: 7(3):11/12(4):7:7. Measurements: Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Variability. Males (n=18); females (n=25). Measurements in a subsample of selected specimens: Table 1 View TABLE 1 . Chelicerae: fixed finger with 6 to 7 distal teeth; distal teeth on movable finger may vary from 6 to 8. Metatarsus III in males: the number of setae in the ventral groove of the swollen sector vary from 10 to 15. Tarsal formula: number of segments in leg II varies from 10 to 13. Hypertelic chelicerae observed in nine out of 18 males (α males— including the holotype), the remaining nine males have small chelicerae (ss males).

Distribution. Known only from the Cuban provinces Cienfuegos, Sancti Spíritus and Villa Clara ( Fig.12 View FIGURE 12 ).

Natural history. The specimens were mainly collected under stones. In some localities of the Natural Protected Landscape of Topes de Collantes, a mountainous zone in the Sancti Spíritus province, individuals of Caribbiantes cubanus were found to share habitat with Piratrinus calcaratus Šilhavý, 1973 ( Agoristenidae ), Galibrotus carlotanus Šilhavý, 1973 ( Biantidae ) and Caribbiantes obtusus sp. nov.. They have been sampled inside caves, in evergreen and rain forests, as well as in a type of vegetation found in the cone karst (known as “vegetación de mogote” in Spanish), in serpentinite xeromorphic thorny shrub (known as “cuabal” in Spanish), and in secondary vegetation.


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology


Museum of Comparative Zoology














Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973

Barroso, Aylin Alegre & Pérez-González, Abel 2024

Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973: 135

Silhavy, V. 1973: 135
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