Caribbiantes Šilhavý, 1973

Barroso, Aylin Alegre & Pérez-González, Abel, 2024, Two new species of Caribbiantes, with the redescription of the type species and a review of male genital patterns in Antillean Stenostygninae (Opiliones: Laniatores: Biantidae), Zootaxa 5514 (5), pp. 401-430 : 403-404

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.5.1

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Caribbiantes Šilhavý, 1973


Genus Caribbiantes Šilhavý, 1973 View in CoL

Caribbiantes Šilhavý 1973: 135 View in CoL ; Kury 2003: 35.

Type species. Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973 View in CoL , by original designation.

Included species. Caribbiantes cubanus Šilhavý, 1973 View in CoL ; Caribbiantes barbai sp. nov.; Caribbiantes obtusus sp. nov.

Emended diagnosis. Caribbiantes View in CoL is differentiated from the rest of the Stenostygninae View in CoL genera by having the following combination of characters: dorsal scutum sub-rectangular, strong spiniform apophyses on mesotergal areas III and IV of almost equal size, and free tergite III with a pair of robust spiniform apophyses or a pair of tubercles ( Figs. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 6C View FIGURE 6 , 9C View FIGURE 9 ). Tibia of the pedipalps with the ventro-mesal spines equidistant ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Chelicera strongly swollen (chelicera hand hypertelic) in α males, whereas β males exhibit small chelicera as in females; no intermediate sizes (grade) where observed between hypertelic and small chelicerae ( Figs. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 6C View FIGURE 6 , 9C View FIGURE 9 ). Metatarsus III of “samooidean type ”, i.e. with a long intrusion of the astragalus by the calcaneus on the ventral surface ( Pérez-González et al. 2016). Male sexually dimorphic metatarsus III with a subdistal enlargement, located mainly between the third and fourth distal quarter of the segment; the enlargement has a deep and narrow buttonhole-shaped ventral groove, which bears conspicuous, striated brush-like setae, twisted and distally enlarged in the shape of a long paint brush; the brush-like setae are longitudinally arranged in two alternate rows ( Figs. 3B View FIGURE 3 , 7B View FIGURE 7 , 10B View FIGURE 10 ). Tarsal count: 6–7:10–15:7–8:7–8. General shape of the penis tubular with pars distalis slightly enlarged ( Figs. 5C View FIGURE 5 , 8C View FIGURE 8 , 11C View FIGURE 11 ). Capsula interna composed of a laterally flattened lance-shaped (narrow-leaf) stylus and two basally fused conductors, medially thin and apically widened in laminar ends with the form of lobes or truncate, ventrally projected ( Figs. 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8E View FIGURE 8 , 11E View FIGURE 11 ). Stylus slightly larger than conductors ( Figs. 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8E View FIGURE 8 , 11E View FIGURE 11 ). Pars distalis ventrally with apical process in the form of a low hook with a broad base, or with a rounded tip and two pairs of apical setae: setae of the apical pair small and bifurcate; the three pairs of ventrolateral setae longer and foliar ( Figs. 5D, F View FIGURE 5 , 8D, F View FIGURE 8 , 11D, F View FIGURE 11 ).

Comparisons. Caribbiantes View in CoL is easily differentiated from the rest of the stenostygnine genera. Differences from Stenostygnus View in CoL include the following: Caribbiantes View in CoL has mesotergal areas and free tergites armed (only with granules or tubercles in Stenostygnus View in CoL ); area I is divided by a median longitudinal groove in Caribbiantes View in CoL (undivided in Stenostygnus View in CoL ) (cf. Figs. 1A, C View FIGURE 1 , 6A, B View FIGURE 6 , 9A, B View FIGURE 9 , and Mamani et al. 2021, figs. 2A, E, 8A, E); and male sexually dimorphic traits of swollen chelicerae and enlarged metatarsus III are not observed in Stenostygnus View in CoL (cf., Figs. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 3A View FIGURE 3 , 6C View FIGURE 6 , 7A View FIGURE 7 , 9C View FIGURE 9 , 10A View FIGURE 10 and Mamani et al. 2021, figs. 6C, 12C, E). Furthermore, Caribbiantes View in CoL has pars distalis swollen and convex, versus a pars distalis swollen but ending in a lamina apicalis medially divided in Stenostygnus View in CoL (cf. Figs. 5C, G View FIGURE 5 , 8C, G View FIGURE 8 , 11C, G View FIGURE 11 and Mamani et al. 2021, figs. 5A, 11A; Pinto-da-Rocha 1995, fig. 5); capsula externa is modified into a rigid stragulum, that does not fully invert its position when the penis is everted, versus two titillators with apical borders dorsally projected in Stenostygnus View in CoL (cf. Figs. 5G, H View FIGURE 5 , 8G, I View FIGURE 8 , 11G, I View FIGURE 11 , and Mamani et al. 2021, figs. 5A, 11A; Pinto-da-Rocha 1995, fig. 5). Caribbiantes View in CoL can be distinguished from Bidoma Šilhavý, 1973 View in CoL by the presence of a longitudinal median groove in area I (versus area I undivided in Bidoma View in CoL ) (cf. Figs. 1A View FIGURE 1 , 6A View FIGURE 6 , 9A View FIGURE 9 and 14G View FIGURE 14 ). It also differs from Bidoma View in CoL and Negreaella Avram, 1977 View in CoL , by the absence of a tubercle on the eye mounds next to one opposite tubercle located on the anterior margin of area I. In addition, Negreaella View in CoL and Manahunca View in CoL are distinguishable from Caribbiantes View in CoL by the absence of a strong armature on mesotergal areas; they only bear some granules or tubercles, respectively ( Figs. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 6C View FIGURE 6 , 9C View FIGURE 9 ; 14D, B View FIGURE 14 ). Caribbiantes View in CoL presents two pairs of spiniform apophyses with almost the same length on area III and IV, unlike Galibrotus Šilhavý, 1973 View in CoL , Decuella Avram, 1977 View in CoL , and Heterolacurbs Roewer, 1912 View in CoL , which have small tubercles on area III and a pair of strong spiniform apophyses on area IV; differentially, Heterolacurbs View in CoL possesses a single spiniform apophysis in free tergite III ( Figs. 1A View FIGURE 1 , 6A View FIGURE 6 , 9A View FIGURE 9 ; 14E, F, C View FIGURE 14 ).

Distribution. Central and Eastern Cuba.












Caribbiantes Šilhavý, 1973

Barroso, Aylin Alegre & Pérez-González, Abel 2024

Caribbiantes Šilhavý 1973: 135

Silhavy, V. 1973: 135
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